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Everything posted by Godsfear

  1. Maybe you dont kite? I know as a player who is a solid kiter that being able to turn off AutoForward is key if I'm getting chased down. Also when I'm kiting with my camera at a 90 degree angle I like to sometimes click target people chasing me.
  2. Anyone also noticed the way your camera constantly pans in every time it possibly can? there is a setting in the camera section that detaches the camera from your body which seemed to help some but it still needs constant scrolling to keep my camera at max distance. Really aggravating. I've never seen these issues in a mmo even on release. Camera design and function should be first year design stuff.
  3. I swear to God whoever was in charge of development is a window licker. How could you leave out this most basic function? All the kids who don't know how to kite are just going to troll now. Any pvp'r who is a competent kiter needs this super basic function. it's like Bioware built a skyscraper and forgot toilets.
  4. Here's how it works. the CEO's have never touched a video game. the Designers haven't gamed in 10 years because of wife and kids but now they get to a tiny bit cause their kids are older the programmers don't game at all cause they're busy programming and probably have young wife and kids due to new, stable job. the low level staff plays game currently or used to before this new job. that's the sad reality. The leadership doesn't play games much less to any serious degree.
  5. You're not even old enough to experience mmo lauches. *** are you talking about. I'm 35, I preordered WOW, WARhammer, Rift, COH, and now STWORS. Oh yeah fricking Tabula Rasa too. Those are just the ones I've launched with. I've played most of the other major mmo's to some extent. serious, as a long time player dual speccing is standard now. There is no reason to penalize players. Why would a company that wants our money penalize us? That makes no sense. Steam and Google and arguably apple have been succesful because of giving customers what they want. Are you arguing against Google and Apples business strategy? Steam gives players cheap games at discounted prices even though the industry like EA say you can't be successful that way. Steam has proven them wrong. Giving players what they want creates loyalty. Another example is RIOT games makers of League of Legends. Now the biggest Video game in the world dwarfing WOW. LOL has over 16 million players now. The devs also make champs based on forum posts and communicate with their player base constantly. Bw would do well to pay attention.
  6. I just posted a 5star review. the game is super mediocre. I'll play for a few months but I just don't see it being played much after 4-6 months. I'm not going to list all the flaws here. You can go read reviews on metacritic if you want to read that. EA messes up another company. So long Bioware/Mythic. It was fun while before you guys got PAID. Hope your yachts are worth it.
  7. Actually we'll just get them to implement dual specs. I'll keep this thread top for the rest of your life. Once they bleed subs from the horrible foundation this game is laid on. It's flaws are already starting to show. Spending that much money on voice acting was the biggest mmo fail in a long time. Here I'll give you a clue since I'm talking to kids on their first launch of a mmo..................90% of players spend 90% of their time at end game.........not questing. All that money was thrown at a portion of the game almost all players will quickly grow out of within 3 weeks. Watch and learn.
  8. Arguing with a kid who has never been in multiple MMO launches. Yeah dude, your tiny bit of WOW experience really makes you a expert on the genre right? Dual speccing does nothing to hurt the game. How others spec and or play is none of your business.
  9. I played 5 spec in Rift perfectly. Maybe you're just bad at remembering hotkey's? Don't group with someone then. Get a guild. Serious get a guild if you don't want to play with pugs. Serious get a guild if you dont want to play with pugs. Serious get a guild if you don't want to play with pugs. Serious get a guild if you don't want to play with pugs.
  10. HOW DOES CHANGING SPECS RUIN YOUR CHARACTER? Please can someone answer this question. Cause in Rift I had 5 specs and tanked and dps'd regularly and I felt my character was not ruined. In fact I enjoyed switching specs for variety sake. I still played a cleric. My name was the same. I, me, myself was still playing the game behind my comp. So once, again, why do you care what or how I play? Once again, how does it destroy my toon? Isn't t that up to me to decide? Don't respec if you dont like it. Problem solved.
  11. Who play's D&D now day's! OMG are the dual spec people actually arguing with 13 year old D&D players? Serious why would you care what I, ME, Myself Do with my toon. Some people like to dps when they're not healing and do REAL dps not some pathetic healer build dps. Why do you care?
  12. THE TRUTH IS REVEALED!!!! These people are just afraid they'll lose loot!!!!!!!!!! So funny. Hey bro, let me tell you as a pretty hardcore RIFT player. You'll get all your loot just as fast as everyone else. People will not ninja your precious loot. Get over yourself.
  13. Maybe because they don't work so the game is their "Job"? Personally I work and play games to have fun and relax. Not run through 6 load screens, run 5 miles, respec, turn around 6 more load screens, run 5 miles and redo my hotkey's. I guess If SWTOR was my job I would want it cumbersome to give me something to do as well. Personally though last time I looked Iphones sold well because they're easy to use. I can't believe I even have to make this argument. Our education system has truly failed.
  14. Nerf Iphones! they're too easy to use! Uninstall raido's out of car's! It's luxuriuous to have music while driving! Get rid of Hotkey's! You should have to reach for 0 with your left hand noob! Ban monitor's over 16 inches! Hardcore players use 15 inch CRT's BOOOUUUUYYY! How is a feature and quality of life feature bad again? Should we be banning vent because it makes the game to "easy" where do you draw the line? Get dual spec in the game now. Should have been in since launch. (edit. Should have been built in 6 months ago) The fact that they don't have dual speccing in already shows a real lack of understanding their market. Some of the decisions made for this game boggle the mind. It's almost like dev's dont even have time to play mmo's themselves? You think?
  15. Personally I would love to see more people running around. This phasing blows. The cities really do feel empty considering the server que's. I could care less whether I have to wait a second for a spawn. It is a online game right? Not much of a multiplayer game with no one around.
  16. http://www.riftgame.com/en/ Here you go kid. I'll catch you up with modern MMO's since it's obvious you've not been around.
  17. Dual spec or **** The fact that they launched the game without dual specs shows the leadership at BW is clueless about the mmo market. Get this done now.
  18. I've listened to about 10% of this VO work. Huge waste of money on BW part. Here BW ill give you a clue. (90% of mmo players spend 90% of their time at end game, not questing)
  19. Rift was launched with a fully functioning UI that allowed you complete control of scaling and placement of every single UI item. IMO everyone should at least be doing what RIFT did if you're going to make WOW/Rift style combat. GW2 has a UI that is so slimmed down and each class has 10 immediatley usable abilities I can see not needing a complete UI kit, but any of the WOW'esqe games now with 30+ abilities per class needed complete UI's on launch IMO. Warhammer did it and that was ages ago.
  20. Dual spec Chat bubbles Importing of UI's between characters. Scalable/movable UI. Maps that show you where you are in relation to the world. (so many corridors) Options to turn on and off UI elements. A health bar above your head without your name attached. (I know my name) Addon support
  21. Still boggles my mind that this was not a basic feature of the game. Not having a chat bubble makes /say feel completely useless. Most games just have a option to turn it off. Seriously, basic feature.
  22. Bioware should fire their UI team. Not joking around. If the team is so bad they don't understand the difference between a single player game UI and a MMO ui then get rid of them. It's obvious that the UI team has never played a MMO in their lives. I like this game but RIFT's UI blew Swtor's out of the water. serious though, your ui team is really bad. Like really bad.
  23. Obviously server stablity has nothing to do with invites. They simply have a schedule some guy made up 2 weeks ago and they're sticking to it through hell or high water. If they were the least bit flexible we wouldnt be sitting in the forums right now. Servers have been stable and standard or low since launch.
  24. Are you selling them because I'll take 4.
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