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Everything posted by KorwinOfAmber

  1. KorwinOfAmber

    Sorc Bubble

    Can you stop showing off your autism at forums? Sorc "buble" is not "sorc" buble. Its team buff. Its designed so that it would be easelly spammable at whole team at all times. So you complain that squishiest class in game benefits from shield buble while Juggernaut or BH benefit from it the same way. If sorc in your team does not cast the shield on you, complain to him and not to Bioware. Really, you people make me sick. Also 10k damage.. ...
  2. Sorc damage ignoring power? I keep wondering where those stupid assumptions keep comming from. My main spammable attack basic damage 750 damage in tooltip in 1.5 second cast, and i see it constanly hit for like 250-400 damage - and i NEED to use it to be able to use my other casts effectively. Every spell is mitigated heavily, and since we DONT have attack-spells with "base damage of 2000-2500" like some other classes, it means most of our attacks hit for pretty pathetic damage unless crit (and even then its not great). Madness sorc has it a little better due to Force lightning, but its mitigated as well. If you see your HP going down swiftly from sorc, its not because he CRIT YOU FOR OMG 10K DAMAGE! but because you have affiction dot on you, slow dot, got hit with instant shock, got hit with instant stun which deals damage, and got critted by whatever he cast on you and probably instant Chain lightning or Crushing Darkness from proc and adrenal buffs. Sounds OP - but its not, requiring procs, crits, cooldowns and a total of like 6-7 casts.
  3. - except that sniper buble is better and he gets additional benefits, 15% damage reduction on incomming attacks e.t.c. form being in cover - except that if you are not a healer spec, using heals in combat is plain idiocy and suicide. You can heal others if not attacked, but healing yourself with Dark Heal is just plain pointless. -More CC than sniper? Yeah, you really said that... Our 2 second cast whirlwind on long cooldown vs instant flashbang on short cooldown. Melee stun that does great damage, vs our ranged stun. Our short cooldown slow vs your short cooldown root. Our AoE knockback that needs to be skilled to have root, vs your aoe knockback that has root. So where is our CC better? Are you implying force lightning? Surprise - Lightning spec does not use it, as he relies on Lightning Strike for all his procs, unlike Madness. -More mobility? Sure, since we are less survivable, more vulnerable to CC and have worse armor and no defencive cooldowns at all unlike sniper. - Hah. Thats a great joke. Call me when Sorc can crit for 10k. Lightning strongest spells are Chain Lightnign and Thundering Blast and their base damage is around 1000-1500k. With speced +50% surge on them, thats still lower than burst of most classes.
  4. Sniper? Ineffective? Cover? Hard to use in PvP? Sigh... seriously, i think of stopping reading those forums altogether, since amount of stupidity is simply overwhelming. The only thing Sniper can complain about is a Los and that every enemy sees when he is targeted, but that just balances his utility and great damage. I got a sniper and i absolutely love it in pvp.
  5. Haha, you made me laught. I suggest you go try playing sorc before posting on forums. Topping DPS charts does not mean Sorc is great single target or burst wise. DOTs, AOE and useless healed damage from 30 meter away - most of sorc damage is SUSTAINED. While Sniper, if not interupted is probably most deadly class in game at the moment (not complained about since sniper needs los and support to unleash his mayhem unlike OP)
  6. How having a team buff make it OP? Usually each team have at least one sorc/sage. Just as with Guard - using a shield on team mates or not is personal decisions of the player that plays the class. If he cares not only about his DPS but about actually winning, he will cast the shield on others. I am pure DPS sorc, and even i cast it on team mates when see them fighting someone or flag carriers - it contributes to protectrion thus gives you medals, its great to protect your team mates and its better than healing when you need to make someone on low hp not die from next attack. Its a support skill. I cant understand how can anyone complain about it, when everyone benefits from it. Its like saying nerf all healers healing, since they can survive people attacking them and get away. Just forgeting you also nerf the healing that heals YOU. Or nerf the Agents +5 critical chance buff, its OP! (despite it applying on whole team)
  7. You realize that sniper backad up by sorc is a monster? Sorc can never do and kill enemies as quickly as uninterupted sniper can do, and sniper with sorc shield and healing is a killing machine.
  8. I still wonder, are all of you guys idiots? Sorcs "buble" is a team cast - its applicable on everyone in team. Healing sorc would keep it on all team mates at all times, while damage sorc would at least cast it on one-two more persons. Everyone benefits from the shield, YOU benefit from the shield. If you have sorc in team and he doesnt cast shield on you, blame him - not the class. Idiots. Cant find other word.
  9. Was saying that since the start, but people did not believe heh. Still, theres very little skilled Maradeurs to really fear them.
  10. No, they dont. Thats the stupidest implication ever. PvE gear should be good for PvE. But you shoudnt be better than PvP gear for PvP Combat. PvP gear should be good for PvP. But you shoudnt be able to go to higher level raids with PvP gear and expect to survive. Ideally, they should have two completely different sets of stats.
  11. KorwinOfAmber

