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Everything posted by Pokerface

  1. Popcorn nehm ich gern. Ich habe hier noch ein Paar Flaschen Dr Pepper. Will jemand?
  2. I would love to see a completely separation between PvP and PvE. Several class changes because of PvP should have ZERO IMPACT on PvE and vice versa. If they manage to pull it off.. then they will be the first to solve the biggest problem in the MMORPG World. I love the game and I am glad I discovered it back in 2008, and I hope they will find a way to pull it off.
  3. One very important thing you will have to accomplish is the fact that you MUST SEPARATE PvP from PvE!!! Nerfing PvE because of PvP is NOT an Option! Several class changes because of PvP SHOULD HAVE NOT an impact on PvE and vice versa! Keep that in mind and you will be the first to solve this problem. You are smart fellas... you are experienced programmers. Make it count lads! Make it count!! Separate these 2 elements from each other and we all will have our ballance. The game MUST BE ballanced on group vs group and not 1 vs 1 when it comes to PvP Stuff. This is my oppinion. Think about it, because if you keep nerfing things because of the PvPers whining.. we will have the same chaos as we used to have it in XoX. We don't want that, and certainly you don't want that either.
  4. One very important thing you will have to accomplish is the fact that you MUST SEPARATE PvP from PvE!!! Nerfing PvE because of PvP is NOT an Option! Several class changes because of PvP SHOULD HAVE NOT an impact on PvE and vice versa! Keep that in mind and you will be the first to solve this problem. You are smart fellas... you are experienced programmers. Make it count lads! Make it count!! Separate these 2 elements from each other and we all will have our ballance. The game MUST BE ballanced on group vs group and not 1 vs 1 when it comes to PvP Stuff. This is my oppinion. Think about it, because if you keep nerfing things because of the PvPers whining.. we will have the same chaos as we used to have it in XoX. We don't want that, and certainly you don't want that either.
  5. I only roll for companion when the others ALLOW ME to do so. When they say: "it's ok lad, we do not need it, so feel free to roll for it" then yes. But if they say no.. then I will not ruin their mood. IF I happen to find moddable Armor Pieces and Weapons for my compadres.. then I will pay a Armormech to do the job. I love to trade with the other players if there is none available in my guild. There are some possibilities to gear up your compadres. But on the other hand, there are too many evil people who simply love to ruin the other's day. Sad but true. My advice is: NEVER GROUP WITH PUGS!! Only Guild mates and people you know. I know it sounds harsh on one hand.. but let's face it: -Player X comes to the forums and complains about a similar situation -Player Y comes to the forums and shows how unhappy he is because of similar situations -Player Z comes to the forums and tells him / her to calm down (which is a good thing) and gives a piece of Advice like I do. Yes, I know, NOT ALL Pugs are jerks, but we all know from experience that there are way too many evil persons out there who simply don't give a damn about the other players. We are supposed to play TOGETHER AS A TEAM and not against each other.
  6. The Star Wars universe is old. It was invented in the 1970s last Century my friend
  7. Actually there are 2 Republic Classes I am interested in. They are Trooper and Smuggler. The Forceguys are not that interesting for me. I will play those 2 for the story of course. But I will remain loyal to the empire. I play a light side Bounty Hunter and I fell in love with this class! He answers to noone! They want me to work for them? Fine by me.. but only if there is payment involved So yes... what's in it fo me?
  8. E - Sports in mmoRPGs is pure poison. Let's hope they stick with Battlefield, Call of Duty etc... they MUST STAY AWAY from SWTOR.
  9. Why can't you change it? Because you made your choice. Now live with the consequence my friend.
  10. Sicher kann es das. Und zwar wenn die Meldun kommt daß dein Compadre X das Ding WITH GREAT SUCCESS (ich spiele auf Englisch) hergestellt hat. Wenn das der Fall ist, dann ist Dein Augmentslot frei Ergo ist es quasi so eine Glückssache mit den Augmentslots Hoffe ich konnte helfen.
