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Everything posted by Halefthaut

  1. Sniper is pure awesomeness in PVE. The resource, rotations and AoE powers make it so. In PVP, Snipers under 200k damage are yet to be seen. Once you L2P and positioning you lay waste all over the place. My sniper is still low level but when i Ambush+Explosive Probe+Snipe spam to starvation my target dies no matter what.
  2. Only people who rolls OP classes e-peen their vids and bad music taste on YT
  3. Your spec/gameplay has a couple flaws: 1-those pts in Through Passion would fit better in Interceptor. Enraged Defense is horrible if you are not Vengeance speccd 2-1 pt invested on Intimidation would made your Chilling Scream free to cast. In case you didnt know, Chilling Scream pops sneakers out of stealth, so i spam it while defending a node 3-If you run with Soresu, 1 pt from Sii-Cho mastery can be moved to Strangulate for more profits Well this way you could perfectly end with my build
  4. BM pieces updated properly if you had the original mods. I had the forethought and saved the original mods on the bank ^happy Jugg^
  5. OP math must be wrong at some point, because ive seen two guys with 3 WH non-rated pieces and its been a week since patch
  6. Marauder drops you not because of Expertise changes, but their 1.2 buffs
  7. Im wondering what specs people are rolling on with the latest changes. After some testing with full BM vindicator this is my winner: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RRZcZGRRrdfRbcz.1 I run with Soresu guarding people, throwing taunts everywhere and i feel a lot less squishy as pre 1.2. In PVE the new Vicious Slash talents made it a viable filler, not feeling rage starved at all. Post your specs Edit: i use Soresu because the rage generation feels exaclty the same as Sii-Cho. I dont know if this is intended from latest changes
  8. Today i submited a ticket about this. My female sorcerer after 1.2 became bald also
  9. Marauder. I have a lvl 50 jugg and im forced to tank in PVE, and get destroyed like paper in PVP out of my defensive CDs. The fun side is that Marauders have a couple more defensive CDs being a dps class, lol. But im not rolling Mara like the mainstream, actually Sniper is my new main
  10. Marauder, for many many many reasons
  11. yup but that IA mods are gone with the wind. I kept those mods on stash but the loss of expertise doesnt make for the power/surge gains. I think its time to play full Vengeance
  12. All i can bring to this thread is my Rage PoV compared to Vengeance: Rage still does more PVP damage, and the talent that make Enrage to instantly give full Shockwave is awesome. Still, after many buff stackings and multiple tests, full BM and my beefed smashes barely pass the 5k mark. It feels like sex, so much effort for 3 seconds of glory. Yet to see those 7k+ smashes the whinnies say.
  13. Hello all. I would know people´s opinions about itemization stats... BM gear is full of Accuracy and Critical, two stats pretty useless to rage specs or hybrid vengeance/rage (tanks have another different set of gear) With the 1.2 changes on gear, having 25 expertise on enhancements, i feel that replacing them for power/surge ones is a bad idea. Any feedback appreciated
  14. back in time when i played on NA servers, gold sellers didnt exist. Ive heard the tales about Depardieu having 100 players and 500 gold sellers. What a shame...
  15. With all due respects and constructive criticism, OP build is horrible. It may look good on paper but on testing you dont have all the talents that help on rage costs, beside chilling scream one huh, not enough. And Force Scream that will do laughable damage anyways... so you will end rage starved most of the time. I see you come from a tanking hybrid perspective, but im posting the most effective hybrid DPS build, useful both PVE and PVP. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZfhMorudzZGr0ddc.1 With this build you will be drowning in Rage points, enough to even dump with Vicious Strike. The key to this build is gear for Power+Surge and enjoy the Force Scream and Smashes automatic crits. Smash damage without Shockwave and Dark Resonance goes for about 3k. It has nice controlled damage output while retaining Unstoppable. I usually open like this: Saber Throw>Force Charge>Smash>Impale>Force Scream>Obliterate Then i apply Choke or Push when available, or whatever else i have on deck
  16. Lineage 1 is still the best on my book -No factions, meaning you can attack anybody, anywhere -Reasons to attack anybody, anywhere (they could drop his own gear) -Castle sieges, whoever control the castle gets % of all the vendors from the region. So every damn daily siege was busy always -Evil/good alignement. If you are full good, you dont drop gear. If you are full evil (killing non evil players sums to the count) good players can kill you without alignement penalties. When assasination count reaches 30, you are sent to hell, where you must survive all the bosses from the game for 1 minute to get out
  17. I think sniper rifles has the largest base damage of all ranged weapons, that would explain it all.
  18. I have tried a different technique on my merc. I call it bumroll: i sit on my keyboard while i f ap and fart loudly. Pressure, movement and heat makes sure i spam hard Tracer Missile. Also, i have a free hand so i can eat nachos with cheddar & jalapeños
  19. I can imagine the whole picture: Razorfight beating Penguin and other healer in a corner the whole fight, without CC, not being able to kill him
  20. Whatever you do guys, roll on that server. ToFN has 200+ queues again
  21. This is no different of the "Dance Studio" and "Path of the Titans" broken promises. Every MMO has its share. I for one, welcome this... more brackets means worse PVP queues. I love PVP to stay casual, because my ***** is big enough that i dont need to show others how good i am... i just PVP to melt some faces for personal enjoyment
  22. Basically, wins the one who charges first assuming same gear and class knowledge
  23. I would instantly play tank in PVP if the goddam shield generators could work. Meanwhile, ill leave tanking to sins n PTs, wich do better while putting more dps
  24. snipers are always tied with powertechs on the top1 damage/kills in nearly every WZ on Freedon Nadd
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