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Everything posted by onethreeone

  1. Are there really not a lot of Powertechs? As someone mentioned above, here Republic side there seems to be a lot of Vanguards.
  2. I was actually going to make a similar post. I'm on Hyperspace Cannon - PVE - Republic side. I just hit 50 with my first character. PVP seems to be with / against mainly the same people. There were consistently less than 25 people in the zones from Hoth on. I went to Illum to check it out and there were 13 people there, with no one in sight. Only a few Imperial alerts went off in the 5 minutes or so I was sitting there (e.g. "Imperial x spotted by y"). The fleet has 84 people in it on a Saturday at noon (CST), so it's not horrible but I haven't seen it over 100 for a long time. I don't know about overall population, but there sure seems to be a lack of it at the top. I'm pretty much just going to do PVP dailies with this toon and level alts. Hopefully by the time I have 3-4 50's, there will be more population at the top. Right now it isn't fun, though.
  3. Trooper regen rates: Fast = .6 ammo /s Moderate / Slow = .36 ammo / s Very Slow = .24 ammo / s
  4. What, seriously? No wonder I didn't notice much of a difference. Temporary bug or engine limitation?
  5. Me: "I'm the kind of trouble that never gets tired. Do yourself a favor sweatheart, stop running." Her: "I don't have to run from you, Captain. A brisk walk is usually enough."
  6. Is Open Wound (level 2 Dirty Fighting talent) bugged, or is it just not behvaing as I expected? Open Wound 1/1: Increases the duration of Vital Shot by 3 seconds. I expected that would add another tick of damage, thus raising the overall damage output of Vital Shot. From the hover text of the skill, however, it seems that it simply extended the duration without upping the damage. Has anyone verified what the current behavior is?
  7. Especially since they just had a huge love fest post for Maruaders / Knights. I was extremely disappointed to see Troopers as the only class without any fixes in path 1.1.1 That better mean they're working on a huge fix for the next patch.
  8. Devs please respond, these are all important issues. The silence is going to drive people away.
  9. I'd just level up shield spec. This: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801G0rrboroM.1 Then finish off the 2nd level, then counterattack and energy blast.
  10. Taris, at least Republic side. It's about 3-4 character levels too long, and all the quests seem the same (go kill 50 rakghouls...)
  11. I'd be interested to see screenshots of the PVP weapons, as many seem to have intriguing icon art. Who wants to spend 330 warzone currency to test it out?
  12. If you knew you wanted to only dps, why didn't you go Gunnery Commando?
  13. I've had no problems doing a hybrid build the whole game (Tactics to Gut, then Shield Spec). In fact, I've been able to easily solo the Heroic 2's with the big bosses (35k+ hp in the late 20's / low 30's.)
  14. I have a 27 Scoundrel that I had shelved for a Trooper, but this HoT & DoT idea sounds entertaining. I definitely love my smuggie's weakness for women and bribes vs. my trooper's good boy soldier choices. So, I respecced up through the Sawbones tree, and next level comes Dirty Fighting. What companion would be best with this build? I went with Bowdaar since he's entertaining, plus I figured his AoE would help me do more AoE / DoT dmg. Before I switched from Corso, however, it was kind of funny how he'd be chain pulling mobs before my shotgun animation finished.
  15. Is it possible to RE an item (and learn a progression) that has a level requirement higher than you? I've been trying the last two days on my Armortech & Cybertech toons, and the items that have a higher level just aren't RE'ing to a second stage recipe.
  16. Two things: 1) If you're running in Plasma Cell, you should probably have 4X tank for you as opposed to tanking and having Elara heal you. 2) I am a hybrid Tactics / SS spec at level 30. It seems to be a good combination of tanking and dps. For instance, I was able to solo the first Heroic 2 on Tatooine, the one that spawns the 37k droid + 2x 5k adds. Here's my build at 30: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801RMRMZMsr0o.1 I went up Tactics to Gut, and then up SS taking Ion Overload first in the 2nd tier, then Rebraced Armor. I took 1/3 Steely Resolve, but now I'm thinking I'd rather have it in Neural Overload since I won't have a free point from the coming tiers. (disclaimer: I am not a pro, but I'm having success at the same point in the game as your question.)
  17. For the mid levels, I picked up the E-313 Heavy Repeating Disruptor from Tatooine's Specialty Goods vendor. It's nice and long, has a solid stock for the strike, and looks like something an uber-commando would carry.
  18. +1 Very disappointing that a Dev hasn't responded to this thread. Say it's working as intended, or admit it's a bug, and give a very rough timeline (e.g. next patch, a long time from now because it's low priority, etc.) I can forgive many things with the launch, including these animations int their current state, but a lack of customer service is a very bad sign.
  19. I think they were wondering about Power, Defense, Surge, Accuracy, etc. I am just a lvl26 Vanguard, but I've noticed that Elara benefits more from Power than Aim when it comes to healing bonuses, so that might be one instance of a desirable secondary stat for her.
  20. For those playing Dirty Fighting, how is leveling vs Scrapper? Do the DoTs allow you to solo Heroic 2+ areas? I'm thinking Nar Shaddaa specifically, since I just atttempted Blood Sport/Money as a lvl23-25 Scrapper, and I couldn't beat the 20k health end guys. I'm wondering if the DoTs allow you to get them on the target, heal Corso, and then reapply the DoTs as necessary.
  21. After using it, it's not as cool as it sounds. I still prefer using 1-5 on the actual keyboard, so the mouse buttons are being inefficient. I don't know why SWTOR doesn't differentiate between 1-9 and numpad 1-9, it would make this a lot easier.
  22. Ooh, thanks for the tip. I was struggling with using the normal number keys and then the naga as the num pad with num lock off, but this is a much better idea.
  23. Can someone explain this role for the non-initiated? I'm just about to pick an AC for a smuggler, so it'd be nice to hear about this path. Are you solely healing in groups, or is a combination of healing and dps? Are the heals all targeted, group, or some combination? HoTs, small quick heals, large long heals, or some combo? I'd love to be a moderate DPS class with some big "oh crap" heals, but I don't think I want a full time job clicking party members for small heals.
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