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Everything posted by BuzzingFridge

  1. I'm having exactly the same problem. I submitted a ticket a few hours ago, but I haven't had a reply.
  2. Interesting thread! I agree with your comments on Sorc/Sages and Operative/Scoundrels. Sorcs are definitely an enjoyable healing class in lowbies, particularly in the hands of a skilled player who can kite. Most new players have no idea how to move properly, so it's very easy to get out of a tricky situation. Conversely, Operatives feel very squishy, and are quite boring to play. I generally wait until the high-30s/early-40s when I can acquire Surgical Probe before I respec into Medicine.
  3. Good for you! SWTOR was my first MMO, so when I started I had my abilities split 50/50 between keybinds and clicking. However, pretty quickly I realised that I was often dying because I couldn't reach an ability quickly enough. Sometimes, I'd die because I'd click the wrong ability. It was very frustrating. Over the space of two months I gradually changed my UI so that I now have every ability that I may use in-combat as a keybind. I still have some things like my class buff unbound, but everything else has been assigned a spot on my keyboard (I don't have a gaming mouse). I am FAR more efficient now, and I also spend a lot more time looking around the battlefield, rather than worrying about where my mouse is on the Quickbar. I really feel like I am in control of my character now, and the game is much more exciting and enjoyable. I honestly struggle to understand why people go to such lengths to make clicking work, though. There are loads of amazingly good clickers in SWTOR and many other MMOs, but I just don't understand why they persist for so long that it becomes nearly impossible for them to switch to keybindings. If they'd made the switch early, they'd find it very easy to pick up. And how do they manage to put up with the boring combat? Staring at the Quickbar for an entire fight is just not a fun way to play (at least, not for me).
  4. A good DPS can force an Operative healer to concentrate on self-healing. They won't be able to kill them (unless the Operative is bad), but they are preventing them from healing their teammates. If you sideline an opposition healer for large chunks of a fight, your team is going to perform better. It's really quite simple, yet this fact just gets lost in all the crying about "not being able to kill healers".
  5. Mercs and Sorcs are also a problem for healer Operatives at the moment. Pre-2.0 I would just ignore them. Now I constantly have to work to LOS them. Juggernauts and Marauders seem to be less of a threat post-2.0, so it's probably those guys who are creating all these QQ threads. Or just bad Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers. And I'm not complaining about this change. I like having to work hard to stay alive AND heal my teammates. If I could just sit back and heal all day with no pressure, PvP would be just like PvEasy...boring.
  6. Very true! Your signature is great, by the way! ^_^
  7. WRONG. Operatives are great single-target healers, but they can struggle if several team-mates need healing at the same time. Poor Energy management will leave healer Operatives in trouble. Then use your stun-lock. It's not difficult. The ability is called 'Recuperative Nanotech'. Play the class before you complain. Getting the 15% movement speed increase requires points in either Concealed Attacks or Imperial Brew; neither of which are particularly useful for healer Operatives. It is much better to put 7 points in the Lethality tree. They have ONE 4-second stun and one 8-second "mez". They also have one 8-second, out-of-combat stun which is only available while in stealth. Only if they put points into the associated skill in the Medicine tree. This ability is pretty useless for avoiding damage, since it only enables the Operative to avoid weapon, ranged and melee damage. Most Operatives save it for clearing DoTs when they use their in-combat stealth ability. You are once again proving how little you know about healer Operatives. AGAIN, gaining the 2 TAs requires putting 2 points into the associated skill in the Medicine tree. This is generally considered a waste, and I know very few healer Operatives who bother doing this because they spend so little time in-stealth. TAs are very easy to generate, so there is just no reason to waste 2 points on an ability so that they can very occasionally gain 2 TAs. TL;DR Play a class at 55 before you start complaining that it is OP and needs to be nerfed.
  8. So, let me get this straight. If a player is queuing with their friend, that automatically makes the two of them good players that are way above the skill level of the average solo player? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make sense. There are plenty of "pre-mades" that are bad. Two players will queue together because they like playing together and they want to be on the same team in a Warzone. There are plenty of new players who group-queue for Warzones. Conversely, it's entirely possible to get a PUG filled with really good players. I regularly beat "pre-mades" while solo-queuing. If you really want to separate the QQ bads from the good players, you should do so using a rating that is actually linked to the players' skill level. Valor Rating does NOT indicate skill.
  9. Not everyone is bad. You certainly are, though. L2P.
  10. The only time I ever have problems with "stun-locking" is when a Concealment Operative bursts out of stealth. And since that's a major aspect of the class, I'm not going to complain. After all, Concealment Operatives are pretty weak in any other situation. I like the amount of CC in SWTOR PvP, and I like that using the CC-breaker involves some knowledge and skill. I'm not sure why there are complaints about CC/Resolve...maybe some of you need to learn when to use your CC-breaker?
