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Everything posted by Faat

  1. 'I worked so hard farming nubs pre-patch, I deserve it and if my gear kills you, L2P' Post-patch, it's way harder to win matches to complete your dailys. So, looks like the hardcores had it eaiser than the casuals. Brilliant. Go back to Black Ops you won't be missed.
  2. Hardcore players fssss... 'I have all the right to own nubs like that, I have XX days played, owning scrubs / casuals / nubs is my right.' Gimme a break. Your GEAR is owning them, not your skills. I bet many of these casual scrubs, that have a lot less time to play but a lot more RL important things to do, would WTFpwn you hardcore nubs given equal stats / gear, that think time /played have any indication whatsoever about player skill. Same type of players that submit '/Iquit nothing else to do' threads when they rush through content and whine the end game isn't satisfying them. IMO, MMOs should NEVER catter to the hardcore crowd. If anything, these people (kids living in a basement mostly) should work harder on their real life. Hardcores, go play some endless grindy Korean MMOs, where the endgame is more endless grind. 'I'm at level cap, full BM, and I like my godmode status' crap needs a reality check. Get a L.I.F.E. first, then play games.
  3. Funny moment, I had a random tell yesterday as I topped DPS on my lvl12 vanguard, with less deaths than everybody else, sayin 'Enjoy your easymode class nub'. So funny getting called a 'nub' by someone who's got 2 times more levels than me, all his class skills (I don't even have guard, sprint, and many other CC and attacks, not mentionning I didn't spam grav round, but I guess he thought I did that), and couldn't even compete with my fresh lvl12 valor rank 3 vanguard trooper, positionning-wise (hence why I got less deaths than the rest of my side, and more damage due to the fact I died less). People are really terrible at SWTOR's PvP. And I can submit many SSs where I finished top 2 DPS and medals at lvl 11 and 12. I would just *********** not believe it. People QQing and randomly hating people just because they roll this or that spec / char. Get good.
  4. This is right on the money. In the end, for actual PvP (not slaughterfest, not completely dominating opponents JUST BECAUSE of gear) to happen, you have to have both sides pretty equally balanced. I'm for a slight advantage for those who have more time /played, but not like 15% more dmg / 15% less dmg taken (that's basically a gap of 30%, wich is HUGE). 5-10% would be more acceptable for a fresh 50. Those defending a 30% dmg gap like that are obnoxiously ridiculous. It's like organizing a race and you show up with a Ferrari, because you're rich and have loads of money, and your opponents have a Toyota. GJ wtfpwning these scrubtards, L2drive nubs. Good skilled players and team strategy would be the deciding factor to more fights than just gear.
  5. We all get it, but how can these people gear up for PvP in the first place ? They HAVE to Q and deal with it. So, deal with them too. Quitter debuff plz.
  6. Warhammer. War has the same type of gear imbalance. Some former War devs are working on SWTOR PvP. I guess they also worked on PvP gear, and I'm not surprised they came up with a huge gap.
  7. AoE detaunt and guard never stacked, so at most WPs had 50% less dmg inc. You're welcome. Also, just sayin, the guard mechanic is the only way to make tanks valuable for PvP, unless they'd remove all forms of CC from healers / DPS and give them all to tanks. Then we could think about removing / nerfing guard.
  8. Not really... I topped charts in some random WZs against bads, at lvl14. I doubt I'll rage when I'll be in the 50 bracket. I played WAR 3 *********** years, never raged, even if the game was imbalanced as hell. Was on top of the food chain after a while, playing casually, with a bunch of decent players. I'll get there too in SW eventually. Really, I have nothing against full BMs, those no lifers aren't there trying to steal my job or flirting with my GF.
