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Everything posted by Aelaias

  1. 46, mostly defense with 5 in vigilance. And the play better copout is idiotic, quite frankly. I have a lvl 45 purple hilt, hoth armoring and mods loaded to the brim with power. The damage in pvp is crap however you twirl it. The glowstick tickles.
  2. For pve the guardian is adequate. I am mostly preoccupied with pugging warzones.
  3. I actually found vanguard to be easier than shadow. Shadow if you like big numbers flying on the screen.
  4. It helps to choose the right companion for the your spec, whether its a tank for dps or vice versa, at least until you get your healer. Also, being a completionist when questing allows you to maintain a 4-5 level advantage over content which is just about the sweet spot.
  5. I don't regret my choice but I would much rather have a choice of assigning individualized last names to my alts.
  6. And occasionally they are absolutely right. Like I am now when I once again reiterate that guardians are horrible.
  7. 46 def guardian which I can barely stand due to being a crappy class but will finish just for the sake of the story. 41 shadow tank - much better 30 gunslinger- a spectacular class 26 commando - meh, but interesting story 21 sage healer - same as above at this level but good heals 19 assault vanguard - another great class. Planning on doing a marauder but heard some negative thing about the story.
  8. I agree, assuming you are talking vanguards and shadows. If not then no, it's not good enough.
  9. You are lying. I can see this working in an organized group with a dedicated healer but other than that and especially the defense spec guardians are a horrible horrible class despite having the above mentioned cc. Shadows and vanguards can do it better. Sad but true. Also, by playing a guardian in pvp you are dragging your group down. Very soft and horrible dps? Sign me up.
  10. Has far too many companion gift mission options and very very few metals/fabrics missions. It is ridiculous and very frustrating having to relog character time and time again to try and refresh the mission "menu".
  11. You snoo snoo for 8hr/day? Video or it didn't happen.
  12. The GUI needs to be fully customizeable. It's insane that they come up with this nonsense after having had experience with Warhammer Online with it's much better basic UI.
  13. So, 3rd Witcher 2 playthrough or 20th Half-Life 2? Though Witcher is getting more content in April so can wait.
  14. That sure resolved my now 1.5 hour issue trying to find a healer for a maelstrom run.
  15. What I would like is a targeting system similar to Warhammer Online, with defensive and offensive targets. Target assist on the other hand... don't care.
  16. Not that I thought this was a necessary change, but I have no problem whatsoever seeing the cooldown timers.
  17. It's not that they are silent. It's the deafening crash of mass hysteria. Get a life, people.
  18. current build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500cMGcubdZhM.1 Another thing I resent is the companion system really dilutes the perception of character power.
  19. George Carlin, anyone? No? Oh well. In any case, have a 35 defense guardian locked into the spec due to not keeping up with t7's equipment. Having had some experience with this class and my 32 shadow I am going to go with the Guardians suck crowd. My shadow has better burst and higher damage as long as they have power and fankly feels more durable than my defense guardian. Perhaps it's just perception due to highr dps=enemies go down faster (armor mitigation on my guard ~40% vs ~30 on shadow), I don't know. I wondered about what my shadow has over my guardian. Baseline stun, finishing move, skills that do higher dps, ability to burst. Guardian also has some burst but the only one I am aware of involves skills on 1min timers. Most of guardian cc is locked into the defensive tree which means that the guardians with cc have crap damage. And dps guardian damage feels subpar while being insanely soft. And all that's on top of skills not firing on activation, etc. The same comparison could be made between the guardian and other classes, and I am sure has been. Yes, there are minmaxers who managed to bend the class to their will. The amount of know how this requires is far beyond that of ANY other class. Doesn't mean I want it to be simplified to a point where facerolling is all that it takes but changes, perhaps substantial, are in order.
  20. So it's not new? First time I encountered this bug, if that's what it is. And yes, playing Republic it takes some time to rack up the wins.
  21. It doesn't seem to register a win and so can't be submitted for completion.
  22. What difference does it make if star wars' idea a humanoid biped wit 5-fingered extremities and alien-looking head with the same arrangement as that of a human. At least as presented in this game.
  23. 8+. Maybe 9. And its launch was lightyears beyond any other mmo at launch, like Warhammer online and age of conan. Now those were bad launches.
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