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Everything posted by Alistarx

  1. Not a bad idea but in the end all thats going to happen is bioware is going to cave to their favorite customers - the lazy premades who predate on lower leveled ungeared players for the easy win. This is thier game now, the rest of are here to provide thoese guys with free stuff and easy kills. Either we stop complaining or cancel. Once the penelty is put in im canceling - i absolutely refuse to be farmed, end of story.
  2. People dont leave because it isn't a clear win. People leave because you cant beat an organized group of 40s on vent pot stacked out vs 10s and 20s. These guys count on the easy win. I dont want to play with that kind of person(s), who want to premake and min max SO they can predate on low levels...i like fun and competitive pvp, win or lose. Oh and yea until they institute a penelty(for which will be cancel time for me because that doesnt solve problems it loses subscriptions, see we can do this too?) i will continue leaving premades. and ya we know who you are we see the same names over and over. Youll get no satisfaction farming me.
  3. Alistarx

    30wins 1 loss

    I love pug vs pug, its fun, you premade types are lazy locusts who go from game to game wrecking everything in your path. It amazes me that developers feed you 10%ers, you drive away the 90%ers and ruin thier game. Surprised they havent figured it out yet.
  4. Oh and thats cute, afk'er are now causing the game to bug? lol you people are unbelievable ahaha.
  5. The answer is not to punish people who leave however, one they do that im canceling ...the premade situation is so out of control it sucks and im not staying in those horrible warzones getting killed effortlessly over and over by organized thugs who might otherwise be outside torturing kittens. To put a penelty in place will not be an answer i promise you it will further ruin already horrible pvp. And btw im quite sure op the only reason your posting is because your premades dont have enough sheep for you to kill, not because your on the losing side as a pug, because with or without the afk'ers the pugs still lose, so nice try at trolling.
  6. Oh, i thought it was just friends grouping together to have fun. Ya one of these mmos have really got to step outside this horrible formula.
  7. What they do one on one, unless they have a 25 level advantage or 4 of thier friends around is RUN like babies. I dont have a lot of time to play so i pug alot, hence lose a lot, but i alwys fight to death and never ever run, its so coward like. Before they moved the 50s i was shocked at how many 50s who fled. They are definately a cowardly bunch, and again they are 'premaking' themsleves so they get the fast easy valor. They do not want to have to actually PLAY vs another premade.
  8. when 5 peeps are pounding on one geared 50 and he's taking no damage and no healers around him THATS NOT SKILL FOCUS or ETC. Stop perpetuating the lie, u basement dwelling slugs want no challenge or competition u just want to one shot everything on your way to the best gear so you can harass and hold back others from getting said gear. You weasels are now moving in packs ruining games in 2 weeks, grats.
  9. I just cancelled ....sorry to break your bubble i highly doubt that happens, its all downhill from here...i have to wonder with all the time and money that went into this game....i have to say REALLY? crappy canned dialogue that forces you on two paths, unbelievably horrid pvp, the running from one end of the map to the other grated on my nerves to no end....bland quests, dull lifeless world, old graphics...How do you ruin a game with the star wars license. wow i actually stayed in dcu for a month and a half, and i HATED that game, lol. So long bioware, I had big hopes for this game.
  10. People dont leave because theyre losing they leave because its a waste of f^&%ing time , bad pvp is bad, bottom line. You premades are the only ones who are getting your panties in a bunch about penelties for leaving because how dare your sheep go somewhere else instead of being farmed by you ^%$#sers. f^%$# you, took you guys 6 months to ruin rift pvp, now you predators are able to wreck pvp in under 2 weeks from release, gg.
  11. This is really a horrible to do this, First of all i bought mine like day 1 went it went on sale, and i didnt see anywhere where it said u have to put in your code or you wont get in early access day (obviously i waited til NOV to actually do the code), second i could care less if i got in day 1 or day 5 - i think this game is going to fail - i was not impressed at all with the game, just annoyed at the bs companies pull and get away with.
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