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Everything posted by JakkFrost

  1. As far as "LFG tool" goes, the game already has one, it works similar to FFXI's LFG system. But people want the system wow has, and calling that an LFG tool is a misnomer. You're not actually looking for group, you're auto-queuing for the next available group, same as you do for warzones. The current system might work better if everyone properly flagged themselves as looking for group in the first place.
  2. I just turn off the filter myself, but I see people complaining, wondering why some word was censored, and I can't answer them because I see nothing wrong in what they said. For example on the PTS someone was asking for people to run a flashpoint with them and send them their combat logs because they were working on writing a parser program, and the word parser was filtered. At first all I could think was maybe parser was swearing in french or something, I didn't clue in til later about the middle four letters causing the whole, wholly unrelated word, to be filtered. Add that to what someone else said about "Saturday" being filtered because of "turd", yeah, it's a little sensitive. And these aren't even words that should require someone to "brush up on their vocabulary".
  3. I too was greatly disappointed in the lack of story after BT/Esseles, although on the Imp side, BP and Foundry were good for story, if not for social points. However, I also realize the rampant whining that would take place if every FP had as many conversations as the first ones. So many people would come to these boards complaining about "why do all the fp's have so much spacebar fodder, I just wanna get gear!!!!!1!!11!one"
  4. Trying to keep this thread from getting hijacked, this thread is not about wanting LS or DS choices to have more effect on the story. This thread is about wanting things like abilities from your class trainer that you can only unlock at certain LS or DS levels, like maybe an AoE force choke for Dark V.
  5. You're making my point for me, that kind of thing doesn't impact your combat capability, therefore, going light or dark really has no benefit except story-wise. [edit:] I see where the confusion is, LeonBraun said something about wishing dark or light side choices affected storyline, which really had nothing to do with what I was suggesting. (Although in truth they barely affect story either)
  6. But that's story only. I'm not talking about cosmetic differences, or "toy" abilities, I'm talking actual abilities that can impact combat.
  7. I'm sure this has probably been suggested before, but how about adding something akin to Jedi Academy when it comes to going Light or Dark. In that game, and maybe in other SW games I haven't played, going to either alignment unlocked abilities the other side didn't have, such as going Dark giving you Force Choke. Other abilities would have to be designed, obviously, since Force Choke and such are already in the game. I just think this would add a little more flavor to the game, plus a little more incentive to make Light or Dark Side choices because, let's face it, the current incentives from the vendors, gear and vanity stuff, are mediocre at best.
  8. Not to mention having all those purple schematics available is a good way to make money on the GTN, from others who don't have your crafting skill but want to level their alts in the best possible gear without mod-hunting.
  9. Plus, can't speak for 1.2, or endgame mods and such, but the stats you can get on purple gear right now, at least before 50, can sometimes far outstrip the total of the mods you can put in orange gear. For example, Fervor Militia Jacket, level 39 medium armor; 38 endurance 43 cunning 45 accuracy 53 critical rating Now, that's one proc in the critical tree, I don't know the stats on other procs, but whether or not you find accuracy useful, I don't think it would be possible at 39 to mod an orange to match those stats.
  10. Just for a change I thought I'd nah it's smuggler, you guessed it. Lower level from the class questline. (redoing smuggler on PTS) Smuggler ~ "Amply rewarded" is my middle name. NPC ~ Your parents must have been fascinating people.
  11. In customizing chat window options, could you please move experience gains out of system feedback and into it's own toggled option? Sometimes I like to see the experience gains, but I also like to see the other system feedback, and the experience spam, especially once you get legacy experience in there too, gets a bit ridiculous. Do one space battle and anything a guildie says while you're in it, for example, is liable to get erased by the text limit of the chat window because of experience spam. I've even tried creating a separate chat window just for guild chat, but the text limit apparently still applies from the primary window, and I still lose the chat in a space battle.