  11. He's always going to be able to heal through your damage. The key point is that he was healing himself. He wasn't healing his teammates.
  12. Can we stop re-creating these threads please?
  13. They are not "unstoppable". L2P, baddie.
  14. It's never worth "distracting" 2 players, unless you are a useless player who cannot contribute in a fight. Let's use Alderaan Civil War as an example. Your team holds Snow. The enemy team holds Mid and Grass. You have 1 defending Snow and 6 attacking Mid. The enemy team will have 2 defending Grass and 6 defending Mid. If you go to "distract" at Grass, it doesn't gain your team any numbers. It's still 6 vs 6 in the Middle and you are just going to continuously die at Grass. It's better to help attack Mid. Then your team will have 7 at Mid against the other team's 6. Another tactic I see far too often is someone running to the enemy pylon at the start of Ancient Hypergate. 1 player from their team will be defending their own pylon. The other 6 will be going Mid. Therefore, the enemy team only needs to send 2 to kill the "distraction". They'll still have 6 in the Middle which makes it an even fight. You should never go to "distract" 2 players at an enemy pylon. You can go to kill them both and cap. But "distracting" is a useless tactic that makes you look bad and hinders your team.
  15. This is what the Concealment Operative specialises at. Harassing healers. Seriously, two good Concealment Operatives is a nightmare for any healer, no matter how good they are at evading. There have been times where I've had to get several players on my team to babysit me to prevent the Operatives from completely taking me out of the game.
  16. I love 'Sever Tendon' on my Operative. The animation looks so cool, especially if I do it while jumping!
  17. Thanks! I'm really excited too! Not only because I will finally have regular pops for Warzones, but also because there will be so many more opportunities to RP! I've already made some new friends and I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming months! ^_^
  18. My favourite is 'The Defender'. They will immediately run to Snow/Grass, East/West or the left-hand pylon and then sit there and give instructions to their team for the remainder of the Warzone. They aren't actually particularly good at their class, but they hide this under the pretence that they are "playing the objective". They could totally out-DPS you, but they're "taking one for the team" and holding the fort because they "don't care about kills". They fill the chat box with useless crap for 90% of the Warzone. They will encourage and congratulate everyone if the team is winning, but as soon as you start losing they will turn on you: "WHY ARE YOU STILL ATTACKING THE SAME NODE?! GO TO A DIFFERENT ONE FFS" "WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM STOP CHASING KILLS" "TARGET THEIR HEALERS FIRST" "FFS KILL THEIR HEALERS" Despite the fact that they are not involved in the fight at all, and have no idea what is happening, they will continue to give instructions and form bizarre tactical plans. Suddenly, an enemy player will attack The Defender. Because they overestimate their own ability, they will first try to kill the attacker. "Time for a solo kill!" they think. Uh-oh. They are down to 30% health and their opponent is still at 90%. "INC 1 WEST" They die 2 seconds later. "FFS THEY ARE CAPPING YOU *******! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME WHEN I CALLED?!" "FFS NOW WE HAVE LOST GOOD JOB...NOT!" They continue raging for the remainder of the Warzone. You lose, and re-queue. You enter the next Warzone, to find The Defender is once again in your group. "Good luck guys! We can do this! I'll take Snow. :)" *sigh* Here we go again...
  19. This, so much. Please learn when to use your CC-breaker before you start making threads about it needing a shorter cooldown.
  20. Hey all! I transferred my low-level Sorcerer to Begeren Colony yesterday. He is joining a low-level Sniper that I made on there prior to Character Transfers going live. The Sniper does not have a Legacy yet. I was hoping to merge him with my existing APAC Legacy when I transferred my characters over. However, after transferring my Sorcerer over I noticed that he also does not have a Legacy. His Legacy level is the same as my APAC one, but when I click on the Legacy panel I am given the option to create a new Legacy, rather than being shown my APAC one. I have a few questions: If I transfer my other toons over (including my first character who is at 55) will they also lose their Legacy name? If they do lose their Legacy Name, can I recreate my Legacy under the same name and then re-add all of my toons to that Legacy? (Are they automatically added?) Would I be better off waiting for the forced merge? Will that give me a cleaner Legacy transfer? I guess I am worried that all my characters will lose their Legacy, forcing me to somehow reassemble them into my pre-existing APAC Legacy again. I apologise if I don't entirely understand the Legacy system, and if that lack of understanding is causing more confusion than is necessary. Thanks!
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