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Posts posted by CygnusMX

  1. I think some people actually live inside the MMO,I just got Deus EX human revolution,need to complete WITCHER 2,Playing through ME2 I think 3rd run through,I still need to finish Assassins Creed 2. Stalker Call Of Prypat and Fall Out New Vegas.


    If i over play a game, which I do... my mood changes the games not boreing I am. Because i treated it like a 3lb bag of jelly beans and try to gobble the whole bag and no matter how many flavors are in the bag that i like ,Id'e get tired of Jelly Beans.


    I try something else and after awhile I go back to the other game and feel refreshed like "good to be back"


    I did go through the whole Fear series back to back and it was a blast,just a shooter but just fun to not have to organize and think or deal with inventory...Just Game and kill.


    People say I'm bored, I think boredom is self induced 90% of the time due to over doing something thats fun because after awhile alot of jelly beans just start tasteing like wads of sugar no matter what color they are .

    If you over indulge and buy like a bag of Lemon heads, but thats only one flavor so you might get sick of those fast, kind of acidic too, so you need tums or something for acid reflux if you eat to many.

  2. Bioware doesn't know how to make expansive, open maps. Put aside your fan-boyism and take a look at WoW's continents and map design. There is a lot more freedom of movement and the size of each zone is typically very large (low-level zones generally aren't). Now, I think Blizzard made a mistake with introducing flying mounts because they tend to make the game world feel smaller, but on foot the zones are really quite large.



    Probably running around in any MMO on foot would make a world seem quite large.

    In fact walking 2 blocks down the street rather than driveing a car 2 blocks would make those 2 blocks seem larger.

  3. I know since SWTOR has released Ive kind of neglected.


    Call Of Prypat


    The Witcher 2


    Fallout New Vegas


    All brand new basicaly...add Metro 2033 to the list

    and theres more but I wont give you my full games realease, but I'm sure I'll entertain myself.


    Like if my pc went down i could go outside and throw rocks at trees, or get a stick and draw pictures in the dirt... theres lots to do.

  4. Looks like a great patch.


    Can't wait!


    Thats all it is, a great patch..........I read posts that people see and appreciate the patch.


    Then I see these posts and what comes to mind is like...these squaking baby buzzards sitting in a rattty nest with their beak flapping screeching and barking for momma to drop more road kill in their mouths.


    These buzzards will beg for more until their ribs break.


    Maybe I watch too many nature shows.

  5. I think my problem is, I appreciate the companion concept, theran can heal like mad, or i can send qyzzn in and he pulls aggro fine,especially co-op with a friend, he does his job, theran pulls up his holographic girlfriend and swoons and disables foes which is a crack up.


    Some people hate qyzz but hes my buddy, I like him,he keeps his one good eye out for me when im going full healer.


    I dont see why people cant just have fun,and appreciate whats been done here.

    I'm not just a fan of SWTOR, I like video games,I think its a grueling occupation and lots of very hard work,I also see it as an art form ,but then I grew up a fan of comic books and thought that was an art form too.


    I'm not a fan of modern abstract art though, like some guy welding a bunch of tin cans and barbed wire together, paint it silver then watch idiots walk by in fancey clothes sipping 300 dollar glass of wine trying to see the deep meaning of tin cans and barbed wire.


    " oh i see a tormented soul in this piece.....as if he were trying to escape his childhood fear of the tin man from wizard of oz yet he feels trapped....bla bla bla.


    just shut up and go get your trendy starbucks mocha alpacino to fight off your 900 dollar hangover.And forget what deep meaning you saw in an art piece that was just some crap plastered together by a monkey in a welding mask who was drunk when he did it.

  6. How long were there videos about having a crew and companions on this website prior to launch?


    I watched the videos about companions, I also played Mass Effect & Dragon age Origons and DA2.

    Played a bit of Kotor On Xbox years ago.


    This MMO has companions,It was pretty obviouse before I invested in the game.I suspected similarities with DAO ans ME since its made by the same company.


    Part of this game is the leveling and maintenance of your companions,Gearing companions,maintaining favor of your companions.

