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Everything posted by SolGravion

  1. Yes lets start kicking and screaming for wow's newest feature to be implemented in another mmorpg. How original.
  2. Why is the internet full of wannabe lawyers. "Post some evidence that make believe dudes didnt do make believe things in fairy land!"
  3. I think you are arguing way too much.
  4. ITT: one user dislikes the popularity of red sabers on republic force users while five other people bump his thread with "Nuh uh!" Grow up all of you.
  5. Im gonna be 30 this year. I came to this thread to feel young and reckless.
  6. Proper mods and gear, for you and your companion will greatly affect your chances.
  7. Yea because it would be a great idea to advertise current bugs. Your fixes are on their way but not at your deciding. You must be new to the genre if you think bugs do not exist at launch in a mmorpg.
  8. You discredit the fact that your missing "benefit" is in the mail.
  9. Notice how it says "make the jump to lightspeed" or something along those lines in your objectives? Yea the mission isnt complete until you can hit your warpdrive. Working as intended.
  10. I ran a bunch of hard mode flashpoints last night with a guildie and two pugs. We facerolled BT and then gave boarding party a shot, any time we wiped we talked and decided how that next pull can go better. Must of spent four or so hours running fps. So yea your wrong about nobody talking.
  11. Because mmorpgs ship in their final form all the time.
  12. People like to argue this topic but at the end of the day if the companion did not clear the instance then they should not be eligible for loot.
  13. Make sure you finished the story part of the mission before zoning in. After you have that out of the way there is usually an npc you talk to outside the instance that flags you for hard mode.
  14. Took me a whole 5 minutes to get a hardmode group going last night. All I had to do was ask people, so hard I know.
  15. So you made a bad choice after reviewing some tool tips and to make yourself feel better your gonna come to the forums and blow brown chunks through the screen to be "cute". Bravo.
  16. You mean its about time you 9-5 central time peeps got some love. If it doesnt affect you its fine.
  17. Oh but anytime you disagree with an action on the internet you are raging didnt you know?
  18. I got to love how people lump people together. Because everybody that complains about 3 nights of maintenance (in a row) are entitled little kids right? Sorry I dont agree with that, I never asked for multiple patches in a week. Dont see why I should be fine with it.
  19. Yup kinda sucks but bugs need to get fixed. I'm not happy considering my playtime is usually between 12-4 am cst, and these past nights have effectively denied me game access for my whole off work period. Oh but im not allowed to be upset with it.
  20. If you realize its awful then just put it down. But you wont, you sit there in front of your screen thinking up your next "SWTOR IS BAD!! AND IM ANGREEEY!" threads like its the year 2004 and we havent seen this trash A MILLION TIMES BEFORE!! I guess im mad though since I dropped some caps in there. U think im mad bro?
  21. How is he mad? Oh yea calling someone a loser is insulting and likely to get you flagged for a banhammer. Your responses are text book. Dont play dumb.
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