    Buff Thread

    No nerfs here. Post only what you`l like to see buffed, as almost every class has some useless or much weaker trees and specs. Lightning Sorcerer. As pathetic in PvP as in PvE. There simply is no reason to go there. The only combat spec is madness and people only take points in lightning for chain lightning with wrath. The problem is not a tree itself, but that Lightning abilities do pathetic damage compared to Madness spec.
  12. Good thing it amused you. However fact stays the fact, in team pvp with limited slots some classes are just useless as other are much more effective. This means DPS sorc is out from any decent team - he is useless compared to other classes that could do same job. Only needed Sorc is Healer.
  13. Force Shield is a team buff. Any decent sorc will also cast it at team mates and yourself, healer sorc would cast it on everyone by default. How can you complain about an ability thats used to protect EVERYONE in team?
  14. Sorc/Sage is a weakest class as far i am concerned - its DPSer (but its sustained DPS not burst). Its good healer, but not really great 1on1 char (apart from escaping) or burster compared to other classes. The only reason he is high in damage charts at warzones (which mean litterally nothing of its effectivity) - is because he can swiftly land affinity dots on the crowd of people (which are generally speaking useless combat wise, but contribute A LOT to the total DPS done) and can shoot lightnings and aoe from 30 meters away. Dont be mistaken however to think that those lightnings are what kills you... the damage is pathetic compared to burst classes. Ended todays last warzone with 51 kill on my sorc and i dont even know where those numbers come from - most people i only able to shoot two three spells barely scratching them (Exception being crowd of people fighting melee and me AOEing them from safe spot until someone notices me) - its not like melee or BH where they basically sit on you till you die - contributing to your death from when they encounter you to the end. Whenever Sorc gets noticed - he runs away, fighting would be stupid. Thus its a sustained DPS class that can deal a lot of total damage, that on practice however means little (except for well landed AoEs) as most of it is healed, not fatal e.t.c. Why i like sorc is utility though - slow, jolt, shield, aoe knockback, stun: it have lots of tools to help team mates. However i repeat - in most cases, Sorc is not the class that does actual killing (unless you for some reason ignore him while he casts at you for like 20 seconds...) Sorc shield is great, but theres little thing about it - it can be spammable and cast at all your team mates, thus benefiting whole team a lot. Its "unfair" when Sorc has a shield but "fair" when same shield is cast by sorc on you, giving you same benefits? Crying about shield is stupid - its a team ability. Its just most sorcs in pugs are too centured on damage to even think about casting it on someone else (healer sorcs do though, can spam it indifenetely). Next point would be sorc "healing". People tend to talk about a uber DPS machine, with superb healing and survivibility. Which is simply not true. DPS Sorcs heals are useless - point, end. The only heal he get is 2.5 second cast Dark heal thats impossible to use in combat and heals only moderate amount of hp. So if sorc output insane damage on you, he cant outheal your damage - if you met a sorc that heals for a lot, its healer - his damage is even more gimped than normal sorc. In opposite of what people tend to say, pug teams with lots of sorcs SUCKS. Its like the worst combination - sorcerrer is in essense support class and relyes on others doing the tanking, charging and actual killing while he delivers constant range DPS from a far or heals allies. About the only class that should have troubles with sorc (not troubles chasing and killing sorc, its hard. But troubles killing him if he decides to stay on place and accept the fight) is Juggernaut/Guardian. Than again, its also the hardest for sorc class to kill because of their survivibility so its a stale mate.
  15. My problem with the OPs/Sins is not the Burst actually. Its that they ARENT the glass cannons they claim to me. In most encounters they can kill anyone 1on1 just because they can kill you faster than you can kill them. MUCH faster. In group situation it means, that while two people DPS an OP, if he gots cooldowns or any heal recieved he can easely kill one of the two, while you woudnt have time to even drop him to half HP, and then start with second. That way obviously, 2 such classes, would kill enemys even faster. The ONLY counter to them is AoE - and lets be honest, here a lvl 50 gear plays to their advantage, since THEY can kill people really really fast. THEY however cannot be killed same fast, thanks to gear being quite survivable and thus exploit the DPS advantage without really worrying about survival. And if it happens that he is focused he just pops back into stealth.
