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Posts posted by CygnusMX


    But I know if I leave now I may never come back, so I'm forcing myself to wait for 1.2, even though I have no idea when it is going to release. I think they said march somewhere? that could mean another month of waiting for a patch that I've been waiting for since 1.1.


    I just hope that 1.2 will keep me playing this game long enough for them to make it into a game that I can love.


    Guess Its not your friends expecting the magic patch after all. Your setting yourself up for dissapointment investing all your expectations into 1 single patch.

    I look forward to the future of the game, but the future wont come in one swoop, relaxe man lol.

  2. I was saying that my friends think that 1.2 is going to fix everything, which it won't, I realize that.



    Maybe your friends arent expecting a fix all but could be looking forward to a patch ?


    I look forward to patches Its all about developers trying to improve the game and polish it.

    But one Grand Fix all?

    That can only lead to dissapointment.

  3. Female charactors always have more options it seems , or better options.


    Male you get the choice of a Wimp,A Mr.Universe,Or an over stuffed sausage.

    seems there is no grey area between being a wimp and Mr.Universe.


    But I play Male to reduce any in game confusion...


    Ide play a female for different story or story content, I have nothing against cross playing as its been called.But 99.9% of the time mmo =male

  4. I also heard that Bioware and WoW are collaborating to take over the world.


    Makes sense just like the CIA and FBI... who knows there may be more to these patches than we know.


    If people who posted in this thread stop posting, then we will know theres more to this so called "reschedual on wednesday" thing.

  5. Monday was the public holiday.


    They should've patched on monday so people who work for the Government wouldnt be able to play on their day off.

    Its probably CIA related as to why they would push the schedual to wednesday.The Government tries to control everything.


    If I were a game developer and the CIA threatened me to reschedual a game patch I'de reschedual.

    Government has to much power.

  6. Actually Blizzard planned this years ago, knowing that some holidays would fall on a monday ,that another mmo created years later would have tuesdays as a regular maintainence day and reschedual on a wednesday.


    In fact money wasnt the reason WoW was developed,It was developed for the soul puprpose of punishing people brainwashed by WoW to have no where to go when the regularly schedual patch day of the future mmo was reschedualed due to holidays to fall on a wednesday.

  7. I was simply saying IT WOULD BE NICE TO GET A LITTLE BIT OF DETAILS ON THE PROBLEMS THEY'RE HAVING ON THEIR END OF THE ISSUES THAT WE PRESENT TO THEM. And no they haven't not one time done this i'm sorry to say. We have not gotten one statement on WHY they didn't decide to go ahead and launch with guild banks or WHY they haven't implemented character transfers or WHAT type of problems they're experiancing with the auction house on THEY"RE end.


    I read the topic ,and this one where you put it in a nutshell.

    I see 3 questions that you want responses to.


    Answering WHY is going to no a no win situation.

    There may be other priorities that they are working on and they release info on what is accomplished and ready for announcement.

    They cant just come into forum explain what their priorities are, and in what order,I think they can make announcements on whats accomplished or close to being completed.But to answer why just isn't going to make any differance.It would be like smacking a beehive with a baseball bat.


    They have developer tracker and patch notes and announce what fixes are included.

  8. If they try to answer all requests, complaints it becomes a catch 22 & dam if you do and dam if you dont.


    People will swarm like ants on a sugar cube and make more requests, complain louder, get expectations and basically it would go out of control trying to keep a coherant response thread. it Would always end up going insane.


    There are patch notes, developer tracker and as much info they can give without spitting in the wind.

  9. TOR is not a "clone"


    So your basically saying:


    WoW is a clone of EQ


    Dominios is a clone of original pizza


    Cellphone is a clone of the telephone


    Soda is a clone of water


    Xbox is a clone of N64


    See how stupid that is.


    Just stop, TOR is way better than anything WoW can be... pandas? need I say more?


    I agree,And to be honest if it were a wow clone I wouldnt be playing it, I wouldnt enjoy it,and I would have UN-Installed it.

  10. I think every forum has drama and tons of whining.Its unavoidable because people are insane when given anonymity of the internet.

