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Everything posted by tanktest

  1. request Is there anyway you all could add something to the tooltip that says if I know the schematic or not .I don't like holding up a EV raid looking thu my book to see I know a schematic that has droped off the first boss or any boss . OR even worse to save time roll need and i win the roll and don't need it . and someone else could have used it . .. that would be a very usefull thing to see in the game and I'm sure alot would love it .
  2. Agree fully , I had high willpower till a giulde pointed out stack power my heals went up alot . .
  3. 40 % I thought we started DRing arround 30 to 36 % buffed .amd yup power is your best friend . MY socr is at 1122 power allmost 36 % crit buffed .. willpower is only at 1800 buffed and i heal nicelly in HM EC .
  4. 24 or less mins in ILUM depends how i feel when i start . Same TIME in Black hole.the time sink is Bel .
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