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Everything posted by TheCoug

  1. Try SWTORGuys or FAPGen channels on youtube. Really really good video guides!
  2. So I really like the gear i finished the story mode with, and the basically all of it that I really care about the look of is orange (Helmet, Chest, Legs, Gloves). I know that PvP gear is supposed to be the bee's knees, but is there is a way to get mods above the (Rating 51) Mods on Ilum that you buy with Daily Commendations? I'll use PvP gear to upgrade my belt/boots/earpiece/augments etc but if I want to keep the look of the other stuff, is there anyway to keep it up to the same level or are those Ilum mods the best you can get? Thanks!
  3. There are imperial snow trooper uniforms for sale in the main base on Ilum!
  4. Vette pulls a lot of aggro when you're still at a such a low level. I remember her being pretty BAMF. As you level up your gear and weapons you'll pull more. Between 10-20 you'll get huge upgrades
  5. That happens from time to time. Try leaving the area and coming back in. Or logging out and back in. Also this seems like an obvious thing to say but make sure your Arch level is a high enough level.
  6. I feel like you can't always trust Torhead. A lot of their database is from beta.
  7. To be honest since reaching level 50 my favorite thing to do has been helping my lower level guild members with quests. But I've found there are some good pvp battled on Ilum from time to time. Had some pretty good ones today. However I'm a completionist, so I won't be satisfied until I do every Heroic in my quest log and every NM and HM Flashpoint. Have you tried getting all the datacrons? Those can be pretty fun. The +10 ones are ridiculous. I haven't gotten around to them yet.
  8. hahahaha Dr. Rockso is the best. I DO COCAINE!
  9. Forrest Gump was the greatest Jedi who has ever lived.
  10. Try unequipping both then equipping the main hand saber you want first, then the off hand. This can be a little tricky.
  11. Quesh and Voss have level 40 and 50 speeders, and Outlaw's Den on Tatooine has level 50 speeders too.
  12. I want to make an alt called Zazz Blazzamatazz. Or Dr'rockso.
  13. They might be talking about your phase. Try resetting your local phase by right clicking on your picture. There's only one Ilum. (THERE'S ONLY ONE....OCTOBER!)
  14. I remember that guy too. I feel like a lot of the naval terminology has been applied to space combat in almost every EU (not just star wars).
  15. Imperial Scholar / the Academic was taken out of the game, as were many beta titles unfortunately Can't wait for there to be 3,000,000 Darths running around
  16. Yes I realize that, I was just clarifying his post with my own experience.
  17. To find a guild, make an Imperial on the Cho Mai server, pst "Coug", "Olasqy", "Lavitz" "Bobafatty", or "Xephiron" and you'll get a ginv. Easy as that!
  18. I don't think "the Academic" is still a title.
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=295533
  20. USB fans are not "do nothing" i have a USB fan and as i posted earlier I have seen a HUGE difference. I have never had an overheating related FPS drop since I got it.
  21. I gotta be honest. I love Ewoks. Once again, I feel like Jar Jar is so much more annoying because he speaks Basic.
  22. Moff Divers. or Grievous Island.
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