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Everything posted by Tamyn

  1. The thing that bugs me most about Ashara is how she's constructed this whole narrative in her head about how you are trying to reform the Sith from within when you never declared such a thing. You get no options to say, "What are you talking about? I'm not reforming anything, and neither are you." You just lie to her and play along or tell her her ideas won't work. She doesn't listen to you and is just so bullheaded about everything. I'd like my toon to be able to slap some sense into her.
  2. Back to Japanese otome games for me, I guess.
  3. I call her Lana Exposition. Her only reasons for existence are to watch me sleep and to rehash the plot. When she's not doing that, she's trying to one-up Theron ("Next time, aim to kill") or complaining about whatever he is doing ("Save the greetings!"), but at least her voice is pleasant.
  4. Yay, now I can put Lana in something that doesn't look like a potato sack.
  5. Theron, Quinn, Torian, Vector, and Corso (with customization 2), as the only ones that I found attractive. The other romances were completed as a matter of course. But Quinn was the only one I rushed to make a character for in the early days. Theron was the only one who got me to finish the consular's story.
  6. She changes her comment based on whether you started the romance (flirts) with her. If you haven't started her romance track, she says you have bad taste in women, if you have started her romance, she says "Any port in a storm? Is that the kind of man you are?"
  7. Doing bonus quests in heroic star fortresses gets you extra influence with them.
  8. They both were betrayed in some sense by their own faction in the past.
  9. I was actually upset about that when it happened to me and I thought the game wouldn't give me Torian. There was a conversation where Mako asks you why you don't want him and there's no option to say that you do. I now just don't talk to Mako after Torian's recruitment until his romance is locked in.
  10. This just happened to me too. One wave during "Defend the Beachhead", then nothing. Everybody quit.
  11. On my very first warrior, Quinn got the "killing blow" in the fight with Baras too.
  12. I'm not sure why, but I just love Manaan and the idea of being in an underwater room with windows to view sea life through. The planet's theme music from KoTOR is still one of my favorite tracks. So peaceful.
  13. From what I've read, the 2 triggers for him leaving are If you do the first one, I think he is too angry in chapter 9 to let you lock in the romance to begin with since he storms out of the cantina. So I don't know if it's possible to do what you want.
  14. I end up hating any companion that is forced into the player's face so much more than others and that the game assumes is the PC's best friend/confidant. If I think I am detecting author favoritism (especially when my favorite character is someone else) it disgusts me and I look for more reasons to dislike the character. I hate being paired up with Lana more often than with anyone else like that's my character's preference. The PC hardly ever gets the opportunity to say anything mean to her unlike we get to with others. For example, if I don't tell her about Valkorian and she finds out later, my only options are "I'm so sorry!", "I should have told you!", and "I was scared you would experiment on me!" That's a weak objection. How about, "We are not best friends and if I told no one else why the heck would I tell you?"
  15. I hear it in his tone of voice when you dismiss him: "We should do this again some time." *nudge nudge wink wink*
  16. Maybe after so many years the actors forgot exactly how they made the character sound before. It's highly unlikely they play the game like we do and hear their own character constantly, plus with all the other projects they've done in the meantime they could've mixed up what tone they're going for here.
  17. I think the two in Imperial Sobrik on Balmorra are fun, albeit short. One starts with a guy near the stairs down from the spaceport, and one is given by a guy near the taxi. I like Balmorra in general.
  18. There's no reason to take any of my female Sith Warriors through KotFE without a sweet Quinn reunion.
  19. I'm not even a Star Wars fan or a sci-fi fan or an MMO fan. I am a fantasy rpg and BioWare fan. This might be the last game I get from them though.
  20. Because the decisions are hardly ever based on the big picture. It's more of an immediate emotional reaction. You're supposed to look at his beat up face and his imprisonment and his innocent wife and child pleading for him and feel sympathy. And the Organa guy acts snotty to you, so it's supposed to make you want to stick it to him by overriding his authority.
  21. I wish I could kill Koth without having to put up with his whining and dumb jokes for so many chapters and without having to act like an ax-crazy maniac just to piss him off enough to leave. Also without his magically teleporting onto the Gravestone to steal it like I had no safeguards or security.
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