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Everything posted by Samcuu

  1. How many premades do u think are on in prime time on starforge for example considering it's the most populated server?
  2. Yeah so it's on matchmaking to divide the teams accordingly. No pug group can take on a semi competent ops team, so eliminate that by all means. Again I gave u a perfectly salient example of two 4 man premades getting matched on the same team. It wasn't a fun match for anyone. A lot of the issues many have, can be solved through matchmaking being fixed and premades reduced to 4. After that it should be up to players to organize themselves better and take pvp more seriously if they really care about winning matches.
  3. I'm stricly talking numbers wise. People who take the time to group, get in voice comms, and play as a better organized team...in all honesty deserve to have an advantage over someone who just wants to jump online and not be bothered to organize even tho they have the opportunity to do the exact same thing if they so choose.
  4. Matching premades of many differing sizes would be a matchmaking nightmare on a matchmaker that's already borked as is. It would never work. Besides I don't think premades are all that common tbh, but when one is in queue in a game that's already not overly populated for pvp, ur gonna notice. So in essence you'd be killing premades regardless. I'd disagree about seperating queues...keep premades in the regular queue reduce the size and fix the matchmaker so u have another premade or as many competent solo players against the premade that can be managed. Give the premade the weaker solo players. I've been in matches in a premade where we are matched with another premade against what seemed to be mostly solo players. Matchmaking and the ops group being able to queue are the culprits here imo.
  5. Well if u want me to get up on my soap box I will. I'm 100% in favor of premades. First off this is a trinity style mmo. Mmo the imperative word there, meaning players are supposed to rely on eachother, group up and play. The community of an mmo is what sets itself apart from other games. So you'll never see me calling for a game to remove a group function. I know u said seperate the queues but in reality premades need the solo players to fill in the gaps if warzones are ever gonna pop the queue time for premade only would be like an hour to get a full 8 man lol. Not to mention the solo queue would discourage many support class players from queuing knowing they aren't going to get any help. Tanks perform better with heals and vice versa. Nobody is preventing you or anyone in game from grouping and giving your team a better chance to win. All it takes is some organization. If you don't want to go through all that then I feel like you need to live with the consequences. The more work you put into anything in life, the better the results...would u not agree? This is coming from someone who solo queues a majority of the time, but I can also tell you the most fun I've ever had personally in game in pvp is queueing with friends because the social aspect is just as much fun if not more so than the gameplay. Where I think the devs have lost the plot is allowing the super premade to queue any time they like which does make the game unplayable if you are on an all pug team. That def needs to be eliminated, but I don't see one issue with a 4 man max premade in 8 v 8s.
  6. The big premades are annoying I'll give u that. Gearing however should be extremely easy if ur pvping because all u have to do is get two 336 purples and then do the Hyde zeek mission and you'll have like 75% of ur gear. Amd I can guarantee you that most ppl who are in premades could care less how many "points" (I don't even know what kind of points are being discussed here) they are getting for being grouped. They are there to kill stuff that's it. Most of them anyways I've seen a few big premades in the last week actually doing objectives.
  7. Current heal classes in game were never tuned up with the dps buffs from 7.0 so they are actually underperforming. I'll never agree that there needs to be a nerf of classes that are there purely for support. If you want to talk nerfing skank jugg that's a diff discussion that is worthwhile. However, taking away a main component of a trinity style mmo doesn't compute with me. A tank/healer are working in conjuction with one another as a team, if you and another dps for example were queuing together working as a team there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be able to take down a tank/heal combo quite easily, if it can't be done that's a skill issue. Also as someone else stated it's extremely easy to focus other targets, if a tank is worth his salt he'll make it hard on you to kill his teammates by swapping guard. So many ways to deal with it, but one thing you have to remember is if ur solo queued and ur going up against two ppl who are more organized than you as a team, you are going to be at a disadvantage regardless. Don't expect to be superman and destroy a tank healer all by yourself, it honestly shouldn't be possible no matter how skilled you are. You'll need some teamwork to get it done.
  8. I think you keep it objective based. The issue you have now is that warzones don't matter at all. Very few ppl care about winning them, and it's an evolution you've seen take place over a few years. Even in the 4.0 era there were still a lot of players who were there for the 8 v 8 ranked days, and cared about actually winning a wz, but that has faded over time. Now most players just want to pvp (ie kill other players) and/or farm numbers. I don't begrudge those ppl because they are playing the game in a way that makes it fun for them. So this type of attitude towards the game has trained newer players in the wrong way. We've already discussed the fallout of that in the hutt ball threads with ppl not really knowing how to stop certain ball carriers. You can't do it alone tbh, it's a team game, a team game that many ppl don't really know how to play to win lol. So I think instituting the objective based games as the ranked matches would work. It would be imperative to learn to play the map and the role you have within said map, and you'd have everyone actually pulling on the same side of the rope considering it's ranked now. Atm you have all the different types of players joining a match with different objectives as I stated before. You've got the damage farmer, the dood who's trying to 1 v 1, the 4 or 5 ppl trying to win to get their daily done asap, and the 1 guy sitting afk in the corner lol.
  9. I'm mostly on the side of keeping the servers seperate even tho the logic is flimsy considering there is no actual 'west coast' server. I'm a west coast NA player and my ping is the same on both SF and SS, so it comes down to what a players personal preference is. Do you want a more populated server, or do you want to play with ppl in your time zone? I transfered years ago because warzones pop more often and more ppl play in general on SF. In the absolute best case scenario you keep the servers seperate and u find out a way to do cross server queueing. I know ppl complain that lowbie warzones hardly ever pop on SS and many ppl also have issues finding groups for fps in the group finder. Worst case scenario you allow the apac server to become it's own entity and then u just merge the two NA servers. I don't think daily areas would suffer as long as more instances populate when the server population grows. In theory it should be fine.
  10. Good post tho it is kind of a blight on the game they don't have a true winner take all competitive pvp mode. I'll die on the hill saying that it shouldn't be 4 v 4 because I just feel the mode is too imbalanced with the haves and have not with classes ect. I like the idea of having a certain period of time where ranked matches are turned on but I think it should be only solo queue and only 8 v 8 wzs. The matchfinder would have to be fixed to ensure better quality matches but yeah I think something like that could work in an event format.
  11. Samcuu