    Most likely they can define sane from the insane in here lol


    Luckily Wow never had the chance to crack my skull open and remove my brain.I actually enjoy other things.

  11. To sum up this thread:


    - If bioware does their job, fixes stuff to increase player experience => people leave because of maintenance.

    - if Bioware does not, and postpone important fixes that increase player experience => people leave because things does not get fixed fast enough.



    Or am I completely wrong?


    Your completly right.


    its one of those damned if you do damned if you dont things.

    Leaving over maintenance is kinda dumb though , I like my car tuned up, but I'm not going to junk it because they didnt change the spark plugs fast enough or that I actually have to wait for it to be tuned up.

  12. isn't the downtime in the middle of the night for NA? and while most people are at work in EU?


    Also blizzard never gave refunds for taking the game down for a few hours, its only when it ran the WHOLE day that they ever did that.


    Well some people dont work or sleep so theres never a good time for down time.


    or its a perfect time to play some neglected games in your gaming library.

  13. These small little features such as meters and LFG tools are not a necessity.


    WoW can't even compare because small, convenient features don't necessarily make the game.


    WoW has a terrible atmosphere, a graphical style that makes me feel like I'm playing Spongebob, a horrendous grind to get to end level, and PvP that revolves entirely around stuns.


    SW:TOR has a leg up on WoW in that they have done something revolutionary, theyve made the leveling process fun and interesting! If you WoW fanbois prefer to go back to your mindless 12 hour a day grindfest, be my guest, won't miss you.


    TOR's story aspects may simply be surface deep, having no real impact but atleast it's interesting. Don't forget, video games only recently began to adopt the "choose your destiny" style of story-telling and most still don't. End-game content and bug fixes will come, in the meantime, quit rushing alts to 50 as fast as you can and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME!

    Excellent description of WoW.

    If you explore SW:TOR savor it like fine wine ,theres alot to enjoy in the game.

    Winos take fine wine Guzzle it down with out even tasteing it ,Then start bumming change for another bottle before they even caught a buzz off the first bottle.

  14. Interesting when ppl are against something never played... Do you rate a game just by the graphic?

    Is like sayin: "i never know you, but im sure you are stupid cuz you look like a stupid".

    Wow is really old now, old graphic old game bizarre ideas to renew it like pandas.. but without WOW (and other MMOs ofc) TOR it wouldnt exists..

    Tor is a good game but needs some improvement...


    I gave wow approx. 20 days , alot of hours and found it ugly and boreing with a graphic design that i did not like .

    You are right to me it was stupid because it looked stupid, thats one of the reasons.

    And I'm sure many mmo's would exist today because WoW not was the 1st mmo ever created.I'm no mmo expert but I'm sure there are plenty of mmo vets that were playing mmo's before WoW was ever developed.

  15. I really dont see why people enjoy WoW.

    I personally only played the demo - but really, to me it looks like a Nintendo 64 game.

    What is wrong with their graphics? I am not saying SWTOR is better, because I cannot compare the games on their content. I just think that WoW has horrible graphics, w hich is a huge turn off for me.


    Exactly why I quit wow before my free month was up (2004), hidiouse , but this was in 2004 and recent screenshots doesnt look like much changed.


    I guess I hated wow always will,Rifts better, swtor ,better and a different world, chooseing worlds I choose rifts world over wow as far as fantasy magic/medevel superior graphics.


    Swtor, sci fi, refreshing.superior graphics


    And yes Wow does look like a nintendo 64 game.Ide rather play the origonal guildwar series than wow.

  16. I had trouble in Alderaan at that Panteer? castle.

    You had to try and get through a partialy wrecked doorway to get upstairs to the datacron.


    My big constapated Consulor couldnt get through .

    So a size 1 passed by me right through.

    So aggro the nearby gaurds they kill you but make sure your in the door crack pushing your way in when you die.


    then have someone rez you and poof your in the stairwell.


    I didnt discover this i saw it on a datacron vid.

    They said type /stuck -you die-then have someone revive you on other side.

    /stuck didnt work, so i had to aggro gaurds to die,but it worked.

    Got my datacron.


    So Die,have someone rez you,get your datacron. (alderaan +3 Willpower)

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