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Everything posted by Tamyn

  1. I've been stuck on the last mission for Macrobinoculars and the last mission for Dread Seed gear for a while now, because on the former I need 4 people to push buttons simultaneously and on the latter I keep insta-dying on the power cell part. It's very annoying. I did every other part of both alone. I solo heroic Star Fortresses. I want to do this too!
  2. Your post made me laugh, and I agree that Theron is head and shoulders above many of them. But I like flustering the awkward prig.
  3. In the old old days before the BSN, the writers would get on the boards and ask us for our opinions sometimes. BioWare devs even asked for suggestions on a new dialog system which I'm pretty sure turned into the Mass Effect wheel. I miss those days, when BioWare was small.
  4. With the bots popping in and out of existence everywhere I go on high level planets, I'm lucky to get any slicing nodes at all these days.
  5. I'm waiting for a cutscene where Theron Shan meets Tharan Cedrax.
  6. Theron is handsome and his voice is honey. He's a great substitute for all the class LIs I don't want to pair my toons with.
  7. Yes. I can't stand some companions just because the gurgling sputtering growls are so irritating to listen to.
  8. I hate Guss Tuna fish. He's supposedly a barrel of laughs according to the dialog options but I can't stand his lame stories. And why does my smuggler keep calling him 'kid' when his voice sounds like he's pushing 60?
  9. Agreed. That's not my Revan and I didn't like seeing him in SWTOR at all. I didn't read any novels about Revan so I don't care about some other author's vision of Revan (or the Exile) outside of KOTOR.
  10. The quest won't complete for me either, even if I abandon it and restart the conversation. I can't complete my legacy companion roster because I can't finish Ashara's quest. Server: Jedi Covenant Character: Levolent
  11. Belsavis Social Gear shock collar.
  12. I never could understand why a million NPCs continue to fall in love with her so she could use and abuse them. Meaning, all the exes you encounter in her quest line and now this operator guy. She doesn't even have any charm to make herself everyone's darling by playing on their fantasies before she reveals her true colors. She's exhibits nothing but threats, revenge plotting, a thirst for violence, and discarding people because she's bored.
  13. I told the Wilsaams they would be Imperial servants, then at the next choice I said they'd live like royalty. Then when talking to Baras, I said do what you want with them, my intention was to trick them all along. I got a foreboding letter from the Wilsaams saying DK's lightning scares the wife and they were about to meet Darth Baras. Then I made Jaesa light side, and she said her parents were living well and happy in DK. So Baras didn't end up torturing them for some reason.
  14. I thought Imps just get a goodbye kiss, while Reps go all the way. Fade to black was the norm for the vanilla game romances.
  15. I think Arcann has been afraid of pissing her off and that's why he always kissed her butt before. "You're just now spreading your wings," "Father held you back", "I wasn't blaming you." For the first time he's commanding without flattering her first because he's angry. She doesn't like it.
  16. Try putting the slave collar social gear from Belsavis on him for awhile. It helps.
  17. I thought she sounded like Bethany from Dragon Age 2 with that raspy voice. I don't know if it's the same actress. Speaking of shallow, I'm wishing Thexan was alive instead of Arcann because he was the cuter brother.
  18. Eye candy and ear candy keep morale high.
  19. Theron Shan Malavai Quinn Vector Hyllus Torian Cadera Lord Scourge
  20. This, plus he throws hissy fits when he doesn't get his way and he tries to make the Outlander feel guilty for not doing what he wants you to do. I don't know what Lana told him about the Outlander, but he acts like you're supposed to be some fairy tale hero who doesn't have a sliver of self-preservation or rational self-interest. He's an idealist who refuses to wake up to reality.
  21. Heheh. That reminds me of this: It would have been a pretty cool option, actually. Or at least a Force choke like you can the mechanic.
  22. I tend to think of them as a writer's pet if they can't be killed so they can be paraded in front of us constantly because they are so "crucial" to the plot. The men can usually be killed off.
  23. So every woman whose name starts with L and ends with A we should be wary of. I hate that I can't take Theron as my companion in Star Fortress FPs but I love listening to him talk.
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