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Everything posted by Tamyn

  1. What bothers me is when NPCs get to talk smack to you and you just have to sit there and take it without beating the snot out of them. Sometimes you get to kill them but it's usually long after the moment's passed. Two examples are that snotty Baras apprentice on DK who keeps insulting you and then you follow his orders like a good doggy instead of showing him who is superior first, and the bratty girl on Coruscant whose brother you have to rescue after she insults you over and over (cloudhead) and insinuates you're stupid. She's not even grateful afterwards, just gives you more lip. I wanted to slap her silly. I don't want to kill every annoying character, I just want the opportunity to backhand them when they disrespect me (and aren't obviously more powerful than me).
  2. My Inquisitor rejected Andronikos when he asked her if she was seriously interested in him, she never kissed him, she refused to sleep with him and he still proposed to her (which she rejected) and she is considered in a romance with him in KOTFE. I hooked her up with Theron and now I'm sure Andronikos is going to be bothered when/if they ever meet again. Their whole "romance" existed only in his head it seems.
  3. I don't like any companions that speak with a canned growl loop for every line. I don't care what you have to say if you don't even speak a real language. Treek is an exception. I don't like the companions with annoying voices like Mako, Jaesa, Holiday, Ashara, or Doc.
  4. Vette and Kaliyo are both romance options for males. Pierce is not a true romance option at all. He's a one night stand with the possibility of remaining the SW's boy toy behind the scenes. It's never brought up again.
  5. I'm tired of being forced to partner with Lana in so many chapters that I resent her too. I'm also tired of all the 'hear me roar' female Force Users and their super powers while Theron gets yelled at for not computer hacking fast enough. Now that Senya is gone we might be stuck with Lana more than ever. I just want Theron with me at all times.
  6. That's how I felt playing as republic on Balmorra. I hated undoing all the good work I did as an imperial. And it was worse for me than Taris, because Balmorra was actually a planet worth having and not a toxic waste dump.
  7. I would add a character appearance modifier for companions like what we have for our own characters in the cartel bazaar. The custom appearances for romance companions sold at vendors are for the most part very unattractive. And sometimes I just want to change something like a hairstyle, not the whole face.
  8. So it's not just the female Consular who sounds terminally flat and robotic. Must be the voice direction.
  9. How well I know those feels. ;_; My faves of those available are Quinn (so fun to tease), Vector (so sweet and genuine), and Theron. I wish we could have romanced Scourge and Zenith instead of who we were stuck with.
  10. All female love interest companions are body type 1 (skinny), or 2 (medium), except for Akaavi who is type 3 (muscular). None of them have type 4.
  11. Enough with the female humanoid force user companions already. My rage is building and I want to shoot Ashara, Lana, Raina Temple, Jaesa, and Senya out the airlock. More women with guns! More men with laser swords!
  12. Both Sith Warriors and the male Bounty Hunter.
  13. Lord Scourge, Tharan sans whining pink hologram, and Zenith would be welcome. I'd like Scourge's original VA back; those random healing barks from him in combat are obviously another guy.
  14. Male Force user. Male Chiss (Saganu?), Twi'lek (Zenith?), or Sith Pureblood (Scourge <3).
  15. Quinn looks 25; Talos looks 50. I don't care what some obscure codex says. If you want to talk about "dating Grandpa", that's what Andronikos and every custom skin for Doc looks like (why can't they just take off Doc's mustache without putting the "old man" template on his skin? Ugh). I don't find them physically appealing at all.
  16. In my experiences with romance conversations, they tend to alternate friendly talks with the romance talks.
  17. My Light side JC didn't get the option to attack her (which I had been waiting for). I chose the light side option for the beast.
  18. I put some Jedi Shadows from Yavin on my friends list and they are there all day any time of day and night, slicing nodes in stealth.
  19. Aargh! I hate that speech from Saresh I have to hear every time I go to Taris (and there's no way to shut her up)! "Let's work TOGETHER making a difference TOGETHER because the more we work TOGETHER the more we can accomplish TOGETHER!" :barf:
  20. I agree. I am an aloof person and even I wanted a "run into Theron's embrace" animation upon reuniting with him. It was so weird for my toon to act like she just saw him last week when they were in love and separated for five years.
  21. I managed that ONE time but my companion got the final blow on the last boss so it didn't give me the achievement. I tried again and again and I couldn't get that far. ;_;
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