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Everything posted by AetherMcLoud

  1. I like how you are the be-all end-all instance of class balance, and have a direct line to the developers so you can predict what will come. *sarcasm detector exploding*
  2. The devs already stated that they don't nerf or buff because of forum whines but because of their own data. And them nerfing Ops again shows that they hold that true. Nobody called for more Ops nerfs but they get another one. Some bad players call for Assassin nerfs but they don't get one. Simple as that.
  3. I don't see any nerfs. Operatives get nerfed. Assassins don't because they don't need nerfing. Simply stating that they are overpowered doesn't make them overpowered. Until now nobody could argue otherwise.
  4. So now that your argument is proven completely falls you're falling back to arguing semantics? Do us all a favor and simply stop posting in this thread seeing as you don't contribute any actual content.
  5. Only Tankassassins have 2, the DPS ones have 1. And hey I'm a stounch supporter of giving Operatives a gap closer. A melee class without a gap closer is destined to fail. I like the idea of giving them a hookshot that pulls them to their target. Because they don't? Assassins have Force Shroud and Deflection. Operatives have Evasion and Shield Drone. Again, please stop talking about stuff you have no clue about. Probably a bug. Not to mention the utility of having actual castable heals! Or an AOE mesmerize. Or a 30 meter default attack. And other special attack that have 30 meters range.
  6. I think a tank cooldown should increase the damage you take while tanking. Makes perfect sense according to the logic in this thread.
  7. Please stop trolling. Remove the only good tanking cooldown a tank class has? Yeah right. Stop your gorram trolling, it just shows that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about class balancing and MMOs in general.
  8. Are you serious? Please stop talking about things you have no clue about. Dodge/Evasion REMOVES ALL NEGATIVE EFFECTS FROM OPERATIVES/SCOUNDRELS. It even has the exact same cooldown as Force Shroud does FFS.
  9. Healing classes don't have tank cooldowns, other news at 11.
  10. I don't think it should be lower either, but you were trying to argue that shadows have the best of everything and now you're proven wrong.
  11. [Class] always beats me [because I am a bad player]! Nerf them! They are so OP! [Class] has [Ability X], [Ability Y] and on top of that they do [Z]! I only have [Ability A], [Ability B] and can only do [D and E]! This is the worst! I don't want to have to learn how to beat [Class]! They should simply cower in my presence and explose when I look at them funny! Everything else is useless! Learning how to beat [Class] and getting better in PVP is useless! NERF NERF NERF!
  12. Cheer up? Grow up! Nobody who wants to be taken seriously writes stuff like "u" instead of you, "b" instead of be and scriptkiddy speak like that. ON top of that, you never won any argument. You lost actually. I said Assassins have the worst interrupt. You called me a troll. I told you Assassins have a 12 seconds CD interrupt which makes it the worst. You said "lol no my sniper interrupt is also 12 seconds so u no worst"... Even if 2 things are tied for being the worst they both are still the worst. L2argue.
  13. This. Classes are extremely well balanced here for a game that is only out for 3 month. Compare that to the rollercoaster balance that 7 years of WoW was... I lose against better players than me and win against lesser players. Gear difference obviously also does it's thing but the classes all have a chance against each other. Ops/Scoundrels should get a gap closer though.
  14. Learn to write before you try to argue with pointless arguments.
  15. An interrupt is off the global cooldown. Jolt is our interrupt. is has 12 seconds cooldown. Every other interrupt has less cooldown.
  16. Well I certainly hope so, but until we get some tester to test in on the PTS, or a devpost we can't really be sure about it and that's what I don't like :/
  17. 1) Nobody specs that talent 2) Shadows DO HAVE THE WORST INTERRUPT IN THE GAME 3) Shadows have the worst tank mitigation cooldown ...
  18. On that we can agree. And that's why they are nerfing Ops again (though nobody cried about them since 1.1) and let Assassins stay the same (though people cry about them). Because Ops still have to much burst and Assassins are balanced. Learn to live with it. Ops still should have a GapCloser though.
  19. Sure, the sprint is the most interesting thing from all the legacy options, but that doesn't change that it would completely, utterly, destroy and resemblence of balance in pvp.
  20. That's the problem with people believing every Assassin is specced 31/31/31... Also, of frakking course a tank class will have better defensive cooldown than a healing class. That's the whole point of playing a tank class...
  21. How do I beat snipers? It seems they are immune to my knockbacks, stuns, and knockdowns and will knock me back whenever I get close to them. You have NO IDEA. Shadows tanks were BUFFED because they were underperforming. So no they won't be nerfed, not at all, and surely not in the classdestroying way that you propose. Good thing you don't have any say in class balancing.
  22. Same holds true for EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS LEGACY. Ship GTN? Not worth 5 million bucks. Etc. PP.
  23. Not. Even. Shadows. Stop making up numbers.
  24. Why was this thread moved to the PVP forum? This is a very valid question for the PTS... that could easily be answered by a dev in the know.
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