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Everything posted by ButeoRegalis

  1. I ran FE for the HK part yesterday with 3+1 comp, no problems. Pretty sure you can do it 2+2 as well. I think I tried the Solo option for FE, but the piece didn't drop there? Good news is the component drops off of HK, so you don't even need to finish the FP if you want to save a few minutes. Not sure about the HM FP.
  2. I just did this search day before yesterday on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple. I got the "within 5m" ping, called out in /1, "hey, anyone needs the HK piece"?, got 2 replies. I reminded them they had to be on the right quest step, and one dropped out. The remaining guy arrives, I do my little dance, find the piece in a few tries, and then he couldn't pick it up. He didn't have the scanner on him!! Luckily I was able to trade him my scanner and he was able to pick the HK piece up then. So: if you are on the HK gathering step, always, ALWAYS, have the scanner on you.
  3. You use a blaster in almost every cut scene. FWIW
  4. Curiously, BHs seem to have a skill for this (don't know name right now) that works properly? I just used it this AM to prevent the knock-backs (knock-backs, pulls, same difference, right?) in the Balmorra Toxic Bombs heroic and I noticed it worked fine for me, while my companion sailed through the air. So, the general mechanic of preventing forced movements works, it's just broken for snipers/GS?
  5. Which boss in particular? And did you take the talent that reduces your interrupt CD?
  6. Huh, I never have enough interrupts to stop all his heal casts. You use grenades or something? You can interrupt the first few casts, the debuff where he redirects heals to himself, but once he gets into the HP range to do the long life drain cast I need to save my lone interrupt for that one. I usually end up putting my heal pet on passive when he puts healing steal debuff on me and kite him.
  7. Did I suggest player moderation? No, I did not suggest player moderation. Why do you bring up player moderation? Are you for player moderation? You must be for player moderation. Why? WHY? Why haven't you realized that that's a horrible idea? Won't someone think of the children!! Oh, the humanity!!!
  8. Thanks, but that's not what happened. It's not that I didn't get points when I gave him stuff. I LOST points I ALREADY HAD. See the screenshot. -6,000 influence. Where is that coming from??
  9. NOTE: this is not that weird behavior that some people reported when going between steps of the recruitment chain. This is his influence actually dropping down by several K FOR NO REASON! While I'm in front of him, hitting the menu key for the next batch of supplies to hand over. http://imgur.com/B3EtChI This has happened twice now, once around influence level 5 where it reset to level 1, and now this, from 9 to 5. I quit the game and logged back in, to see if that fixes it (after my experience with the Xalek quest line), but nope, influence is still at level 5. This has burnt through my biochem supplies, so I'm kinda pissed. What's going on?!?
  10. THIS would be awesome. If you want to see how to do this right, take a look at Guild Wars 1. There, you roamed around in a party of 4 to 8, which you could completely fill with NPC henchmen. Even better, the first three of these slots you could fill with "heroes", special henchmen that you could equip each with their unique skill bar!
  11. I hate both Corellia and Nar Shadaa (and Coruscant as a Rep) for similar reasons: - city canyons that wall you in, so you have to follow the same path all the time, rarely is there a 2nd path to a place - hard to tell how to get somewhere unless you have the whole area explored, and even then it can tricky - endless taxi or rocket tube rides - I wish you could space-bar through these!! (can you?) Imagine they'd done Makeb like that.
  12. Similar to EIS, I wish we could buy DMCs with radiant crystals.
  13. This will also completely lock out F2P/Preferred players, as they only have a max of 350k available to begin with. Items are worth what someone is willing to pay for it. With the ease of getting credits in game 1) I don't believe a 10% listing fee will deter serious trolls, and 2) a posting of 100mil for the very first unstable arbiter lightsaber would have been unreasonable.
  14. This! I have a couple alts and I ran each of them through the event several times. After hitting the 12k rep cap I saved up the tokens for use in the following weeks. If you want to min/max this all the way use up your tokens to get as close as possible to the 12k cap and then use a purple rep item, meaning you can easily get 13k+ rep for the week. The cap just prevents you from using further tokens, but it still allows for any rep past 12k to be credited.
