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Everything posted by Arunas

  1. Shells that can be crafted currently pales in comparison to cartel market. Why not allow crafting for yourself bound to legacy orange items. This way its usefull to level and have armstech/artifice, and if you make these crafting skills not available for free on new lvl60 chars all the better.
  2. Sitting in stalemate game padding dps while not killing anything is the epitome of swtor pvp mastery it seems.
  3. 150% increase seems unlikely, by the same math low expertise people would be eating 40k ambushes then.
  4. Marauders use every ability (except maybe disable droid ) at max skill level in PvP and as such are not beginner friendly.
  5. That won't make me queue as I don't find arenas fun.
  6. Its not the point. Content need to be relevant for more people, so anybody that wants to do something can have others joining them. Currently HP FPs are mostly ignored and people that want to do them can sit in queue for hours if they are dps and every time I went trough the planets I saw people begging for somebody to join heroics. One solution would be to make coms convertable to best gear/better coms in a manner of old ranked warzone coms. This way people would have a choice between doing harder stuff and getting gear faster or grinding it slowly with these dailies and everything would be relevant as evertything would be viable endgame options.
  7. Will it give 216+ set bonus low endurance gear? If not then these heroics will be ignored by people doing PvE like current HM FPs... Content can only be relevant if it gives relevant rewards.
  8. Chances are only armormech/synthweaving will be available this way...otherwise how they will decide what AC gets what crafting skills?
  9. Irrelevant for me as I don't have reasons to go to low lvl planets anyway.
  10. Based on stream heroics give basic data crystals. Up to now token drops were always superior to PvE vendor gear and HM FPs/Ops will continue awarding them. I have all my pve chars capped on all coms since there is nothing useful to spend them on - no lockboxes, decorations or other vanity items. I got a feeling this heroic terminal is going to end up mostly useless, as there won't be a reason to return to previous planets anyway, just people that want to do heroics will be able to group better when on a planet. I myself haven't done a heroic when leveling since 2012 and presumably with class+planetary XP/coms you will still not need to do anything extra to level at optimal speed and keep your gear up to date.
  11. Probably won't since I already have all ACs...
  12. You know, in my experience if you get a pop for novare or alderaan and see premade with you from the so called pvp guilds, you can be sure that none from their group will go to pylon, going to mid to farm numbers instead, and if pug loses node they will be the first to rage. Cause they too cool to do uncool stuff and be in position to fail...
  13. Nope. Still drops from 100+ on fleet and everywhere else to sub-30.
  14. I think it does not stack at all.
  15. This new ability sound awful. Backwards jump will be obnoxious to use, moreover you might be forced to rotate your character so you go to the desired direction which won't be always possible, and in huttballs it will be especially fun to use it without dropping down or getting into fire/acid. IMO having a jet out where you click on area where you want to go within X meters and relocate there while being immune would be better.
  16. I suspect it might be worse in 4.0. We will have 9 ops and our chars have 8 armor pieces + mh... If you would need to kill Revan HM to get best MH again... Unfortunatelly this might be necessary or people will farm EV/KP only for gear.
  17. All work but HO/shroud/entrench is used to prevent being knocked/pulled and with short cooldowns bhs/troopers could use it very often, leading to more uptime compare to other classes.
  18. Its a strictly PvE nerf that was needed, as HO was allowing to ignore various mechanics, and making bhs/troopsers tier above other classes.
  19. Going to get new rig with i7-4790k 4.0GHz soon... if this one won't get 60+ fps in wzs...
  20. So much stupid in this thread. Mara is awesome if you are a good player and it fits your play-style. If you aren't its not for you. Overwhelming majority of PvPers in this game are bad, thus anything is viable in regs. If you cannot take any class and perform in them well then the problem lies with you.
  21. There is your answer. Operation token gear is low endurance and thus BiS for dps/heal.
  22. Except augments, on BiS mods/enh you choose between power and crit and crit has diminishing returns and not as useful for some specs. So no competition.
  23. Interested in that as well.
  24. I applied but like I said I want to speak to you first on ts
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