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Everything posted by SolGravion

  1. Lack of customer support. So you want them to drop the servers offline every hour to fix a bug? Should we have 10 hour maintance every day because you dont feel once a week is enough? Unbridled QQ. Good bye and good riddance.
  2. Buh bye. As they say in wow, "can I have your stuff?"
  3. Go back to blizzard then. In all my mmo years I have never needed customer support. Its obvious blizzard knows how to shake your spout so why dont you just go and run back to their loving embrace.
  4. Oh look more trash from ganondorf what a twist! Yea because an online game should have thw worlds best customer service. You should be directed to an operator in your local area so you can be certain that their accent is understandable. Seriously quit posting kid.
  5. So you guys are quitting? Can I have your trash?
  6. Well you cant get an taco at mcdonalds, sorry dude you cant have it your way 100% of the time. Next time do some research.
  7. Macros are fine, addons like gearscore, recount, healbot, and dbm can stay in wow.
  8. I had almost 70k at level 23 just from selling grey items and greens. Could of made more if I wanted to tax players for crappy greens. 2 hours after I trained for speeder skill at 25 I was sitting on another 40k just from greys, quests and greens. Money seems fine imo. You have to spend some to level trade skills but thats a given in any mmo.
  9. Help! I cant find this quest, im level 10 and cant seem to find my advance class quest. edit: nm FOUND IT!! WOOHOO
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