  15. This, basically. It's been a while, but IIRC with 4 people it goes like this 0) Look around room. In the four corners you'll see pylons/towers. One of these will become active after each phase of the fight and needs to be clicked on from close range to destroy it. 1) Start fight by hitting the panel labelled as Mentor. Turn on name plates if you can't find it. 2) A red circle will spawn and follow someone around the room. It does damage to that person if it catches up (and anyone in the circle I believe). Just keep running. It'll switch targets eventually. 3) 2 turrets will spawn. Destroy them. Now look for first active tower. Blow it up. The tower will also spawn 2 small defense turrets by it. 4) 1 big droid spawns in center. Kill it. After kill, look for second active tower with 2 small turrets. Destroy it. 5) #3 repeats with third tower. 6) #4 repeats with last tower. 7) The panel you attacked in #1 will blow open and Mentor's computer core will be exposed. Attack it. Lots of exploding circles around the room to avoid. In solo mode, some stuff may be missing, but the concept of 4 towers to blow up will likely be the same.
  16. They are concentrating too hard if all you see them doing is run from one node to the next for half an hour? I'd also suspect GMs have tools to get your attention, e.g. locking you in place, obnoxious pop-up prompts, or insta-kill you. Mistakes? Again, the OP was talking about obvious bots. As I said, "Heck, if there is a doubt just leave them be." 20 reports by 20 different players over the span of 20 hours, substantiated by in-game logs showing the suspected player in the same zone for the whole time without chat contact, etc., makes "a mistake" much less likely. And sure, when I said "some intern, or 'outsourced IT personnel' ", do focus on the intern part. Never mind that companies do "hire" interns for menial tasks like this, and nevermind that sometimes you have to take the crappy menial job to get a foot in the door in the industry. And last, if the botting problem is big enough that a company sees a vested interest in getting it under control, they'll even pay enough to make it attractive to get the menial job done. If that thought now still offends you for some reason just imagine I never wrote "intern".
  17. This is about Tatooine? The seed location is inside a walled off area with only one entrance which is sort of in the NW of it. Start in the dune area and hug the rock wall and you will eventually run into it.
  18. Not everyone has been here since early launch and played continuously for the whole time.
  19. You can do a quick convo with the player to confirm bot or not if there really is a doubt. Heck, if there is a doubt just leave them be. The OP complaint seems to be about obvious bots, ones that teleport around, fly, become inexplicably invulnerable, or go under the terrain. THOSE your intern can ban.
  20. I wonder how expensive it can be to have some intern, or "outsourced IT personnel" somewhere, whose only job is to respond to these bot reports, when weighed against the goodwill it would generate in the community to have someone nuke the bot within an hour, or send you a ticket response if that was a real player after all.
  21. Aren't they changing names to allow/require the use of a space? It'll open up more opportunities to get your name in some form. And aren't the conquests per server? If you'd collapse all servers that'll really crowd the Top 10 for an invasion target.
  22. Well, new players might actually want the bronze items, too. Maybe the solution would be to shuffle the bronze-silver-gold drop rates in the GCCs, from super rare - rare - common to rare - unusual - common, i.e. keep bronze items the most prevalent, but make the silver and gold stuff drop more often from GCCs than they would have dropped from their regular packs. I think it'd still overall preserve the rarity of gold items, as they are pulled from ALL the old packs. If you are looking for that one specific item, you'd still be better off buying a pack that contains the item vs a GCC.
  23. I ran into this during crafting, but I can see it applying elsewhere, too, e.g. the companion gift vendor: I'm making good use of the crafting mat exchange jawa on fleet, as I'm sure you all are. However, it annoys me to no end that I have to buy items one at a time. Please enhance the vendor interface where you would reasonably buy many of an item to allow input of a number of items to buy, or at the very least, add a modifier key that allows buying 10 items if you e.g. hold down shift while clicking.
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