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Everything posted by United_Strafes

  1. I see you still have your head in the sand regarding your OP noob class. It is amusing seeing you actually try to argue the facts though!
  2. You have just won the stupidest question ever contest.......by A LOT.
  3. 8 hours then 24 hours for the rest of the weekend to fix all the stuff they screwed up, because apparently they don't have a copy of the game lying around the office.
  4. Ya, have you seen some brilliant marketing associated with this game?
  5. I backpedal all the time with my gunslinger, as I need to be facing my target, I like when noobs make fun of it too since they obviously don't know how to play.
  6. They want everyone to play as Marauders and Sentinels? Oh wait, they already do.
  7. Nar Shaddaa? No the slot machine is right there in your pocket, you can access it anywhere.
  8. The Hoth social gear can look pretty good on a smuggler just replace the pants with something more leathery.
  9. Wow you killed other people while talking and doing various other things! Neato!
  10. Ya so nice of them to give us some content after 5 months huh, thanks sooooooo much.
  11. Sorry I wasn't stupid enough to buy Windows 8.
  12. Nope no new content it can come in May 2014 for all I care.
  13. LOL YAY 1.5 and F2P!!! First no one said they were coming together, 2nd besides a white version of your already green armor that you'll like for 5 min for the low price of $7, there's no new content so who cares when it's coming.
  14. Ahh like most cable internet is huh? Guess we all need to run out and get T3 to play Star Wars huh?
  15. Because they're more comfortable building fluff that will sell to morons quickly than making real content? Ya. 85% of WoW subscriptions are an advertising play, ok buddy.
  16. When people misspell "really" in thier topic title?
  17. Ok you somehow put together that rig but fail to realize that if you stick a 990x in there it won't make any difference?
  18. They don't make any content for 5 months and they're gonna build a guild city? Riiight.
  19. 200 lol, that's big time for this game sonny! The fanbois will inevitebly argue that while you're on the fleet there's 500 players running around on Tatooine though......
  20. If the game had the ability to be modded EVERY problem with it would be fixed by now.
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