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Everything posted by Twin

  1. The only problem is: I never said anything was easy to create, reffering to actual development. When i said "Easy mode" i was reffering to actually decorating your house with their system...
  2. It might very well be awesome considering it's a "hook" system, it might even be the very best and most flexible hook system out there. That's still no reason for ppl who are familiar with true free placement decoration systems would want a lesser system. If SWG's ancient engine could handle it - Im sure Hero can too. I might be wrong though, but if that's the case - this just became sad on a whole new level. And ease of use... SWG offered the possibility to place anything in any angle and anywhere - and while you had to use /commands (Well you didnt really, there were options to use on the items dropped too, but much faster with /commands and an easy macro) it wasn't "hard" at all to learn and use. All im saying really is: Players who loved free placement in other games will voice their frustration with a lesser system getting implemented. In the end we'll have to accept that we won't get free placement, and meanwhile you should accept that ppl state their disappointment. Oh right, i can't voice my disappointment with something, because i can't make it any better myself? With that logic i can only hope you're not in public service of some sort, but i do hope you get confronted by someone with that logic some day =) And sure, ill enlighten you on "Easy mode" in my view. Complex: Free placement, no pre-determined "slots", overlapping allowed, rotation and tilting enabled. Easy: Pre-determined locations where you are allowed to drop your item, restrictions on overlapping, rotations and tilting.
  3. No, this is a housing and decoration system in an MMO - and there have been a few such MMO's with awesome systems for just that. When BW says they're gonna implement a housing/deco system in SWTOR, can you think of 1 single reason why those who are familiar with those old systems would not want equal or better implementation here? Can you think of 1 single reason why <<anyone>> would want a lesser system?
  4. For anyone who wants to use their creativity to create truly uniqe rooms - this feature will offer nothing. Sure, you can place items on different locations - but you wont be able to merge them to build new items, or tilt your tables on edge to use as walls etc. You wont be able to truly <<Create>> with this feature. As everything else in this game, this is "decorations lite" in easymode.
  5. What i am saying is that your appartment will look like an appartment. Not like a cave, not like a factory and not like a museum. It will look like an appartment, and so will mine. The ONLY difference will be on what chosen spots we place the display items of which almost none will be crazy rare. And YES! If we have identical appartments in layout, and i "put the rugs on the ground and the paintings on the wall instead of building a mosaic statue in the middle of the living-room made out of paintings and computer monitors" -It will STILL look like the same appartment, but with different items inside of it. Creativity and variety is limited because they wont allow us to merge/freeplace items. It's a simple fact. No it's not bs. Not to those who wanted to be able to truly make their house into something spectacular. Whatever you do these will still just be normal houses with rooms, just like the next. lol, yeah because i want to freedom to decorate the way i want and dislike limitations and others telling me what looks good - i have to be that person? Ill post some SWG pics for you in awhile to show a few examples of what i would like to be able to do here. EDIT: Here are some pics. Unfortunatly i couldn't find my museum pics (My most decorated place), but i found a few from the guildhall. This is what brings true variety to decorating ones house. 1. Our Guildhall Main Room, where we kept guild meetings. Just about everything you can see in this pic has been put there by me, except the roof and pillars. I wanted a darker feeling in the main room, so i put some huge black Mustafarian tables all around, to make new walls. The "keltic" looking "paintings" on the wall at the end is actually carpets from some Kashyyyk quest, that i merged with the tables covering the walls. 2. My "office" in the guildhall. Nothing on this pic is a static object. Everything was placed there by me, even each small item you can see in the display-case was placed in there 1 by 1. The standing walls were made by turning around huge spaceship data-terminals around and the roof is again mustafarian tables. 3. Upper Floor Storage room I just made this little room because it felt logical to have some form of smaller storage. Nothing fancy, and made from pallets flipped around and put on edge to form the actual shelves. And it also shows how we could drop any item, from armor to weapon to junkloot - and tilt/turn it to make it fit anywhere we wanted. 4. Prototype Armor Display This was right before i redecorated my entire Museum, and i was experimenting with how to make a decent looking armor display for multiple armors. In this pic i have simply flipped a chair upsidedown, brought it down into the floor and then put another chair upsidedown above it. Later in the museum this was finilized with glass covering each "display" and light of green lighting them up from within. These are just a few (and actually pretty bad) examples of what you could do with a true free placement deco system. I saw some truly amazing works during my years there, where it literally felt like you entered a completly new form of house. I can't imagine that players who truly interested and entertained by deco will find what SWTOR is offering enough, or even close to satisfying their creativity.
  6. Yes, there will be differences in where you put your lamp and where ill put mine - but your house will still look simular to mine. It will be like if Ikea was the one and only furnitureshop in the world, and there was only 1 type of appartment to live in and the global landlord forbids any form of interior changes of the appartment layout. For this to be a truly creative feature with diverse results, players need to be able to build their own "walls", make an armor display by combining "a few chairs and a glass window"...simply use existing items to merge into new ones with imagination as the only limit. Thats the only way you will see any real diversity.
  7. I would if there had been a way to actually decorate and create something that is truly uniqe. But i dont really see the point in opening my house to display the exact same items that everyone else has, in the exact same layout that everyone else has, on spots that BW says its Ok to put them on. Every house will look simular to the next unless they allow free placement and free rotation/tilt.
