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Everything posted by AetherMcLoud

  1. You can unlock the buffs by leveling a specific class OR by simply unlocking the buff with credits. Anyone who simply plays 1 char at level 50 for an extended amount of time will have more than enough credits to buy the buffs.
  2. a) I'm not your buddy, I could probably be your father. b) Anyone who starts using personal attacks instead of facts as arguments has run out of arguments and is therefor on the losing side of any given discussion. Fact. c) You were wrong, because Force Shroud does in fact NOT make you immune to damage. Learn to argue before you try to insult.
  3. Every statistic we see is biased by I see about the same. Most pre-50 warzones are made up of lots of Commandos and Sages still, some Sentinals and the occasional Shadow and Scoundrel.
  4. Indeed. This game is out for 3 month and classes are MUCH MORE balanced than they ever were in the 7 year history of WoW. I've actually never seen a tighter class balance in any MMO.
  5. It does NOT make you immune to damage. Do you have any idea what that skill does? Apparently not.
  6. You're such a ridiculous troll a thread should be made about banning you. And such a thread should be stickied until you're banned from posting on the forum.
  7. You're such a gorram frakking troll it's not even funny anymore. Stop your gorram anti-shadow crusade. You've made your (non-existing and without any proof other than you screaming OP at the top of your lungs) point clear in fivehundred and sixty four threads already, so simply stop.
  8. This. I laugh at most Scoundrels/Operatives, yet some beat me all the time, simple because they know their class inside-out and use every tool available.
  9. No matter what the cooldown and speed boost will be, if it is usable in combat in warzones you will be REQUIRED to have it to play PVP, especially ranked warzones. Which means that new players will have to spend a whooping 5 million credits (on top of the 300k for the recruit set) before they will be able to PVP which is insane.
  10. Just as everything else about Legacy.
  11. How about some gorram answer from Bioware on this issue? this isn't the first thread asking this, and this is pretty much a make-or-break issue for a lot of PVP players. We really need a dev answer stating clearly if rocket boots will be usable in warzones or not.
  12. Buffs are usable in PVP. So the question remains if Rocket Boosts are.
  13. We really need a Dev answer on this issue. Rocket Boots in PVP would start a slippery slope of giving every unique class ability (Charge, Pull, Push, ...) to every class via legacy for PVP usage. Also it would mean every new player would have to farm 5 million credits to be on equal footing in PVP warzones which would be beyond ridiculous.
  14. You have too many active missions in your questlog. You can only have 25 missions active at a time. Abandon some missions and you will be able to pick up new ones.
  15. I have a better idea, remove the class from the game because everyone seems to hate it anyway. When you've done that remove all the other classes in the game and make everyone have a generic class with generic ability but perfect balance. The only bad thing about that is that nobody will be left to play the game then.
  16. Timeouts are needed otherwise you would never be able to wipe out the defenders on voidstar for example.
  17. There ARE SEVERAL COUNTERS: Killing Knockback Pulling
  18. I actually like the binary system. WoW system made no sense at all and made it so some classes stacked WAY better then other ones. I think 2 little changes would fix resolve: - CC breaker instantly fills resolve bar, making you CC immune for 8 seconds - Lower cooldown of CC breaker a little, or make respawning reset the cooldown.
  19. "If we win, it's tactic; If they win, it's exploiting!"
  20. Trust me I wasn't raging. You wouldn't like me when I'm raging "I don't play X and I have no clue what their abilities are but they are Y and therefore Z" is no basis for an argument.
  21. Talk about clueless. Resilience = republic version of Force Shroud. Which you DID want removed some posts ago.
  22. Because big numbers means big players, hurp a durp a derp!
  23. If you really believe that you're delusional. Can an exceptional player take out 3 bad players with the same gear? maybe if he really is exceptional and the 3 players are REALLY bad. That doesn't have anything to do with class choice though.
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