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Everything posted by Twin

  1. /signed Though i lost all hope regarding this... On that note, did we ever get a straight answer wth BW meant with their "Something better then cross-server queues" announcment they made 500 years ago?
  2. I completly agree. There is absolutly no reason whatsoever why one team would get 2-3 healers, while the other team gets 2 tanks etc - when it's a same faction WZ/Arena. Simply lazy design from start tbh.
  3. But since BW made it perfectly clear that fast pops is much more important than matches being entertaining, something needs to be done to prevent those situations. Because there will be no matchmaking in regs without X-server queues.
  4. UNLESS!... They make a re-skin of this game, with the same rehashed content and call it SWTOR2! And then we can start all over again =D ...Wait....thats not funny =/
  5. Yes, i agree and have stated the same several times during the years here. I love huttball though, but the concept remains the same. Personally i hate Novare Coast...not sure why ol...might be because its so obvious how stupid players are in that map... My personal "dream" would be: * Ability to exclude 2 Warzones * Make Arenas Ranked Exclusive content The Arena part isn't because i hate Arenas (I've actually to my own surprise grown to like them) but because i like playing ranked and this might boost activity there (for better or worse).. Unfortunatly requests and wants around here doesn't seem to get heard unless there's a dollarsign attached to them. So here goes: $
  6. Our monthly subs is cash gain. Every item we buy from their CM is cash gain. All "content" they create for this game, can't be made with the sole intent of getting fast cash.. You are right ofc. This is exactly what they are doing. Creating storylines that everyone likes and that generates both new subs and increased CM profit, but that noone wants to repeat hardly even one time. Meanwhile the actual game as an mmo, stands still in a desolate wasteland of unanswered requests, wants and demands. I, and quite a few with me im sure, are paying our subs more or less -only- to pvp. The least they could do is respond and make content more frequently then once every 2 years...
  7. At launch there was a EU RP-PVP server, "Lord Calypho". Unfortunatly they shut it down due to decreasing population and activity and all it's players had free transfers to regular pvp servers. So yeah, while i understand roleplayers would like such a server, it does seem like the interest wasn't quite high enought to support it. //Twin
  8. No skills, knowledge or gear is also no problem. This is what regs are for. I would suggest you take this (forced) oppertunity to try and learn your way around WZ's and pvp, and maybe you will actually enjoy it! Just make sure you use gear that bolsters properly, and tell your team you're new - and you're good to go imo =) //Twin
  9. Yeah, you're right that the main challange is finding the right "group of people" to play with - but even so, pvp needs to be *fun* even when those players aren't online. And while i agree that fun might a subjective concept, im not overly convinced that any overwhelming number of players find stalemate matches entertaining. Im also painfully aware of BW's epic trackrecord on breaking pvp with their patches, but i can't for the life of me understand why healers/tanks aren't evenly distributed across same faction teams queueing for WZ's, at least to some degree.
  10. Well something needs to be done. At least if BW have any interest in providing an entertaining pvp experience to the majority of the playerbase imo. It doesn't really matter if a premade can take down a healer + tank or 2 healers + tank etc, because fact is that the majority of the playerbase will not aquire that knowledge, skill and cooperation. The result is static healthbars. When i queue up for a wz, i want it to be entertaining both in a PUG and in a premade. I usually run solo when i play daytime and premades at evenings/nights...and in all honesty, stalemates are happening way more often now then before in pugs. And it's simply not fun. If they're not gonna tune down healing in one way or another, they need to implement a better matchmaking system imo. For exmaple, why the f**k does one team get 2 healers while the other gets none, and it's a same faction arena? Just dividing healers logically between teams where it is possible would go a long way imo - and that wouldn't have to effect queue times either.
  11. Twin

    Nerf sorcs

    Why...Yes, YES! NERF MERCS!11! ...AND STIM HEALS!1!
  12. Twin

    Nerf sorcs

    Yes! Please nerf my merc, he is completly OP!
  13. The ones that sold pvp weapons for lowlevels with expertise in them, thereby actually gimping anyone using them in a warzone?
  14. Hello Was gonna try out PvP for the first time at 65 yesterday and got into a huttball game....only to realise i no longer had the ability to pass the ball. Its gone from my bind and i cant find it anywhere among the "abilities". Am i missing something here or is this bugged?
  15. Twin

    State of PVP..

