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Everything posted by khouj

  1. It would be nice if you got ~100 valor (with dr on repeat killings) or something. But it's fun how it is now.
  2. Expertise is the best thing ever to happen to pvp players - we no longer need to raid to get those 1-3 items which would give us a small advantage (or at a high level of play, massive advantage). There is no way around this flaw if pve items are not totally inferior for pvp. I vote needed.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/RcYQk.jpg nerf ops
  4. Damage is close to perfect right now, people whining are just mad.
  5. Marauders are not overpowered, just annoying. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Let's talk about powertechs.
  6. khouj

    Competitive PVP

    I just wanna play 2s all day.
  7. I've played lots of conceal and I still think about speccing it all the time, though I haven't in the past week for some reason. To be blunt I think it excels at smashing down undergeared people, but has low mobility. I think the better player you fight the less viable conceal becomes. Imagine playing huttball 8v8 against a very good team, the weak points of conceal (or ops in general) are really going to hurt.
  8. There are more healers playing in swtor's warzones than I would have thought from prior mmo experience. Just because of the thankless and frustrating nature of healing in a pug group. I would expect to be lucky to see one every two games but I think there's at least one in 75% of games at the very least on my server, and a few times a night my team is half healers which is interesting.
  9. Nothing that is posted here is close to what goes on ingame. The general opinions expressed on this forum are hilarious. I want to combat the **** threads that are continually posted here by posting some 'real' information on the state of the game, that isn't just a whine about x class. The expertise change is a ~1% increase to damage between players with equal amounts of expertise compared to before 1.2. It's nothing. This 1% will probably even be offset by war hero gear, which will see a slight boost to healing through the additional expertise (while the damage is cancelled out exactly by the damage reduction). The only people being killed faster are those without battlemaster gear, who are now undergeared. Isn't this similar to before 1.2, where undergeared people also died quickly? These people were, and are, low priority for healing anyway. Sorcerors and sages died before 1.2 because they had to cast to heal, and when 3 people are hitting them it's never going to happen. They still die after 1.2 because they have to cast to heal, what's the difference? I've seen a sage do over 800k total healing in a civil war post 1.2. How would this be possible if the class was now entirely broken and worthless? I've seen the same sage also consistently pull high damage scores. His class is obviously fine in your average warzone, and we won't know anything more until rated cross server ladder games can take the game to a higher level of play. About commando healing I will only say I have never seen one do extremely well on the scoreboard, but I've never thought of them as a burden. Operatives were completely fine before 1.2. As a matter of fact the 'buffs' technically didn't increase the power of the class, they just made it more forgiving to play. I will post pictures of my best scores below as a half-assed proof that contrary to popular belief the class was entirely fine before 1.2, and is still very similar after 1.2. Pre: http://i.imgur.com/dxanW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Gwx3P.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aSK2h.jpg Post: http://i.imgur.com/YpNDf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IIOYv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cAmsK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IZyje.jpg What's the difference? To think I almost rolled a sorc as my first character after reading about the state of operative healing pre 1.2 on these forums makes me kind of sick, because I dislike the aesthetic of that class. About marauders and sentinels, I've dueled thoroughly a top marauder from my server and it's a complete joke how easy it is to stay alive when compared to dueling a great pyro powertech. In both the duels against a marauder and pyro, after I was able to live by kiting we dueled with the rule that I was not allowed to move. Against the pyro I am lucky to live 15 seconds, and against the marauder I was able to live indefinately. I would never have thought it previously, but truly marauders damage output is not ridiculous at all, and the survivability and mobility of the class is not unwarranted.
  10. khouj

    1.2 and PvP

    I think it's pretty funny how the general forum opinion of operative healing has done a 180.
  11. Do crew skills between globals.
  12. Good post though, I agree. There's nothing wrong with healing in 1.2, people complaining are just those who don't have bm gear + inexperienced.
  13. - Fix stunning sprinting people making them appear on my screen behind where they actually are on the server. Fix people jumping off huttball walkways appearing where they aren't / spazzing out on the spot then teleporting to where they really are 3s later. - Make jumping instant instead of a fraction of a second after you press it, and make it not slow your x/y movement speed. - 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 arena.
  14. I've had 6.5k credits from a win.
  15. So what would this fix again? If you're talking about war hero gear being unattainable I think that's how it's supposed to be until rateds appear.
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