    I find gearing my companions and maintaining relationships a fun part of the game.Its suppose to be fun,Well it is fun, to me and others.


    Their are plenty of MMos you can have a leashed tag along that never speaks, maybe a big turkey or a frog no maintenance,no gear required, maybe thats the type of companion some people like.

  7. I do too, but even if it's not, it will get beaten in their forums like an ugly stepchild with leprosy. That's what happens in game forums, a minority gank the game until they find a new game to go bullyfest-rant on.


    This Is true.


    I'm glad I'm not the mom or dad who tried to please these kids christmas morning.

    Would be easier to hose mud uphill with a leaky garden hose.

  8. I have a level 50 sage and a level 50 sniper.


    In my opinion, its almost two different games. I noticed maybe a dozen quests (outside FPs) that both factions shared, and they were mostly on Voss and Hoth.


    I find it actually quite intriguing, especially the world arcs. For example, you go to Voss to convince the Voss people to ally with your faction. How you go about it and the characters you meet are completely different. In some world arcs, you even end up facing off against characters you would have worked for in the opposing factions world arc.


    Later worlds, like after Quesh, will share vast amounts of space between factions for general questing, but nar shaddaa, tattooine, alderaan, and quesh are practically split down the middle. I can easily say that if you simply did an assortment of side quests, your main mission, and the world arc for all of these planets, for ONE faction, you literally only saw half of those planets.


    I cant really say the same for planets like hoth, belsavis, and voss. You see pretty much everything from both factions.


    thats good to know, feeling like 2nd half of the game to check out, not been on empire side yet accept in beta as BH, Rift was similar I liked the 2 different worlds thing.

  9. When you see "purple [heroics] area" pop up on screen while soloing your going to run into trouble, I'm wondering if thats where the OP is having difficulty,otherwise I cant see any other problem accept being under leveled and under geared for the area or quest.
  10. Yes, and SWTOR is like a Thanksgiving where all the side dishes are boiled yams.


    God help te guest with the temerity to ask what happened to the mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. ;)


    I suppose the mashed potatos and pumpkin pie would be.


    Voiced diologue,Companion interaction,companion diologue,gearing not only yourself but upgradeing companion gear.

    star ship, space missions,flashpoints, heroics,upgradeing your ship.

    crafting, buying selling on galactic market,8 charactors with main class storylines and quests, of course side quests are the same yet main class quests are particular to your class.

    Different companions for each class as you progress.

    Nice art design (no not astronomical but good, and if you look around theres much to find and see, I really like the environments. )

    Combat is actually fun, leveling is actually fun,winning your crew affection points are fun.

    Crafting isnt a tediouse grind its actually fun.


    There is crafting,datacron hunting and finding the correct path to datacrons.

    Guilds ,people getting together to help guildmates for heroics/Flashpoints,helping guildmates,the option to not rely on others to complete personal class story,yet you have the choice to co-op.And having side quests that are the same may be the reason they are the same, so people can share quests.


    But if you see everything as boiled yams, then the whole video game industry and all its similar genre are boiled yams.


    Doom ......Crysis......S.T.A.L.K.E.R...Elderscrolls...Oblivion....Skyrim....Witcher 2= boiled yams.

    Wow = Boiled Prunes

  11. Ive only rolled 2 charactors, been here since launch,im no power leveler,i redo FPs, heroics until ive level too high for them.


    only level 38 consulor, level 27 trooper,i tried bounty hunter on empire side in beta, cant wait to roll on empire side.

    I feel if i roll one of everything then I'll feel the grind of leveling to much, too much inventory management, each charactor wont get 100% of my attention,I may start giving my charactors attention in half measures and half assing the game.


    I think you can basicaly burn yourself out, feel bored, over do it,then blame the game.

    Maybe like thanksgiving, they put a turkey on the table and you try to eat the whole thing, then tell the cook it's their fault your sick of turkey.

  12. Expectations ruin everything.

    I remember waiting for Rambo 3 to come out, had high expectations,but I was drunk when I saw it so my opinion doesnt count on that one.


