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Everything posted by Mirdthestrill

  1. So, I've spend most of the last month or two working on a commission (which I do take, by the way, check my DeviantArt for more details), but over Thanksgiving break, I did another painting of Kiarn. This scene won't be for a little while in She Who Battles Monsters, but I'll get there eventually. Here she is, my Sith Assassin sneaking into Zash's office. http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/334/5/5/they_ll_never_see_me_coming_by_ashfiremage-d88a7zj.jpg
  2. Not much exciting happening today, sorry. But I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it, and good luck studying for finals to all of my student buddies! Part 46: At the Foot of the Colossus
  3. @Charmedseed- For me, at least, it's because Corso reminds me of a couple of boys I went to high school with (one in particular) in the best possible way. So, here we go, I just managed to accidentally refresh the page while commenting. So, those who follow me on tumblr will know that I've come to a realization lately that the way I set up the trials on Korriban in She Who Battles Monsters leaves a rather gaping hole as to how Vette ended up in Karanni's possession. This is my attempt to remedy the problem, as well as showcase a major turning point in Karanni's life. Title/prompt: Turning Point Characters: Karanni Lo'rue, Darth Baras, Quillan Lo'ure Length: 1,000 words Spoilers: vague ones for Sith Warrior Korriban and the Korriban arc of She Who Battles Monsters Notes:
  4. Thanks, Darth_Reaver, I love doing this project (most of the time, anyway), and it always makes me happy to hear that other people like reading it. So, this was actually ready on Saturday, but I forgot to put it up until this afternoon when I decided to look something up on the latest installment and realized that it wasn't there. So, here you go, and sorry about that. Part 45: Ristor
  5. @Charmedseed- *hugs* I remember that fight for me too, though it's not all that long ago in my case. Comments: For today's story, I though about the phrase "my first _", and then about what stories I had hanging out there... this is what I came up with. Title: Clearing the Air Prompt: My First Characters: Jessasi Silver (smuggler), Corso Riggs Length: 800 words Spoilers: None Index just after Worlds Apart, which this is a continuation of Note:
  6. I'd like a leather jacket over an armor top look, in a black and grey color scheme. Something like this top over an armored vest or chestplate. Failing that, an adaptive version of this jacket would be nice too.
  7. Comments: I promised a squeal to my Graduation Day piece a long time ago, and here it is, finally! I'm also skipping a prompt in my "use all the prompts" quest. I have a plan for using it, but I need to get a little further in a certain companion' s storyline to make sure things turn out the way I think they will. Title: Graduated Fallout Prompt: What's In a Name? Characters: Jessasi Silver (Smuggler) Length: 900 words Spoilers: None Takes place 4 years and 9 months before the start of the Smuggler class story. Index just after Graduation Day Note: I seem to recall being too busy during the description prompt week to get one done, but I really, really love describing my characters, so here's Feyte's way-too-detailed bit. Title: Feyte Saien, Bar'senthor Prompt: Description Length: 200 words Spoilers: Jedi Consular endgame rank
  8. Kind of a short post today, sorry. Part 43: First Mission
  9. Sorry for the delay, needed a little break to get over writer's block. Part 42: Dinner at Zash's
  10. @Charmedseed- Thank you! I always feel bad about posting stuff that I feel isn't as good as it could be, so this makes me feel a lot better. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it goes well for you @DomiSotto- Maybe I'm interperating that hate as belligerent sexual tension, lol. Anyway, I still like it! @Jokad- Goodbye! I'm sorry about your sub running out. Hopefully you can sub again someday and join us again. We'll miss you! So, my next two pieces take place in the space of a single day, and are a continuation of this story. They should be indexed latest of all Mallena stories so far. Title: Welcome Home! Prompt: Celebrations Characters: Mallena Dayne (Trooper), Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne Length: Approx. 700 words Spoilers: Alludes to Elara's backstory and Trooper Act 1 finale. Extremely minor. Title: Constant Interruption Prompt: Guilty Pleasures Characters: Mallena Dayne (trooper), Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne Length: approx 1,300 words Spoilers: Minor references to end of Trooper act 1 Notes:
  11. This is very nice! I especially like the two Mirialans and the last one. Do you have a DA? I'm almost positive I've seen you on one of the SWTOR groups there.
  12. Oh my goodness, thank you! *blushes* I'm glad you like it. Well, I started experimenting with a new style and I'm rather please with it. It's a bit rougher, but I actually find it's easier to put in details and textures. Here's the smuggler again: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/277/5/7/lucky_shot_by_ashfiremage-d81m7lh.jpg
  13. I read this on Tumblr last night and really liked it. Apart from including an Inquistor, a class I have a soft spot for, this is an interesting take on it. An inquisitor who wasn't a slave, and is actually from what appears to be a Sith family. You also captured Harkun quite well without being cartoonish. I'd love to see more!
