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Everything posted by TheCoug

  1. The Assembly Chamber either on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas should be one of the entries. I'm currently at 62/67 and I only have Ilum datacrons and the +10 left. Are there 5 or 3 on Ilum?
  2. haha Darth Lachris?? How can I forget her! Also does anyone remember that Jedi Master you fight in the cave on Hoth? His voice acting was amazing. The actor sounded so familiar. I've actually been trying to find out who it is.
  3. But for serious. Do you have any Bonus Series you could do? Definitely try to do the Heroics/Flashpoints or any Bonus Series on previous planets.
  4. You go to the bar where everyone knows your name. At Mos Eisley...Mos Eisley Cantina!
  5. The sort guild data tabs are all broken. If you have it set as your lowest rank, it will be your lowest rank.
  6. If you save up enough from individual planets (24 i think) you can buy the purple equipment boxes, which usually have a pretty rare purple item. You can either use it or sell it on the GTN for some sweet sweet credits. I think I was actually able to buy three of these just from Balmorra commendations.
  7. Sometimes I take my ship droid out just to slap him.
  8. You can go to any planet that shows up in your galaxy map. Typhon, Ord Mandell, and Coruscant don't even appear for us, like Korriban, Hutta, and Dromund Kaas for you.
  9. If you're playing solo I'd go with the jugg. I'm a Marauder and even at level 50 I'm still super squishy (only have around 11000 hp). I need to use my healer comp all the time, but damn can I dispatch enemies with some gusto.
  10. Tython isn't an Empire planet. Our starting planets are Korriban and Hutta.
  11. ^ This guy. Dropping a knowledge bomb.
  12. Which begs the question... Why are there Ortolans on Hoth to begin with?
  13. Oooooh. Good to know. I'd better stop making LS choices then. I just couldn't kill Max Rebo on Hoth! Those damn blue elephants.
  14. I'm not trying to go to LS V from DS V I'm just saying that since hitting DS V i've noticed that any LS choices I make haven't been affecting my alignment.
  15. Can you go from DS V to LS V? I'm at DS V and I've made a few LS choices since then and notice it hasn't affected my alignment at all. In fact any LS points I had when I finally reached DS V were erased and now all it says is -10,000.
  16. Actually, me and one of my guildies have been getting a lot of the platforming datacrons together. Where if theres a particularly dangerous jump, one of us will go first and then we can duel and use his grapple to get either me or him to the new platform. In addition, if one of us falls and its close enough to duel, we can grapple or force jump back to where we were without doing all the previous platforming again. Its saved us a lot of frustration. At the moment we've gotten every Empire datacron up to Voss.
  17. Well well well. Good thing I bought it then.
  18. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=269757
  19. Is this the item you get from the Balmorra vendor near Bug Town?
  20. If your whole month's paycheck is $74.99 then it sounds like you need a new job man
  21. I'm at 10,000 DS points and also have around 150-250 LS pts. Until I reached DS V with a net point value of -10000, it just deducted the LS points from my DS total. Since reaching DS V my meter now reads 0 LS and 10000 DS with neither alignment choice affecting me any longer.
  22. A lot of these speeders and vendors were from beta and don't exist anymore. That site is really outdated.
  23. I mean we can't switch servers unless we make a new character so....yeah. There's that.
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