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Everything posted by tanktest

  1. Loopholes are all ways gonna be any place RL as well . But if they come out and say it is not a EXploit imo , no two ways about it, it is not , loop hole or not . Like the RE thing way back when, is still in the game and is now a intented thing, they fixed it a better way, imo . SO,if it was a exploit the only real way to fix it, is stop legacy .
  2. Like I said a few posts down I agree fully and un till the Hard Core player has no time etc they will all ways be against any other way of getting gear of this kind other then thu run in OPS. I've have never ever been a casual player in any game I have played , but I feel for the casual, I know what it feels like being one , told they don't have rights to that gear unless they raid . Like I posted below at one time I could only play on the weekends due to real life. and that didn't make me a casual player then .
  3. I loved that fact a lone we have to use a Cure felt like a OPS .. and Aggro love that to makes the tank work.
  4. you sure if I need one done all I do is spam LFM in about 10 sec I must have 10 tells . In fact I turn down groups a lot id rather solo till I need a group. I get the solo stuff done faster for me on my own time.
  5. I agree Fully with you on this well because at one time in my MMO playing which I started back in 1989, I worked then and could only play on the weekends. SO when I would log into EQ 1 unless my friends were on I really never got much done . that Said . Un till the hard care players has to work , or real live limits his/her play time they are gonna be against solo players getting any kind of good gear .. I don't work now and play pretty much all day and enjoy OPS and solo both . But I have 69s or better, it's a blast to solo in high end gear , they won't admit it be cause well it goes against there stance on this subject. , Yea ,I have run a few HM OPS And killed the bosses have the Ach to prove it . . BUT, agree , there should be a solo path for gear or raid gear, if you want to call it that, just make it harder to get . I don't like putting a name on gear other then its PVE or PVP .
  6. I'm hoping like you said some time with in the next few weeks before or at 2.2 or shortly after may two weeks after, its been dragging on long enough now .
  7. hm , no matter how you look at it they are Transfers . and do you really think that's gonna hurt SW it may being more players. I'm willing to bet that will be the main use for it , to transfer from server to server and I'll bet they will even have limits on how many you can do when etc . And its been what now almost two years to plan for it or more ?. I know this is a old dog RIFT had them 6 month after the game went live with one limit you can do them once a week free and I think you still can . In June RIFT goes Full F2P .
  8. it was but at that point of the PTS it kind of pointless. other then it was fixed.
  9. one last word why I agree we need them to drop more in SMOPS and maybe a rare drop in HMFP. I reach my weekly limit fast . I'll explain sense I out gear all the HMFP now id like to make some 69 Gear not to resell beyond what I need but to gear to test in dif ways and atm I reach my weekly limit fast and I have a lot of 69 schematic I can do nothing with , id like to make that gear and test stacking diff stats etc . But atm I can't because I'm acttly poor have no intrest in making creds beyond what I need and at one time I had close to 100 mil ,I don't any more and don't need that much ever, I don't plan go after that again . . SO if I was able to make some of my 69 gear with my schematic id be real happy and like I said not for reselll beyond what I need + I have a few 55 getting close to out gearing HM FP and SMOPS like my main is .
  10. HM I have yet to have this issue , if they are stacked on the GTN I am still able to click it some how ,but don't ban speeder on the fleet find a way around it other then make it so we can't ride them on the fleet , I don't want to run walk around the fleet with my buff on . that would gimp us badly .
  11. I'm not starting and don't mean anything by it . But you would . .. JK .. but I do disagree, I play the game to have fun not for rewards, I only RUN HM OPS enough to see and learn the fights once I've done that I have more intrest in run in HM/MIN OPS . would rather stick with ruin in SMOPS they are less stress, I get to run OPS if I want ,I have seen the HM/NIM fight all I want to etc, I'm happy but some thing shouldn't be this limited sense they took care of it another way .
  12. They do in fact drop off end bosses in SM OPS 8/16 just very very rare in 8 mans, I have seen one drop off the makeb boss in 8 man none sense and have had others tell me they have seen them drop in SM 8 mans off the end boss only but its very rare and in 16 man SM they seem to drop a 100 % of time off the end boss and only one , so far, and only in 16 man .
  13. Wouldn't count on Flying mounts anytime soon but Two person mounts why not ? .
  14. We can still RE schematic from what others make why would they nerf that no reason to now and also there is no real reason to even buy it to just Re ether , most don't sense you can run a HMFP and SMOPS and RE what you want . SO is there really a issue with making them less rare in a SM OPS no . you really cant make any thing off the makes any more from what I see on the GTN , it just not worth it any more ,sure you will make some thing but nothing like we use to , which , I'm OK with .
  15. we will prolly not get new crafting mats till the next expac only reason we did with BH gear was well because there was northing there at all to fill a void , so I would not count on new crating mats, till the next expac and if they do put in new crafting mats for 72 's once there re able we will prolly still need these to . . SO why not make them less rare in SM OPS and may a rare drop in HMFP ?. and once 72 's Are re able how is that gonna work any way are they gonna replace 69 s in SM OPs with 72 and put new gear in the harder raids etc .and I know what they have done in the past but what direction are they going now ? . SO make these less rare in SM OPS and like 4 % or less drop rate in HMFP and give us other ways of getting them . but I'm only hoping for that one , I am very willing to run OPS and do now for anything if that's what it takes .
  16. I agree fully, why can't we get them at least in SM OPS more , if that's the only place we can (OPS ) and not just off the end boss ? I came here to make a suggestion post about this some one beat me to it . IF we can 't make BIs gear any more what's the point in making them a very rare drop in SM OPS 8/16 or even put them on the mimi bosses sense in the OPS I do in SM we just PASS the mini boss there not worth killing for the 2 blue mats they drop in most cases I ask them do we really want to kill them sense a 100 % of time they drop off all bonus bosses in HMFP ( the blue mats) so what s the point in a SM OPS ,making them so rare?. I'm willing to run any ops SM /HM for them but this is point less , unless its like I said above . if you are in HM OPS you more then likely don't need them any way other then to sell . I know for fact they drop off any boss in HM OPS, I have done 2 bosses in HMSV and both dropped one, but in SM OPS I have yet to see one drop off any boss but the end boss and that was in 16 man , one time on the Makeb boss in 8 man SM but sense I have yet to see him drop one in 8 or 16 .
  17. EVEN worse try to get a 16 man going spamming sense runin 16 is actlly a easyer run , more loot drops and you get top end coms off every boss in SM OPS 16
  18. Last nite some one showed me the Expoit , I won't tell anyone here simply because I don't do it .
  19. to be very truth full, I don't like doing it, to me its more fun doing it as intened . Like the bonus Boss in the raiders, I don't like standing on the wing to me that's no fun , the other day I told the group id rather not do it that way but how it was intended .I won't report any one for the abuse but at some point I just won't do it even if they vote kick me . But then again I out gear all HM FP now on my main, I tell tanks to pull as fast as they want to with cc or without it IF they know how to tank etc .
  20. I have a question for the OP what was the reason for this post any way ? I'm not calling you out etc I'm glad things are Hard we don't want them to easy. everyone remembers WoTLK , were at max level you could all most pull the full HM at once to the end boss . BY MAXX level I ment MAXX level for WOTLK , Which I don't want to see in SWTOR . unless your like 80 and the instances your pulling like that is 45 .
  21. that was fixed on the PTS I think after two patches all transfer from live to PTS was fixed but it didn't really matter at that point , most of the testing they needed or wanted was done and the PTS was starting to die about then .
  22. Its coming . i need two kills for a mount on two toons of the Ship boss . AS Quoted here
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