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Everything posted by Dreadicus

  1. Brilliant point. STILL waiting on a Guild calendar to schedule events!!!!
  2. My worst and most unloved toon with a class I'm not a fan of always playing - that will be my first kotfe playthrough. This expansion needs to 'impress' me with my worst toon in play first - and I suspect the story will, for a time. If that happens - off to my Alt masses starting with my namesake..
  3. I do not plan to make a 'free 60' ever. It's still going to be cake city with 6xp story and 6xp planet from 1-50. I'll build and play my character, giving it the personality *I* want it to have with my quest decisions, versus whatever Bio has whipped up as cookie cutter 60's for their 'movie going flock' they are expecting.
  4. I actually seem to recall some shared metric at one point that showed nearly 50% of all level 60's had at least once, entered an Op (maybe it was Ops/PVP combined, not sure)? Don't quote me on that, it could be failing memory of someone's post without facts too. I do seem to recall whatever post I remember this from, having facts about it linked as well.. (I am NOT Necroing that post up but someone please do that recalls it better than I..) It's certainly a great deal more than 5%. And if it was 5% only? Most companies (corporate entities - such as EA!) operate within a profit margin of 1-3%. 5% of their paying player base leaving could break them, or put SWTOR into maint mode real quick-like... If that's all there 'truly' was of Raiders (which I highly, highly would argue - and I don't even do Ops anymore!!) then they are causing their profit margin to leave? That's not good business, no matter how much passion you have for video game pixels..
  5. In a nutshell, this is. One of my bigger gripes - 3+ years and no new classes? Shoot just allowing either side to have the 2 classes that each side 'should' have - Agents on Pub (SIS anyone?) and Smugglers on Emp (Imperial Customs - to heck with your 'not canon anymore') would be welcome.
  6. Thank You. Another jewel of a post. This is exactly how I recall release, and the exact reason I left for some time as well. The game at release 'WAS' Story geez louis nothing BUT story except for occasional Hx and FP runs (still story actually!), and a bugged Op that was worse than all the bugs in MC and Ony combined in WoW.. Now I just really don't care about the Ops and stick to HMs, Ops are horrible in SWTOR - the only good thing about them is 8/16 is a whole lot better to rally folks for than 10/20/and old 40's were in WoW.. I guess we should give Bio credit. They appear to realize where they fail (endgame) and are striving to change how the game plays out so there is no 'need' for endgame content before the 'next' expansion after KotFE? That's looking to be the strategy to keep their vaunted 'solo player base because metrics' around I'd guess as well? Giving 12xp for months (and free 60's at expansion release!) I guess is their way to 'try' to lock in the long time players to the game, by saying 'you can redo all the content with all these 60's you have now!' To be honest on that last point - that's all gravy for me, I'm an endgame/altaholic, so at least some of this appeals to me.. If you are here just for Raids/Ops - sad farewell goodbye..(you're a masochist for staying this long) :/ This Novermberist is sticking it out for now. I just don't see sticking with this month after month for 1 chapter and no group content in the foreseeable future. There was an Arab Spring. There just might be a SWTOR Spring.
  7. Props I guess - Is your 7yr old some sort of MMO genius? How many hours of over the shoulders help did you deliver for that understanding of the game to transpire, for a grasp of game mechanics to sink in - or are you saying you sat them in front of character creation and walked off and they managed 60 on their own with no direction? Picked class and subset skillset on their own? Built a custom UI on their own? Figured out skill rotation on their own? Are they at least 190 soloable (or even 192!) at 60? Do all the solo content on their own? reliable in group content from FP to an Op? No help from Dad? (you sure?) My daughter (11) plays and finally got to 60. It was not without great aid from Dad at times. It's possible given an infinite amount of time for *anything* to occur I guess (those poor, poor slugs on Emp side, and poor, poor flesheaters on Pub side..) She didn't faceroll though, she understands proper skill rotation now.. My point was the continual 'dumbification' of a gameset (MMO's in general - SWTOR at point), not that the occasional genius might come along and be able to grasp it all - at 7? At the current rate of dumbification - I'd actually believe that in another 1-2 years...
  8. Glad I didn't post my reply - between page 4 and 7, this jewel above was posted. Thank You. This is happening because Star Wars - and that's it. They are betting 'movie- new subscribers!' and aren't considering the ADD-driven thinking of today's button pushing youth.. Let the aged, MMO (there I said it) experienced players move on, we'll keep the worst of the worst and doctor this game to the point a 10 year old SW fan can faceroll to 65....
  9. Actually - you are not the troll, the Trolls are the petty tools that have already pestered your honest thread to Bio. 'They' don't get 'your' style of play. 'They' feel threatened. What do threatened monkeys do? They stomp around madly, and throw ***** with their hands. Don't feed the monkeys (trolls). To your point - agreed upon by some. The majority that feel like you are people that wouldn't normally be found in these forums, actually. I hope more do speak with their wallets. EAware certainly doesn't listen or 'poll' their customers in any fashion for what we'd like to have versus whatever crap they dream up at board meetings and.. 'Metrics' LOL.
