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Everything posted by Elementlord

  1. There just aren't enough buttons on a controller to play anywhere near effectively. Hotkey MMOs like SWTOR and WOW are incompatible with consoles on that base level.
  2. The alternative was killing them both, so I'll let you decide which is preferable.
  3. Being able to Stealth past trash makes levelling ten times easier and faster
  4. Right now my Healer Merc is around level 28 and just got to Tatooine, I switched to a Healer spec because I didn't like the flow of Merc DPS, since I only have Mako right now I've been pretty much having to do most of the damage myself, but even with only a couple points in the DPS trees I'm still doing quite a bit of damage.
  5. Ah yes, just got to the part where that was mentioned. Also IA gets to Corellia a little before the Trooper.
  6. Warrior ending happens before Inquisitor ending, and SW and Knight endings happen at around the same time.
  7. A better alternative would be to get a Legacy Unlock that lets blaster classes equip all types of blasters (BHs with rifles anyone?) and all lightsaber classes use all Lightsabers and tech weapons.
  8. 20 bucks (or 10 if you're a sub like you're suggesting) isn't exactly something that needs multiple payments, it's 2/3rds of a sub already.
  9. Unless you want every single ability, type of medpack, pet, and speeder on your bars at all times, what possible reason would you need for 7+ quickbars?
  10. I found plenty of moddable knives in Imperial Comendation vendors.
  11. Taking a shot in the dark here (I'm not particularly knowledgeable about every class) but I'd say Sniper Marskman and Marauder Carnage, respectively.
  12. Chiss female, Body 2. Looks really good with the Nar Shaddaa moddable vendor chest plate and lookalikes. Also looks pretty good in the Red and White level 40 PVP armor (Only previewed it though)
  13. Then don't use the (completely cosmetic) family tree function and don't display Legacy?
  14. IIRC your Ranged DPS and Melee Tank, respectively. So for Agent that would be Temple and SCORPIO.
  15. You realize you're asking them to completely up and change the entire foundation of the gameplay, right? It's just not going to happen.
  16. IA has a lot more nuance and moral dilemmas than the other stories I've played (Granted, I haven't played any of them past ~level 30 sans SW, who I completed). Playing a (mostly) Light side Sniper right now, and LS Agent seems to strike me as a good person trying to make the best of a really bad situation, especially after events in chapter 2, which really struck a blow to his faith in the empire (beforehand he was a hardcore Go Empire! Patriot, now not so much).
  17. Level 10 is really easy to get. Make it 20 or 30.
  18. IIRC, there are two skills in the Marksman tree that might make this possible, first, "Sniper's nest" which gives you 1 extra energy per second while in cover, and Sniper volley, an active skill also in the Marksman tree that gives +50% energy regen when activated. Both of these, when active at the same time, would give him 9 energy regen.
  19. He only issued Order 66 after the Windu fight, he wouldn't have had the chance to before he was killed. And even if he did transfer his consciousness, he'd basically have to start over from scratch in politics since he wouldn't have any of the political pull he had.
  20. The closest thing we're going to probably get to a new class is new Advanced classes, if they made whole new classes they'd have to do two new stories and a ridiculous amount of voice acting just to make one new class type.
  21. I can see an obvious exploit here with Heroic moments and Legacy abilities. Just blew all your cooldowns on a particularly hard mob? Duel a friend and bam, off cooldown and ready for the next fight.
  22. Legacy-wide legacy perks. Rocket boots are incredibly useful for new alts, and Quick travel cooldown reduction is very handy. The Human race unlock also gives you +100 presence and costs 600 CC.
  23. Good luck playing anywhere near effectively with such limited keybindings.
  24. Rank 1 only costs like 600 credits.
  25. The "best" tree comes down to personal preference IMO. My currently level 35 Sniper is Marksman specced, because I seem to gravitate towards high single-target burst damage specs (my Marauder was Carnage all the way from 10-50. I haven't played an Operative/Scoundrel yet, so I wouldn't really be able to compare the two.
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