  12. I know the issue is fixed with crew skills closing other windows, but with the bug report window, it would be nice if we could minimize it to a "pending" or "draft" status, in case something comes up that we need to pay attention to in the middle of writing our report. For myself, because I play in windowed mode, it's easier for me to switch to notepad and write my issue there, but this would be a bit more convenient, and I'm sure others would like the option.
  13. I confess, I was successfully trolled, though I would have caught on sooner if I'd watched the videos before going to comments. That being said, the overall concept is pretty cool, and as others have said, it really might be a fun time-waster. What would make it even better, imho, is a running gag through the droid storyline where he annoys your crew members so much that they regularly toss him out on airlock, and the cutscene ends with your droid drifting off into the black, maybe with a catchphrase, or at least a different one-liner every time. Also, is there a link to view previous April Fools' jokes for SW:TOR? Were they saved anywhere?
  14. Actually one of the flashpoints or ops is about the droid rebellion, can't remember the name offhand though, had a "7" in it.
  15. Well yeah, there's that too. Personally I was talking about the stealth detection mechanic itself and giving low level mobs as an example.
  16. I can't see BW, or any game if it had a similar companion mechanic, letting you go back and selectively change one conversation. Sometimes you have to live with the choices you make. However, I could see them adding a sort of mind-wipe option that resets your companions affection to 0 and also resets all the companion quests/conversations. If you were RP, you could say you were forced to do it because of all the top-secret stuff you've done for the empire/republic that your companion shouldn't know about, or may be in danger because they know.
  17. I think my brain just imploded... It's a shield, so naturally it should give an armor reduction, not a boost... -.-;;
  18. It actually does the same thing in wow, and it makes sense in a way. I could walk within 5 feet of a mob unstealthed and not aggro, like a mob 50-60 levels under me. But if it has stealth detection and I walk within 10 feet it aggros. The way I figure it is, if it has stealth detection, that means it's "on guard" so to speak, and someone stealthing and "red-named" as it were is obviously up to no good, and therefore must be detained/questioned/brutally murdered/rickrolled.
  19. You need to at least register the dll's in the game directory, easiest done by writing a small batch file to do it, That's how I backed up FFXI and never had to reinstall it or re-download the patches. Sadly, I'm not techie enough to be able to clearly explain how to do it, but I'm sure you can find instructions to do it for some other game and apply them where needed. It doesn't need to be exclusive or sanctioned, just build a self-contained torrent client into the launcher, exactly like WoW has. That's how they distribute all their content, and that's using the torrent system exactly the way it was originally intended by the original torrent creator.
  20. Bleh, yeah, I guess that would explain it, I never noticed on my other toon's investigation, but I guess I just always assumed only the gathering skills were the only ones that didn't have rich missions because you could go out and farm them.
  21. I've just had one of my companions come back for the second time in a row from a rich yield mission with only moderate yield results. The mission is "No Redeeming Value", rank 6 Treasure Hunting for underworld metals. Is this a bug I should report, or did BW ninja patch mission skills for partial failures? I've never had this happen before today, always either full results of complete failure.
  22. Personally I'm undecided on the subject, though I do get wanting each side to look different. What I don't get is... why bother putting in faction-specific schematics? Especially if every piece is going to change its look if cross-factioned. Isn't that a bit redundant? I mean they're obviously set that way due to appearance, since many of them can be worn by classes with differing primary stats, like Mercenary Elite Chestguard, which can only be worn by SW or BH.
  23. Unless it's different for free weekend players, that's not how much time is left on your mail, that's how old it is. Most in game mail lasts about 25 days.
  24. How exactly do you not run past your ship's droid "as much" when he's always standing at a spot you have to run past when boarding or exiting your ship? Except Jedi that is, they can hop the railing to the exit of their ship and avoid him that way (grr), but no other classes can. What they really should do is add a bunch more phrases and greatly increase the speech cooldown timer, to something like 4-6 hours of on-ship playtime.
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