  10. Then there is also this Bio.. Silence - is Deafening!
  11. This is just amazingly poor decision making, Bioware. Fixing past issues, making the game better, introducing new content - New and Old Players draw Keeping things in place that worked, rewarding effort, tying back to old, good content - Old Players draw You are basically thumbing your nose at anyone who has been here long enough to put in time/effort/$ by just removing these achievements. Which as others have quoted you - you stated you would not do. It really feels to me on certain points now, that 4.0 is like the big FU with a 20 story Bird to many long time, embedded customers. Until now, I had a 'wait n see' on most of the changes, even level syncing; I was mildly 'waiting' to see how it plays out. This however is just wrong, and rewards yet again the whiny weak amongst us instead of rewarding those who have already rewarded YOU, Bio/EA with our previous subscriptions, CC purchases, additional new player subscriptions from suggesting the game, time spent in game, free advertisement via spreading word of what a fun game we played.. Yah screw all that we're taking your rewards last minute because we're too lazy (and penny pinching) to do it 'RIGHT' like our big brother WoW always seems to do.. Your new launcher even looks like WoW's. You guys are still modeling after WoW in certain respects 4 years later, and 'still' falling short.. You do shaft your long time supporters better than most though, I'll give you that...
  12. Somehow, I think this is more intertwined with the guts of the game itself - the 12xp is just a multiplier - that is really simple to adjust. This change seems like the reverse of the 'GDI bolster' on Makeb (to an extent), if you get my meaning. Reserve judgement till I experience it. So far, this is the one thing I wish they would have just held off on but we'll see. Oh, and renaming commendations to crystals.. What bright boy thought that one up....
  13. Thanks Dulfy as usual - combing the notes versus the whine n cheez and 'can I haz your stuff' moronic replies..
  14. Appreciate your explanation of what they said. Buuut.. I still don't get 'why' this was done or what the big deal was to spend dev-time on such a thing. No matter, I reserve judgement until I experience it.
  15. I smell low level toons ambushing high level toons on PVP servers, on certain planets. It will be the new thing for the PVP'ers to whoop about. Was the 'reasoning' explained at least?
  16. It certainly will change things on PVP servers - wonder if they even considered that caveat with this decision. Can't wait to hear horror stories of 65's getting ambushed by 1-2 20's @ the Dunes on Tattooine. Doesn't make sense (classic Bioware at times?), I can't even recall a big push by any vocal minority ASKING for such a thing. I missed the twitch - did they actually 'explain' why at least? (Can anyone comment - in-between cursing?)
  17. EXACTLY. To Each - THEIR OWN. (and yes, just glanced at the twitch notes as I missed it - 40 is verified!) People on RP servers - who actually RP (and involved in their guild's RP interactions), are REJOICING as it allows them to have a whole suite of characters they can build for actual role playing, to use outside of existing game stories, to tell their own RP stories in the SW universe. With this 12xp, a LOT of Altaholics have filled up 22 already, and moved some to other places to spread legacy/allow room for toon creation on their 'main server. (RP types or not!) I don't see what is wrong with that, or why so many get so up in arms about other people's playstyles. Consider the reverse; Someone who only plays 1 single toon, maxes it out in PVP, GSF, and PVE - because they want to. Nothing wrong there either, I would hope...
  18. I want to know which bright boy decided to turn comms into crystals... Really?? With all that is changing - was this really necessary? You guys going to change the name of these rewards every expansion now? Calling them commendations 'makes sense' as it stands.. Commendation - something that commends, as a formal recommendation or an official citation or award. (duh - in this game, a 'reward' for completion of a mission) Crystal - a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces. (Derp - what we put in our weapons...) ....
  19. I remember that as well - I'd wager they would say these days 'everything not light/dark dependent 'is' neutral gear'. Please recall though, that when this was said early on- Orange gear was freaking rare (and a good deal of it 'was' light/dark dependent), and trying to keep up with your mods in Orange gear the first 1-2 months after beta (or your first 1-2 toons so to speak) was quite the PITA. Now - gear is like rain, as are comms (OMG I can't believe they are changing them to Crystals - LAME) which you can buy mods for like candy.
  20. They have verified 2 more slots - and there seems to be a rumor (maybe a datamined one, maybe just BS) of going to 40. That said - why do you care if someone has 40 characters - and maybe wants them in one guild? Is that some sort of impact on your personal gaming experience? If enough ask for it and Bio makes it happen - is this some harm to you? I am sitting on 22 60's on TEH, and even fooling around on other servers to 'spread my legacy' so to speak. Again, why does that matter to you if someone is enjoying themselves in a manner not your own, with no harm to you? I'd warrant a guess that folks like me who are altaholics - could care less if some folks play just 1 single toon their whole time here. Not impacting us with how you play.
  21. Emm, sorry I disagree with your disagreement - but will back it up with some whys.. Both companions already can join you at Lvl 1 and lvl 10 respectively - completely outside of the pattern of other companions because; they take actual $$ or subbed $$ over time to purchase them (Along with a decent bit of work for HK - added the constant cost per character to unlock him currently). If at Lvl 10 I can have 3 companions instead of the '1' built in to the existing content and story-line - why wouldn't these companions also be available instead of the built-in '3' (Lana and whoever) that are supposed to awaken us in the new content? Both companions are completely outside of the story-line now and available at predetermined times - I expect this will not change. I do expect moments when it will say (as it does now at certain class times) 'Companion XXXXX is needed to complete XXXXXXXX' - if you had Treek or HK out at a crucial 'story-line' moment. Don't think with your heart here, think with your $$. They won't fool with people's $$ but they will play with your heart...
  22. This thread went to the places I thought it would earlier when I stumbled into it at work.. Thread # 9843392001 of 'why OP thinks this MMO will die soon' has been filed. Please, don't let the space hatch hit you in the A on your way out.. https://imgflip.com/i/o0kg5
  23. Truth. I like me's a little video poker tho - I seem to always profit there a little if I get out after the first good hand.
  24. But BW actually doing this tho.. I think half-full cup normally, but there is a limit....
  25. I plan to run HK with mine just for the overkill...
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