  14. My HP laptop seems to run it just fine on 8. And despite all the complaining about 8, it's really not that bad once you get used to it.
  15. First off, glad you're enjoying it. I also enjoyed as far as I got in it before switching servers, and I intend to come back to it one day. I don't think the problem you're having was done on purpose, if it makes you feel any better. I like Mako, but as a healing merc, I had no use for her, while Gault got on my nerves. I also love Torian, am indifferent to Blizz, and didn't get far enough to meet Skadge, though I'd tend to think I wouldn't like him. Also, Blizz is a ranged tank who as far as I know should work as well as Corso or 4X or any of the other ranged tanks in the game. I think they just assign it based on personality, since just about anything could conceivably be used by one possible playstyle of the class. The poster above me is also correct. As far as I've found, the game is soloable with any combination of character and companion except identical roles (damage/damage, tank/tank, etc.), though some are more difficult than others. That being said, this would be fun. Kind of lore-breaking in a way (why would Khem Val be a healer, exactly?), but from a gameplay perspective, I'd love it.
  16. @DomiSotto- Thanks! My idea was that he told Quillan to remind him not to let people know who he was, and Karanni just happened to overhear, but I agree that I should flesh that out more. @AKHadeed- Thank you so much! I always feel like I have trouble knowing what the right amount of emotion to put in my stories is, so that's a huge compliment EDIT: Karanni is a side character in my main fic, She Who Battles Monsters: An Assassin's Tale, and she'll be an ongoing factor there, but I'll probably flesh out her story a little more here too. I want to appologize for my post today, since, it my opinion, it's crap. But it fits the next prompt and I didn't have anything better to post. Title: Hard Jobs Prompt: Canned Response Characters: Jessasi Silver (Smuggler), Bowdaar Length: 1,100 words Spoilers: None Index latest of all Jess stories so far Note:
  17. I wouldn't say they're a complete waste of money, just not worth it if you have to provide the cash while leveling. They can be quite effective if you have a max-level character who can feed credits to your new toon. But, yeah, if you don't have any 55s, than the perk boosts aren't really worth it.
  18. This one was actually done several weeks ago, but I never got around to posting it. It's Feyte again, and was sort of drawn to go with this short fan fic. (the second one in the post) http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/241/a/c/my_friend_by_ashfiremage-d7x5xpt.jpg
  19. Thank you so much! And I miss writing Meiko too. Somehow Khem Val just isn't quite the same, lol. Anyway, sorry that today's post is kind of boring, mostly just "here-to-there" stuff. Part 39: The Lair of a Sith
  20. @Hadeedak- Consular isn't really my favorite class, but I did enjoy playing Feyte a great deal. Thank you for your compliments. 3rd person present tense is one of my least favorite styles to write, but I feel like it fits her well enough that I'm hesitant to give it up. Anyone who follows She Who Battles Monsters will doubtless be familiar with Karanni, but I felt like she deserved a little time in the spotlight on her own, especially since there's a good deal Kiarn will never find out about her, at least directly. Title: Siblings Prompt: Family Characters: Karanni Lo'rue (Sith Warrior), Quillan Lo'rue, Erius Restalan Length: 950 words Spoilers: None Warning: Contains some emotional abuse. Not sure if it merits a trigger warning, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Title: From the Ruins Prompt: Discovery Characters: Erius Restalan, Quillan Lo'rue, Karanni Lo'rue Length: 850 words Spoilers: None Index before Siblings Note:
  21. @Domisotto- Oh, that would have been interesting if Quinn turned out to be one of Jess's exes. Although I don't think she'd go for his type and vice versa. I'm glad you're liking Jess, and I'm looking forward to doing more with her and Mal in the future. @Yoshi- Sorry to hear that! You will be missed Comments: In other news, I made a Tumblr. My username is CleverMird, and the blog is The Skyfall Legacy. I post stories (mostly the same stuff as is here, but there might occasionally be different things), notifications of She Who Battles Monsters updates, thoughts on writing, and fanart by me. If you let me know who you are, I'll probably follow you too. The next two stories feature Feyte (because both she and the Consular class need more love) and two of her companions. I've been working on maxing out affection with some of my companions, and so these are basically tributes to the ones I've finished. Title: Until Sunrise Prompt: Exploration Characters: Feyte Saien (Jedi Consular), Qyzen Fess Length: 1,000 words Spoilers: Consular Tython Index between "My New Home" and "The Road to Coruscant" Domi, you don't have to read this one if you want. It has Nadia being the recipient of a lot of warm fuzzies Note that at this point the Eyrie and her crew are living on Feyte's ship after their own was destroyed in the events at the end of act 2. Title: (not the most appropriate title, but it's the name of the song) Prompt: Dreams and Nightmares, Background Music Characters: Feyte Saien (Jedi Consular), Nadia Grell Length: 600 words Spoilers: Nadia Grell recruitment Index between "The Road to Coruscant" and "You Again"
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