    god...do all these new moves work while holding the ball?
  16. While i kinda agree with you on your oppinion, i can see why they would do a move like that. I dont do pve at all, i only pvp...but trust me, if there was a pvp item i only could get from PvE, i would be there grinding. I would hate it yes, but i would do it. This is all in line with BW's pvp mentality: Its more important to have fast pvp pops then it is important that the players pvping are actually having fun. Who knows, maybe they will do the same for PvE sooner or later, and then we will in fact see pvp items dropping and a bunch of unhappy PvPers queuing up in groupfinder with no clue about tactics etc - just like PvErs queueing for warzones. Full circle - check EDIT: Other then that most of these changes are just for dumbing down the game even further, no surprise there....
  17. I completly agree. What happened to the concept this game had from start..u know "Feeling like the hero in the story"? This change will only be annoying to most ppl imo, and the concept of dumbing down the game needed to stop a number of game updates ago. There are several items in 4.0 that or unsub material, this being one of them. Im sad to see this game become more and more unappealing to play....and i dont even dare to think about what kinda bugged ocean of chaos 4.0 will throw pvp into when it launches....
  18. Do you mean that you personally never are the one who fills the spot of a quitter, or do you mean that your teams never has anyone leaving? I find both those options strange tbh. I see players leave every other game, only to have someone else join in their place. If the server was dead, there wouldn't be anyone filling the spots where people quit at all...
  19. Can't punish people for leaving unless they have the option to chose which WZ they're gonna queue for. Or they would have to have a grace-period for leaving before the WZ starts or if you get backfilled. They would also have to have some safeguard for stuff like getting kicked out from the wz because you're stuck, or when the wz lags/bugs out and kicks you. And ofc a system preventing that from being abused. Etc. And also if my team gives up, which happens quite often in matches where you're badly outplayed....should i really be the one getting punished if i leave that wz? Shouldn't it be the other way around? In short; I see way too many flaws and drawbacks in implementing a "Quitter Debuff". In fact, if i couldn't leave Novare Coast occasionally, like when i get it for the 5th time in a row for example....i would probably quit pvping alltogether. One thing they should do however, is to make it impossible for a player to backfill a match he has already quit. Both the quitter and the team he quit from would benefit from that. Why BW chose to not have that so from launch is a mystery to me. //Twin
  20. Good change on the crafting part. I wonder though, when you say that not as many players as you want is completing their personal target....i assume you look at that per account and not per character? I mean....i have around 20 toons and do not come anywhere near completing personal on more then a handful, and that is as it should be imo.
  21. Hmm, didn't know that (And it kinda makes no sense lol) I wonder if im that mistaken. Ill have to check, because i was sure i first crafted my own stacks to RE (for the resolve stim) - because i actually had that thought too, that GTN stuff might be non-RE friendly.... well, lets hope its me being confused and stupid then Thanks for the reply! //Twin
  22. Hello Since your customer service says they can't help, im submitting this report as adviced in the copy/paste reply i got! Here is how i encountered the issue: * I have 500 in BioChem * When i try to RE-engineer a (Blue) [Prototype Anodyne Resolve Stim] it says "No Research Available" * I do not have the (Purple) [Advanced Anodyne Resolve Stim] among my craftable schematics * In fact i do not have -any- purple top tier schematics among my craftable schematics * After buying a few items off GTN (Tier2 medpack and Tier2 blue implant) and checking them, all of them says "No Research Available" * I simply seem unable to learn any "purple" schematics by RE'engineering "blue" scehmatics. I am of course VERY thankful for the one stim customer service granted me back when i submitted my ticket! The only thing that was missing in that reply was a trollface.jpg and possibly a link to the trololol song. But really....give me my schematics.
  23. I can hardly believe what im reading lately. They are gonna push everyone but children and "2h per week" casuals away from this game, if they let this go through. They already stupidified this game by implementing the "new" skill system and effectivly removing all options to hybrid your skills, among alot of other carebear stuff they have done to the game.... I find it very hard to see myself still playing this game if this goes through.....but i guess EAWare think they can make some fast cash by only focusing on stories for the kids (New xpac) and making the game pure easymode. Just wait and see how the 12 year olds will ask mom and dad for CC this xmas... I sincerely hope that none of these changes i've read about lately (With the exception of boosts to mercs) every sees the light of day. The level of stupidity and ignorance in these "datamined" changes makes me wanna believe its BW trolling us.
  24. Which is why we will see a huttball league soon. Right?
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