  9. Having better gear = being more 'skilled' right ? Right ? When everybody will be full BM, we'll then see who's really skilled and who can play as a team better. Untill then, enjoy easy-mode. You're welcome
  10. Heh, You know, everyone will claim they have a life, but when you question them with their 60 hours of play time / week, wich is cold hard facts for a lot of nerds playing this game (those that are fully BM geared already *coughcough*), it's pretty evident that some are lying about their RL situation. I knew some 'elitist' that was constantly claiming to be the 'best player ever' on the forums, kicking *** with his premade, with all the best gear etc, then someone created a pic gallery thread, and when I saw his pic I literrally ROFL for real, looking at that 18 year old living in mom's basement, wasting his life in a meaningless GAME, instead of doing something like, studying, finding a decent job, hanging out with friends outside of said basement. All of that said, I'm not 50 yet, can I get a cookie ?
  11. This whine thread is the perfect example why EA games' Warhammer failed, yet they reproduced the same BS OP gear vertical ascension that made WAR fail. That's what is ridiculous. They don't learn from past' mistakes. Don't hate the players, hate the game, basically. After a while, with all the /Iquit threads and rage on forums, they nerfed some of the gear in WAR, introdued new gear to ease the pain of fresh rerolls fighting decked out characters. But there's still disparity, and it seems to be a focal point in design for EA / Bioware to retain hardcore players. Hardcores at the top of the food chain, playing in premades of similar hardcore players, are really enjoying their status, and some of them might even be proud they 'killed' PvP on their respective servers. All of that happened in WAR, there is now only 1 US server remaining. And sadly, many of these 'pro' players never play out of a premade.
  12. Then it's a L2P as a team issue. MDPS are GODS when backed up by tank and heals. Because 1) All the ennemy will try to focus down the guarded target, wich will then be focus healed by his teammates (in an ideal organized premade), and 2) Since the ennemy will have trouble taking their target out, they will start to run and scatter all over the place, giving your team an opening for a devastating attack on their backline. SWTOR isn't much different from WAR as far as tanking mechanic works for PvP. These days, a guarded MDPS in WAR is the biggest threat, even though RDPS have the upperhand in PuG fights.
  13. You never played WAR I guess... In melee range, you need GUARD AND HEALS to stay alive. Period. If you got Guard and heals backing you up, you should be able to destroy everything. Problem with SWTOR as it is now, nobody rolls tanks. Tanks absorb dmg, CC and TAUNT ennemies, reducing their outgoing dmg. Billy ****** MDPS shouldn't be able to survive, rightfully so, but give him a tank and heals that knows what they're doing and you'll see a big improvement.
  14. yet they brought up Mythic employees to help them with their PvP system. And we all know WAR is the best balanced PvP experience right ? Not. War still has class imbalance / realm imbalance, poor performances due to old engine, gear imbalance, basically, PvP in SWToR really looks like WAR, with the exception being that there's practically no RvR and CC immunity that's actually working. I liked WAR because I always was on top of the food chain, clubbing baby seals like a real Chuck *********** Norris. But then I know this is bad for player retention. I really hope they get their **** together and improve their endgame and PvP. I really like the PVE levelling from 1-50 so far.
  15. Also, I'd like to add that in WAR, you simply had to have a PC upgrade to have a decent FPS even in huge fights, just had to disable graphical effects on others and on ground. Seriously, I heard people complaining, when ultimately, their PC couldn't handle the heat. Sure, in the 1st year, there was server DCing when big stalemates occured, that's been fixed, but most players bad FPS was client side. I haven't experienced Ilum yet, just bought SWToR, but from my experience, there's no FPS drop whatsoever in 8vs8, If you struggle to get a decent framerate in those matches, upgrade your PC. Just my 2c.
  16. I disagree, because, people should be playing as a team, and each teams (of 4 ppl) should have at least a tank and a healer. I played, Warhammer, I know how tanks can swap guard around, making their allies quasi-invincible with a few heals here and there. 50% less dmg inc is huge. And tanks like Jugg and guardians have CC to control their opponents and take the heat off of their teammates. I,ve only been playing this game for a week, and never saw a tank guarding someone in a PuG. Everybody's a Billy ****** DPS.
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