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Everything posted by tanktest

  1. SO true, Ive had those kind of groups 18 mins or less it was awesome , you can tell right away how its gonna go ... and one tank on the last boss , I was even in a group once were one of the dps told me been trying get the boss to 40 % before the first tank .... not sure if that is even poss right now,I would love see it happen ...
  2. One last question how do you all give out mats in a pug ops ... I wonder .. IF you answer it how I think you will I won't say anymore . because this will be point less .. at the start of each SM EC and SMTFB I ask if they all are gonna run Both then I lay out the loot rules for mats .. which are if we all stay togather for both we get mats at the end of both if were not all gonna run both then stay at the end we will roll for the mats as for the boss loot I do this in HM as well as SM it stys on Group loot ... ) I will ML at each chest .. I think its very unfair that one player should get the stack and most in my OPS like those rules,and I do that in HM or SM .. and at each boss I change to loot back to group loot .. and if you need the fight explain I am more then willing to just say you don't know it .. SO who respect who and who is a team player here I do indeed care but don't like to be forced to do some thing I don't want to .. just my thought like I said I didn't want the negative effect I got here .. with this post ...
  3. May they didn't ask or maybe they expected him to or maybe they just didn't want to share who knows people can be strange ,..
  4. NO , *** was that ... stealing how was that , can I ask were they in the same guild if they were well that's your answer ... some may ask you did you ask I say to that if it was setting there rotting why ask also was any one else skinning them .. if some else was what I do is let the other' s have it to advoid this kind of drama but that's me But No that is not a good reason to kick you .. and no I would not kick you or anyone for that reason , that's a suptid reason then again I wasn't there and don 't know how much of it is how it happen that your are telling us
  5. huh really do you know what respect is ? Please tell me your thought on respect I' l bet your the they type that wants to control the group and tell them how what way to kill the some thing, I also bet your way it the only way to . ::::::::!!!!!))))).. This post was not what I wanted I wanted to point out , that they need to fix how GF works or fix how HMFP are Il be honest IF there was no way to do speed runs I would not be here talking this kind of abuse .. but then again in the eyes of you all I'm the abuser wish you all could get to know me but you can't so until you all get to know someone like me you don't know )) anyway that said I Respect fully ask if a site admin would ether lock this post or delete it ,,, I am very sorry I made , it gave a negative effect I did not intend...
  6. Between the two OPS id say SMEV is way easyer only because of that one boss hint and the thrash before and after lol PLz No AOE yet they do it any way and break CC well the rest you know .. ive only lived thu that mess like two times and we did or intended it one time for fun , but both times everyone was in Full 63 ;s .. AKA THE fabricator
  7. while were on kaon how many skip that one group before the jump over the ship for the event fight , I don't like to and most of the time I wont , I will just pull that one group, I have wiped to many times for not killing them and it takes like 1 min more to kill them over 5 mins because of a wipe ... ..
  8. whys that ? I have wiped more not killing the commander first ...eve with a low HP tank ...to be honest thats not a bad amount of HP for that fight anything below that is bad thu ...
  9. HERE HERE best way and a lot wont do it they insist its not doable that way Idc ether way its all fun to me ...
  10. IL give a tip here and really have no idea why so many want to kill the boss last . one of my guildes do it that way only because its fun to him see others pined down while we kill all but the boss but if you kill the boss first and then the others the tank can pick them up, its like when you cut of the head everything else dies , and as a healer there is a allowed work around that's fun to .. go up the ramp before the fight just the healer watch your screen for your name , once your his target if your up over head when they come after you wait long enough then jump it so much fun lol ....
  11. Team player really I wont give my toon name but if you ever some how find out who I am run with me that toon will change , I'm all about being a team player but don't like pretty much being told I have to do it ... NO more said .. it works both way in pugs your right on that . do just guild runs they should it goes both ways ? ... as for Kaon and FE we do speed runs all the time in about 20 mins you proly don't beve that ether .. Im the type in a ops or HM , if I know the group can handle it I will go pull the next wave as a healer makes it more fun ,, im that good and if the group can 't I won't . that simple ...
  12. I guess my whole point is this falls in to a few posts I have read on the forums about the GF and players skipping stuff ,, why should we do a full run if its one HM a day is all we do . we don't need a thing and I would not ask any one to gear me up , this game is so easy to do it. you know you cant realty give a good enough reason to , but that me , in a way I'm sorry came here and made this post in a way I'm not but others I know ingame got a big lol out of it , as I did .. and now I wish there was a delete button on the forums , unless I'm missing I don't see .. ..
  13. Nether on the Maturity or attention span !! I wont explain : )) ...
  14. I disagree I love it when they all do there own thing makes healing for me more fun and more of something to look forward to . ... but you prolly think I'm Out of mind , but to that I'm a beast healer .... WC these kinda of things ,but it all depends on how well geared the group is and how good they are . IF the group is under geared go slow use CC etc and kill order and al way no matter what on any boss fight unless the DPS is plan awesome follow a kill order , ...
  15. To add wouldn't the kill order depend on how well geared the group is , and in most ops or HM I run we kill as we see it unless its a boss , unlike SWTOR thrash pull are some what weak to wow thrash mobs , which in some cases were harder then the bosses was and had to be killed in a boss like way ,, thrash should be just what it is thrash , have no real kill order if the group is geared for it ...IMO .... be able to kill it fast like we can in SWTOR but that How I see it ...