  16. All people saying BH is OP should roll one and try it. I did just that, rolled and trained 4 classes (not max though) to see how they play. BH is awesome, but its like a Revolver - it only have 6 bullets after which its useless. Its most dependable on ammo (heat in its case) class, with slowest restore rate. So its incomparable to any other class if it unloads all its abilities and wastes all heat at once (except the melee warriors at full rage) , after which its useless. Not "pretend to be useless so that people wont nerf me" type that OPs say they are "useless out of stealth" but litterally - spamming basic attack useless. So as BH you are either shooting all magazine out (which can lead to easy win in 1on1 encounters or to deal massive aoe damage to crowd), or have to watch your heat and dont spam abilities - making it much less of a deadly machine. So, generally speaking, any warrior class is better than BH, because if they survive initial encounters - warriors can generate rage indefinite, spamming very strong attacks - while BH is useless for almost a minute (and vent heat does not save him) if you caught him with high heat. The reason people think BHs are OP or BHs dominating damage charts are - either he stands somewhere AOEing people while no one pays attention, or he unloads his all arsenal on a single player killing him (the player of course does not care that after that BH is useless and vulnuerable until venting heat).
  17. Maradeurs. As improbable it sounds, thats the most OP class atm - in right team setup with healing, it outranks everyone else: great survivibility, DPS on par with DPS classes (making OPs,Snipers, damage spec BHs useless (except for AoE value). Everyone with any experience in PvP knew that in the end heavy armored classes will turn the best, but so far its more true for Maradeurs, Juggs are survivable but cant compare to them really. The weakest are probably Sorcs/OPs/non tank Sins/Snipers. P.S. Play Sorc, Juggernaut, Sniper and Powertech
  18. I just love how those forums are no indication of overall impressions and mood about SWTOR at ALL. Me and most of the people i know so far enjoy the SWTOR greatly (and i am surprisingly in that category, since i though i would hate it as i generally hate WoW clones) and will continue playing at least till release of GW2. But i can see this game only growing. Its the first MMO in years that has real chance to success, and so far everything looks positive. You can spam forums with how many "qq i quit" topics you like, the overall trend for the game is still upwards, not downward spiral.
  19. I believe you`v been already told that, bu i`ll repeat, just in case - go back to WoW. Bye.
  20. Sorc needs buff. Buff the lightning tree, its pathetic compared to other two. Otherwise is fine, also one of weakest classes at lvl 50.
  21. I suggest you follow the trend and instead of NERF topics, make some BUFF topics for your classes. Let me start, Buff Lightning Sorc. While Madness, Hybrid and to less extend healing sorc are deemed OP by many, there are not many classes as useless in pvp as Lightning sorcs. At least buff their main weapon on which procs depend - Lightning Strike to make more damage then 1 tick of Force Lightning...
  22. Yeah, i know lot of you believe Sorcs are already overpowered, but that applies to Madness sorcs, and to lesser extend to Corruption. What about Lightning? Our main weapon, Lightning strike hits like most classes basic attack.. with all talents specced, crit hits is still hits for astounishing... 200-500 damage on any decently geared player. With expertise gear and buffs it hits for the awesome 700-1000 once in 3 seconds (because of ability delay you practically never get to cast LS without pause so it would be 2 of them in 2 secs) I assume the spell thats on 1,5 second cast and is main in Lightning rotation should at least hit harder then 1 tick of force lightning? You can spam LS all day and not kill anyone, even basic heals out heal its damage. So basically a Lightning sorc is forced to still use Force Lightning as main attack trowing Chain Lightning here and there... which is stupid. Affiction and thundering blast are nice, but thats it. I played many classes now, and i honestly cant remember any class which main spammable attack is more useless than LS (and you have to spam it if you want the mana regen, cost/chain lightning procs associated with it). It literally hits like basic weapon attack for all classes. It needs to be improved drastically, or for example a specific debuff added in Lightning tree that would make it not hit for 100 DPS per second. And that while similar main cast ability in other tree - force lightning, is so great in damage and also have CC effect that going lightning tree seems bad choice no matter how you look.
  23. Yeah, SWTOR FPS is really an issue. The game is badly optimized, though cant blame Bioware for that - they bought a retarded Hero Engine, the decision they pay for now... Game does not look so great to justify the resources it uses and performance. I find myself switching down resolution when playing warzones, even though i have all settings on low anyway - while can run things like Skyrim e.t.c. on max without problems.
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