    I had high expectations for Independance Day,thinking it would be like a remake of War Of The worlds,It had Great effects, dumb story....I saw that sober. But Randy Quade got drunk and blew up the mothership.


    Everyone got up and clapped in the theater.

    I left pissed off because the president piloted a jet fighter.

    We all know the president will be underground somewhere deep in some secret underground motel getting drunk if aliens attack earth.


    I guess my point is, If Aliens attack Earth the Presidents going to get get drunk and jump in a hole with Randy Quade and their going to try and replenish the human race.

    That means the next generation of humans on Earth will be drunk guys who make bad decisions.

    So if you see Rambo 3 you better hope he jumps in a hole with Randy Quade instead of the president,Then our future would be full of drunk guys wearing red bandanas on their heads.But at least we'de have muscles to build houses and other stuff.

  13. Expectations ruin everything.

    I remember waiting for Rambo 3 to come out, had high expectations,but I was drunk when I saw it so my opinion doesnt count on that one.


    I had high expectations for Independance Day,thinking it would be like a remake of War Of The worlds,It had Great effects, dumb story....I saw that sober. But Randy Quade got drunk and blew up the mothership.


    Everyone got up and clapped in the theater.

    I left pissed off because the president piloted a jet fighter.

    We all know the president will be underground somewhere deep in some secret underground motel getting drunk if aliens attack earth.

  14. My 1st goal was to save for a speeder,If you have 2 charactors you can send credits to your 2nd, but 1st run through i killed everything i saw for like 20 levels and looted everything.

    repeat space battles uhm.... just do stuff your cash will build back up faster than you think.

    My 1st charactors only lvl 38 ... taking my time.

  15. Probably different developer team for SWTOR than there was for Dragon Age 2.


    The DA2 forums were plagued with Single Core PC people "FPS awful, I cant run This Game Bla Bla Bla.


    Well the requirments for DA2 was Dual Core,Its was right there in Steam requirements and every where else.

    After reading all the complaints from people who ASSUMED that 1 core is as good as dual core just reminds me how often the customer is wrong.


    So whats Bioware do?

    Fixes the game to run Single Core for the people who think their crap machines are suppose to run everything great, just because they think so.

    I doubt they are ignoreing any game flaws or customers ,They have to fix things over a wide spectrum of machines,especially those running 45 programs in the background while they play, plagued with spyware and what ever else garbage thats snowballed on their machines.



    Swtor is running smooth for me, ok a hiccup here and there but far and few between.

  16. Here, I'll answer it for them:


    We are working on numerous bugs, updates, and content additions, in an descending order of priority. Each of these involve coding and testing, repeating this cycle over and over, until we are satisfied with the result. Once this is done, we will release the new implementations into the Public Test Realm to see how they fare. After this step, we will analyze the data and decide to either rework them, implement them, or abandon them for the time being. If and when one of our ideas make it to the "implement" stage, you will find it in the most appropriate upcoming patch or update, where we will continue to observe the implementation's effects game-wide.





    Well ill be common sense...perfect lol

  17. ^ This.


    *shakes head*


    It will ALWAYS be moved on a holiday.


    And to all that complain about "fairness", life is not fair. You are not special. Everyone gets the shaft at some point. Learn to adapt. This too shall pass.


    I have to tell myself this often. ;)


    yeah Life is a dog eat dog world and we're all wearing milkbone underwear.

  18. So I shouldn't expect the content in the major content patch 1.2 to entertain me and keep me interested in the game? That's setting my expectations too high? I'm pretty sure that is the lowest possible expectations people can have of a major content patch for any major MMO.


    If that's setting my expectations too high, then you must have pretty low expectations of Bioware.


    To be honest?

    I dont put to much faith into any of my own expectations.

    It puts a cap on the level of dissapointment I experience.


    Bottom line is Your expectations arent my bussiness.

    "People do what they do" (I think I learned that from a John Candy movie)

    was just saying enjoy the ride, but thats a personal thing.


    I didnt realize 1.2 was going to be a major patch either,Hopefully some of your expectations will be met.

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