  16. I thought long and hard on how to say this and what happen and why i left , it was out of resepct for others .. I joined a BoI today thu the GF , I asked if they wanted to do a 12 min run , two said yes and one said NO ... that was cool , so I was very nice aobut it, I said well im gonna go , I dont want to take 40 mins for something thats takes 12 mins and BW said we could, so why not ?.. any way I left then IT DCED me new bug for me , I came back, some one sends me a tell ( no names please ) ! , telling me , I am Compelete douche , I was now on his iqnore list... I did ask the group before hand if i we could , if i could have i would have find a replacement healer , there is nothing, i mean nothing, I need from HM fp's and I have others things, i want to get done ingame then waste 40 to hour on a PUg, I would be carrying anyway .. SO my question is, why do I have to do somethnig I don't want to ? , and why did I get iqnored ? . was told they are gonna blacklist me ?. I did ask before hand . i did ask out of respect , I could have went and not healed any one or forced the 12 min run, to me that would be worse then me leaving ... and I did say I was gonna go in a nice way ... Sigh this prolly will be over looked here, I'm ok with that to , but there is two sides ,. to the run HM thing, others need to have respect not should ,I have as I do , even if some don't see this as respect,it is .. I really dpn't want to help any one gear up unless there in my guild or thu raiding, no one ever helped me and if wanted to run a full run I would ask before we started when I was gearing up .. and if they didn't want to I was ok with that .. , I just want to get the daily Hm done for the Day for the BH comms ... SO I can level up ats or get my other 50 s daily HM etc and pvp dailys done .. SO PLEASE have RESPECT for others , even if you think were NOT, we are in most cases, if we leave,..... some wont say anything , will just leave,may be I should start dcing to ...
  17. RUN SM HM KP/EV more, I have seen a lot of Boe Schematic drop in both raids, they may not be high end Schematic , but are BOE 24 Schematic and do drop in those raids ... beyond any thing above 24s they have to the Red ) ... oyea but 25s they are only drops as the modes armor etc and can not be red ... for a Schematic..
  18. explain what you mean by As for click healers ?>>>> I know a few click healers as they are Called who heal NIM EC including me Just fine as click healers ...
  19. I would still use it and do but make your group and then use it for the travel to and so you can be put back were you were at the start ... IF you made your group you can still use it for the daily HM if you have not done it yet ...
  20. I per date 8 tracks lol .... I rember as a kid when the first 8 tracks players started coming out ... rock bands i rember as far as 1965 lol I rember in high school palying a Deep purple album the 8 track players ate it ... I rember that well ....
  21. I have two accounts and having kinda same issue i use game cards , no sub active on my account till to day when i started a sud it gave more coins but i had stacked time till 3/2013 and have been palying on borh accounts from eailer access,,, what i find strange is both accounts have been active sense dec both were per orders and both have time stocked sense day one, i bought time for them when it would let me . I trtied to call the 800 number but they don't know there but form a hole in the ground and tried to tell me somethnig about the 30 day free thing ... that came with the game, i have no idea what he meant ... But one account has 2700 and the other has 2750 imo they both should have same no idea why , the 800 number doesn't know jack ... the CS guy there actted like he didint wanted help any way .. and i told him to not send me a email he did any way lol
  22. This is really really nice but we need more Llike Keybind copy and paste . , Schamattc's that tell us if you know it on the boss , or in GTN as well as mounts etc . shift click a limks to GTN .More Improved Skill book . This is a really realy nice startt.......
  23. Group Finder •Pre-made groups of four players that queue for Group Finder now correctly receive daily mission credit. Does this apply to OPS that use the GF for three weeks I have had to put in a ingame request to get them From SMEVor KP as random., i got them which i am very happy about but, was it fixx for OPS as well ?.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by EricJS The only real exception to this would be things with a strong barrier to entry. For example, selling grade 26 armoring mods. Those all go for 1.5-2M credits each on my server, while the same grade mod or enhancement goes for a third of that or less. That's because getting the recipes for the grade 26 armoring mods isn't easy. In order to learn those recipes, you need to RE a dropped module. You can't learn them by RE'ing crafted mods someone else made, and you can't learn them by RE'ing modules pulled out of BH or Campaign gear. This means that you have to run HM Denova just for a chance at getting a mod, which gives you a chance of learning the recipe. That means that it's a hard market to get into, so your competition will be quite limited. On my server, there's only one person that has ever posted a grade 26 advanced resolve armor, so he can pretty much price it according to what the market will bear, since he has no competition. I hope they leave it this way i have Fun trying to get the modes to RE etc etc .
  25. todate you can't learn 25 's they only drop , I have yet to see a schematic anyplace for them or a player made 25 . And 26s are learned from Reing black hole or higher gear by buying the modes out of that gear .Right now the only way to learn 26 Armoring schematic is to RE the one that drops off of kepress in HM EC . I have heard of thrash droping the 26s in EC to . and you can Learn some schematic from Reing campain gear the orange shell but i think it only some weapons not sure which ones as Armortech . And when the new gear comes out you may beable to learn armoring schematics from it , sense its not gonna have a slot on it .
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