  11. Alles gutes Zeug! Auch ich bin ein Fan der Musik härterer Gangart, aber manchmal brauche ich auch grooviges Zeug wie das hier. Es ist von einer bulgarischen Rockband mit dem namen D2. Das Lied befindet sich auf dem Soundtrack zum Film "Command Performance" mit Dolph Lundgren (begeisterter Schlagzeuger) D2 - Breakdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqIYYM86Tug
  12. Hey Auch ich habe mir Deine Let's Play Videos angeschaut und finde es schön was Du da machst. Ich werde Dich nachher abonnieren! Möge die Ma... ähm der Blaster, die Rakten und der Flammenwerfer mit Dir sein
  13. Auch ich betrachte SWTOR als großes Kino, wenn man die üblichen Schönheitsfehler außer Acht lässt. Ich bin froh daß ich damals in 2008 das Spiel hier entdeckt habe und habe seither die Entwicklung aufmerksam mitverfolgt. Als ich dann endlich spielen konnte, wurden fast alle meine Erwartungen erfüllt. Ein anderes Spiel kommt für mich nicht in Frage. Ich habe mir auch die Zeit genommen alles auszukundschaften was mir das Spiel so planetentechnisch bietet. Ich ertappe mich oft selbst dabei einfach mal auf Blsavis irgendwo ein Paar Minuten stehenzubleiben und die Aussicht zu genießen. Als ich meine Kopfgeldjägerstory weiter spielte und ich das eine oder andere Schiff entern mußte, saß ich OFT mit großen Augen da und die Kinnladde fiel oft runter. Hier muß man noch hinzufügen daß ich PvP vor langer Zeit abgeschworen und damit NICHTS MEHR am Hut habe. Also was in den PvP Bereichen so los ist, ist für mich genauso interessant wie ein männlicher Bantha auf der Suche nach einem Weibchen. Mein Fazit entspricht genau das was der Threadersteller gesagt hat: SWTOR = GROSSES KINO!!! Macht genauso weiter wie bisher BioWare + Lucas Arts! Lasst Euch auf KEINEN FALL verunsichern und zieht EUER DING durch!
  14. Also ich komme mit der Standard UI vom Spiel gut aus. Ich gehöre nicht zu denen welche sich über alles und jeden beschweren. Klar gibt es hier und da ein Paar Schönheitsfehler aber mich stört es recht wenig. Was den Chat anbelangt. Nun.. wenn ich mit meinen Leuten in Flashpoints unterwegs bin oder 4 Mann / Frau Heroics mache, schalte ich den Allgemein-, Handel- und PvP Chat aus. Das war bei mir schon immer die Standardprozedur. Der Allgemeinchat wird erst wieder angeworfen wenn Flashpoints / 4 Mann Heroics fertig sind. Sicher gibt es hier und da einige Sachen an denen noch etwas geschraubt werden muß, aber wie sagt man so schön? Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat. FPS Einbrüche habe ich keine, da bei mir glücklicherweise alles flüssig läuft. Es gibt denke ich eine Sache welche mir weniger gefällt und das ist die Tatsache daß das Spiel "heiß läuft". Das ist aber auch der einzige Punkt. nunr meine 2 Credits
  15. Just like the other said: -some have jobs (perhaps shift workers) -some go to college -some of us are married and have kids well get the picture, don't you?
  16. -Cross Server PvP (we have seen what damage it caused) -Cross Server Dungeon Finder (we have seen what damage it caused) -The PvPers (in my eyes they are the biggest whiners ever. No mercy with that scum) -E - Sports (have ALWAYS ruined an mmoRPG) -Damage Meters etc (we have seen what it did) Love me or hate me, I don't care.
  17. Change the advanced class? You are kidding. CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES!!!! When you made your decision.. then for God's Sake LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES!!!
  18. I will play this game until the bitter end. The PvP Whiners are unsubscribing? That's fine by me, because I won't waste a tear for them. It is THEM who try to ruin the game, and it is THEM who always cry for nerfs and IT IS THEM who simply cannot accept the things the game provides them with. And MOST OF THEM are the bad part in our community. Am I a bad person for not wasting a tear? I don't think so.
  19. I will never reroll Republic. And IF I ever wish to play Republic.. then it will happen on another server... as twinks.. no more..
  20. I am Level 50, and I am doing Heroic Flashpoints and we will start Hard Mode Operations. I still stick with my opinion and say the game has not disappointed me. The only disappointed ones are the PvPers who keep whining like pups.
  21. DPS Meter is pure poison. After many years of playing XoX I have seen what damage this thing caused. I hope it will never find it's way to SWTOR. I love the way it is. If you are a fan of DPS Meters, Recount, etc, then by all means return to WoW... that would be all.
  22. This game has not disappointed me. I only see disappointed PvP Players which are not my problem. But they can become my problem, when they keep crying out for nerfs. I am a PvE Player who has NOTHING to do with PvP, but if it stays like this here, my fellow PvE players and I will have to pay for their whining. This might be the only disappointment for me. I hope they will not "nerf" everything, because this game is ballanced on group vs group and not 1 vs 1. As long as this game keeps focusing on PvE and let PvP be optional, everything is fine. If not.. well you get the picture.
  23. SWTOR sets his focus on PvE.. so yes.. PvP may be flawed.. but better flawed PvP than flawed PvE.
  24. Reiner PvP Spieler hm? Keine Chance. Sie haben sich etwas dabei gedacht als sie das System gemacht haben. Und wenn Du reiner PvP Spieler bist, dann ist SWTOR auch das falsche Spiel für Dich.
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