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Everything posted by BuzzingFridge

  1. If you're interested in a hybrid spec, try Lethality/Medicine. Something like this. I've played an equivalent on a Scoundrel and it's super-fun and works pretty well! I basically DoT up everyone at the start of a battle and then drop back to support the main healer. I lob Fragmentation Grenade into groups of enemies and use Explosive Probe to finish off any enemies on low-health. Energy management is good, and the HoTs from Kolto Probe give me great survivability (combined with my long-range fighting style). It's also quite a good spec for solo-capping in Civil War and Novare Coast, since I can DoT the defenders and then force them to chase me off the node while I heal myself. The best moment is when there is a Sniper/Gunslinger defending. They are pretty much useless, since I can DoT them and then LoS all their cast-time abilities like Snipe and Ambush. They are forced to move out of cover to chase me, or sit on the node and die from my DoTs. It's great fun.
  2. Why are you on Jung Ma? I'm pretty sure the ping on East-Coast servers is worse for most APAC players.
  3. If people can't learn to accept defeat in a video game, they shouldn't be playing.
  4. Valor Rank gives us access to vanity items and different gear sets. It has a similar function to Social Points.
  5. Maybe. I've heard that grouping can reduce pop times.
  6. You don't have to actively transfer unless you're unhappy with BioWare's default server choice. They will merge the servers automatically at a later date.
  7. You could always go to Begeren Colony. Unless your toons have sh*t names, of course.
  8. This, lol. Having said that, pay no attention to the American and European Biodrones who will come in here and tell you that we didn't have the numbers for one APAC super-server. They have no idea what they are talking about.
  9. I just can't stand solo players who complain about pre-mades. As far as I'm concerned, if you're not willing to make an effort to improve your skills and communication you deserve to be smashed by those that are. We had a massive problem with this on my server a few months ago. Several solo players became very vocal and were throwing all kinds of insults at the players in the pre-mades (who were only grouping because they enjoyed playing with their friends). It made PvP very uncomfortable for solo players like myself who were just there to have fun, no matter the result. I didn't have a problem with losing to pre-mades. Part of the reason I queue solo is because I know I will get less protection and be focus-fired more (my main is a healer). My survivability has improved tons from PUGing against pre-mades who know how to focus-fire.
  10. That's funny. I thought I only queued solo, but I guess I was wrong. I like irony. Do it again!
  11. I never said that you need a pre-made to beat a pre-made. I said that a group of good players will perform better against a pre-made. You can get a group of good players in a PUG, but you don't have any control over that. You could just as easily end up with 7 new players who click all their abilities and don't know how to use their interrupt. If you group with good players, you have the control. You are the one deciding how well your team will fare in the next Warzone, instead of leaving it to the lottery of the WZ group finder. There is nothing unfair about a pre-made playing against a PUG. The pre-made may have the advantage, but it's because they have taken the initiative to organise themselves into a balanced group and improve their skills together. On the other hand, we have you. The solo-queuer who cries because they lose every game, despite being the best PvPer in the world. You know everything about your class and how to play it; you don't need to improve. Communication? Screw that. You're losing every game because the other team is cheating. You're losing every game because the game is broken. It's not your fault. It's everyone else's fault.
  12. You have 8 players. They have 8 players. The only difference is skill and communication. There's nothing "unfair" about that.
  13. You don't have to get on voice-chat or regularly queue with the same people. You don't even need a group of 8. Just get three other decent solo players to queue with you and your problem of getting roflstomped every game is solved. You'll still lose every time, but that's what you get for refusing to improve your skills.
  14. If you don't like losing to pre-mades, make your own pre-made and win. It's pretty simple, really.
  15. Sentinel or a Scoundrel.
  16. Reps are rubbish on my server, but it's got nothing to do with BioWare. They're just QQers who don't know how to learn from a loss.
  17. This is the dumbest argument ever. If you're a good player but you're still getting rolled by pre-mades, organise yourself and group up with some other good players so that you actually have a chance. If you're a bad player, you're losing because you suck. That's not the fault of the other team. It's your fault. Suck it up and L2P, or quit altogether and go back to PvEasy.
  18. Nope, you're totally correct. A good Concealment/Scrapper player is a nightmare for Operative/Scoundrel healers. I was PUGing last night and there were two Scrapper Scoundrels constantly trying to double-team me. It was a challenge to stay alive, let alone provide decent support for my team. They are extremely difficult to get away from as well, because they have the same roll as I do, can clear all my slows and can keep firing at me while they're chasing. I feel like a lot of the Concealment/Scrapper players that cry about their class being "unplayable" are just trying to do too much with it. It's one of the best classes in the game for taking out healers and key DPS players, but they want to be able to go toe-to-toe with any class in the game to feed their E-Peen. Fortunately, the Concealment/Scrapper spec does have a counter...good teamwork and marking. If I am struggling with them I usually let my team know and then stay close so that when they pop out of stealth my team-mates can stomp their face.
  19. Hey there! I can sympathise with your plight; my friends and I also had a small Guild until everyone left for GW2. Academy Exemplar / Lyceum Narcissus is always open to new members. We have a pretty broad range of players; some of us are focused on PvE, while others like to concentrate on PvP (me!). We welcome players of any skill level. There is a lot of work going on at the moment between various Guilds (including ours) to help give the RP scene a lift. We also have our own RP story which we have got up and running over the last few weeks. You can find out more and sign up at our Guild Portal site: http://academy.guildportal.com (The application questions are purely to find out a little more about you. I've never seen anyone rejected by the Guild Officers, so please don't stress about them!) We also have an enjin site: http://academy-exemplar.enjin.com/ It's used primarily for Ops signups and to communicate a little better with other Guilds on Gav Daragon. However, the GuildPortal site is still our main one. I'm sure a lot of the other Guilds would be happy to have you as well. Good luck!
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