    #Cancel Huttball

    Hutt ball isn't broken at all, the issues stem from a lack of skill for many ppl and not knowing how to play the map. Point has been made stealth in end zone isn't an issue if ur team is controlling mid, meaning u have to pass dps checks. Even if a tank happens to get the ball, there are a multitude of ways to keep the tank from ever getting near an area where he can make a pass if ur using ur abilities correctly and the team is pumping out enough dmg. Reality is the skill level is low overall in pvp these days, so ur gonna run into problems periodically. I don't think it has anything to do with the way the warzone functions (Quesh being thr obvious outlier).
  12. What is the exact number of stats u have allocated to accuracy as opposed to percentage?
  13. This is a good resource to browse through armor. https://swtorista.com/armor/jedi-knight The particular set you are looking for looks like a Jedi Knight style armor imo. The first few on this page look very similar to what you want, not sure the exact set you want is available for purchase but you can always browse different pieces and mix and match them to achieve the look you want. Good luck 👍
  14. First off, were you the GM? And Had you logged in the past month? Very possible you lost GM privileges and someone took over ur guild, either sold it or renamed it and you got kicked. I had my own guild, and the only time my guild disappeared is because I had a bit of an unsavory guild name according to CS. Guild apparently got deleted but when I went into the guild tab area I was able to find a spot where I could rename the guild and it went active again. If that's not your situation then it might be a new bug that popped up. I'd say poke around in the guild tab first and if u can't figure it out submit a ticket.
  15. I just recently helped a friend, who had never gotten the datacrons, run through a ton of them. It's actually fun exploring the different worlds, but ur right It's an insane grind that I would never do on my multiple toons. Maybe they could just condense the grind a bit. Make a maximum stat pool of the datacrons and assign more points to the more difficult datacrons to get. Like the fleet/rishi datactrons would give u all the stats the starter planets give and once you reach the maximum stats then u can't benefit from the other ones. It's time consuming, and if you could do 2 or 3 of the harder ones then you'd max ur stats out and have no need to go to every planet to practice your parkour skills.
  16. Samcuu

    #Cancel Huttball

    It ends after 9 rounds in hypergate no matter what.
  17. Samcuu

    #Cancel Huttball

    Old school 8 v 8 ranked hutt ball matches were goated back in the day, when ppl cared about winning 🙃🙃
  18. Samcuu

    #Cancel Huttball

    Old school 8 v 8 ranked hutt ball matches were goated back in the day, when ppl cared about winning 🙃🙃
  19. Not puzzling to me at all. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
  20. You should go into the pvp instance so u can kill them.
  21. In the same way I was forced to solo hm red reaper a billion times to get gear in 6.0 you can get bis 344 gear very simply by running Dash/Nefra nim groups. Same thing as 6.0 unless of course your favorite thing to do in game is run the same fps over and over again, then I could understand why you'd prefer 6.0 to 7.0.
  22. This logic doesn't logic for me tbh...You don't need 344 gear for anything in game unless ur actually doing ops so what exactly are u missing out on? In 6.0 I didn't want to do hm fps to get gear either but I was forced to do it, so there's not much a difference is there?
  23. Samcuu

    #Cancel Huttball

    I like hutt ball. Its like the one pvp game mode that's different from anything in the mmo space. Quesh hutt ball is broken tho so I understand why ppl dislike it, but OG hutt ball is legendary imo.
  24. It didn't exist at the launch of 7.0 so no worries you didn't miss anything lol.
  25. You forgot to mention that in order to min max properly (high power mods) you needed to buy an unidentified mod from the vendor and then let rng decide if it was what you needed or not. Also I never even got the best set bonus for Vanguard because it was locked behind the nim Dxun raid. The amplifiers were a joke, from my experience they purposely made a gold crit rate (whatever u want to call it?) Worse if u were trying to unlock the amplifier you needed on the class you needed it. I got so fed up trying to get the gold amplifiers on my scoundrel that I swapped to sorc and, what a surprise kept getting the scoundrel gold amplifiers unlocked on a toon that didn't need them. Fortunately you could just swap ur armorings around in the legacy bound gear...but yes it was a mess. 7.0 gearing while seemingly more complicated due to the different currencies is so much easier and better than 6.0 I always laugh when I sew ppl say we need to go back to that lol.
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