  8. How painfully accurate your post proved to be. There will never be a SW game that offers the variety and freedom that SWG had. Saddens my heart that they shut down SWG in favor of the railroad they call SWTOR. Edit: Nice house mate. I miss my museum =(
  9. LOL! That would be simply amazing and exactly what i'd expect from BW..
  10. You are right, this addition IS a waste of time - unless they makes it a true and free deco system. Not one single player that actually was into decorating will consider this to be content worth it's manhours. You are wrong however, in SWG you could do just about anything you wanted with your house - myself and many others with me spend entire nights just decorating and managing our houses. Even if it wasn't for everyone, many people enjoyed it and were entertained by it, and it contributed ALOT to those players game experience. That's content in my eyes. Here i expect noone to spend more then a few hours (At best) doing the same, and i fail to see how that is content worthwile for anyone.
  11. Yes, "Looking the same" is expected when Developers does everything in their power to block player creativity and free player choices. Not all games are like that, specially when it comes to features that supposedly promotes creativity and uniqe display. They allowed us to color our gear, and guess what - everyone wasn't dressed in the same color. Quite the contrary, there were never more variety. It doesn't matter how many different "display items" they add, how many mounts or vehicles we have or if they allow us to change the color of the walls on a pallette. -Unless it's a true free decorating system, your house will look simular to the next.
  12. It's really not "RP heaven" either. It's absolutly nothing in the name of content. RP heaven would be the freedom to actually decorate your very own theme in a house, like someone mentioned earlier a "Murder Mystery" for example. This doesn't even provide content for any particular time when it comes to actual decorating. I would be happy if this feature was something that actually provided a true deco-system that i could spend my online time on to make it "perfect" and uniqe. Just wait and see how all these houses will look pretty much the same in both deco-layout and items on display. Imo no, it's actually not better then no housing at all. There are many things i'd rather have them spend time on instead of enabling me to stand in a generic house with decorations on spots BW says it's estethically Ok. Easily solved by having a upper limit of items per house/room - which then could be extended by unlocking storage via the CM/PvE/PvP.
  13. This ^ is what it's all about. Unless you can do exactly stuff like this, it will provide no further entertainment over just another spot to stand in between WZ pops. I wanna be able to use my random junkloot to decorate a "cantina with drumsets, speakers and mixers" - and here i'll be lucky if i can turn a damn dishplate upsidedown and pretend it's a drum. There is absolutly no freedom in this game, just like BW wants it. Im not really bothered though, i expected to get nothing more then a few rooms to stand in - and thats exactly what i got. Just another poor excuse for content, in a bad illusion of player deco. EDIT: It's sad how they start off the entire stream with "Well uuh....we wanted to make it as easy as possible.." Pathetic.
  14. I completly agree. Im not surprised though, BW isn't exactly famous for wanting their players to have any kind of freedom of choice in this game. How i miss SWG...
  15. I assume you'tr talking about Ranked Arenas? I can agree that some form of penalty is in order for repeatedly leaving/ruining such matches, but not in regular warzones/arenas. Ever.
  16. This is the one thing that could make me keep paying for a subscription.
  17. I don't care if your metrics say it's all just fine and dandy. If your WZ rotation is working as intended, please revisit your intentions. Thanks.
  18. So i should get punished if: * Im not ready to ignore my children if they wake up in the night for example * The server fails and kicks me out of match/game * Im not ready to ignore any RL event that unexpectedly turns up * Im not ready to stand idle if my entire team has given up and is afking at our only node * Hardware suddenly malfunctions and crashes * I hate one map with a passion and leave it immedeatly as i enter * I get bugged and can't leave the spawn Area * Etc. Oh, you played for a month without connection issues huh? -Well then it can't happen! -Guess what, i have a very good uplink and hardly ever any issues - but any connection can fail sometimes for various reasons, and the 1 or 2 times i <<have>> been DC'd at my end, i would have gotten more then annoyed if i got punished for it. And yes, you should expect your team to be utterly bad when entering a PUG warzone - but you should also expect them to be thinking and sentinent human beings. THAT is a much more legit requirement imo. Players can be as bad as they come, but there is NO excuse for queuing up and then not typing "East" when you're guarding a node for example. That's not being bad, that's working against your team on purpose. Your suggestions is laughable at best, unless you first adress the many factors that can make a player leave a match, specially those that have nothing to do with the "sportsmanship" you speak about. If anything, they need to adress the <<Reasons>> why people leave. I have a counter suggestion. When this is implemented i will gladly give your suggested system a go. * Vote to kick option that actually works. As long as the majority (4 in a full group) of a team votes for it, the player gets kicked instantly and with it, the same punishment as if he would have quit the match according to your suggested system. So get kicked 4 times in 1 week, and you're out for the week. Etc. Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun when someone doesn't work with the team and simply refuse contribute even with the most basic tasks. OR maybe we should blame the ones who really are responsible for this, BW. If they would just keep their promise and give us Cross Server Queues, more options and restrictions could be set as well as matchmaking of some form, and quitting might not be such a problem. But you can't punish people for leaving something they dont find entertaining, and that option <<should>> be there until they can provide a service that meets peoples idea of fun PvP.
  19. Yes, i think they should remove Arenas from the normal rotation, and instead it should be exclusive content for Ranked gameplay.
  20. Agreed. Like much else in this game it's "working as intended"....the problem is, they really should reconsider their intentions.
  21. The response would probably involve "Huge undertaking", "Technically challanging" and "Not in the near future" - Like everything we ask for...
  22. Sure seems like it was a solid fix they applied a few days ago, when this exact same issue appeared...
  23. Aye, im on TOFN as well - though i just saw a report of the same issue on Red Eclispe... I actually was online in Voidstar, when it suddenly lagged out completly and wouldn't accept any commands, not even leaving the WZ. Then suddenly i got a wincount on my daily but i could still not get out of the WZ. Eventually i tried to log out, but got stuck in the loading screen...
  24. I can't seem to connect to the game after loggin out, login issues back?
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