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Everything posted by undies

  1. Bracketing works. Bracketing works too well. It seggregates players too much. Bioware realizes the faulty logic in Bracketing and opted for Bolstering. You have more of a challenge, but you get to play more than you would for bracketing. It scales so much better when the servers aren't as active so your waits never get rediculous. It has it's downside that the matches will be harder, but at least you'll always have a match waiting for you. It's been ONE DAY since official release. The issue is: newbies are getting slaughtered by early access players; thats the root of it. Sorry you don't like it!
  2. Any of you guys on PvP servers? Or just on PvE playing warzones?
  3. To be honest, no one is going to accept supposed "solutions" from someone who loses 100% of WZs.
  4. It's not fair that you got me to lol with this one. Man, just imagining the rage tells i'd get from teammates.
  5. So this video is trying to accomplish what goal?
  6. Like I said before, if you're losing a lot of WZ games, theres a problem other than character level differences, with which bolster has already negated 80% of.
  7. The other problem I see is, there is a perception that you have to WIN to have fun. If thats the case, I pity you guys that feel this way. I hope that Bioware doesn't change things just so that everyone can have their best chance at winning. As others have stated, the moment you start watering things down you might as well play an FPS. A new Warzone Idea: Story driven PvP scenerio. You have attackers and defenders. Attackers choose from multiple discussions which thing to complain about. Defenders choose which to rebuttle. your big qq topics go on cooldowns. You dps with your words. At the end, a Hutt comes out and eats you all. It's a tie! no one loses and you become Hutt's next bowel movement.
  8. You must not be talking about this game. There are no premades in this game. max of 4 per group and very rare that you can get both groups in one match.
  9. You won't get facerolled all the time. I get "facerolled" about 30% of the time, but 30% of the time my team is doing the facerolling, and 40% of the time is a good even fight. If you get facerolled often, it's not the levels that are the problem. And that is where more frequent PvP can help in the learning process! And guess what? win or not, great XP/commendations/credits.
  10. Bulstering leads to so much more PvP because everyone is pooled together. Brackets break everyone up. Once the game passes this peak and everyone isn't on at the same time (population levels out), you won't want those brackets because, whats better? Playing or ... not playing because the bracket you're in is empty?
  11. Sometimes I go left, but I understand why going middle is crucial. I just wont go middle if 3 go left, I go left and follow the herd.
  12. You can bind your mouse buttons to do a Ctrl / Ctrl+Alt / Ctrl+Shift+Alt scenerio? Man, the that explains a lot. I was looking at my keyboard the other day trying to figure out how people were doing Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+7, I was like breaking my wrist tryign to make it work. Bahahaha. Sigh. I'm not kidding either. So this can be done seriously? I am a keybinding novice. Enough to not nerf myself in PvP, but enough to where I definitely need to improve.
  13. Meh, Republic fanboi deserves no opinions.
  14. I came in to say I agree. I saw this post and the sentence structure literally shattered my mind. I can't even remember what I was going to say, reading this post took everything out of me.
  15. Faction, while this is hilarious, I hope you really don't care about win rates, as the xp/accomodations/credits is still good win or lose. funny video.
  16. Yeap, It's astonishing that there is still outcry of premade when, in fact, we can't truly premade. group cap is 4. sigh.
  17. I play on Vulkar Highway, please join that one. It's not SUPER full but it is "FULL" yet great PvP. I would highly enjoy more Republic's on this server.
  18. It's just not going to happen unless they're truly new. those lowbies have cc breaks, and they can't all be on cooldowns, they also have their own ccs. there are just so many variables to overcome a lvl 50.
  19. I am glad you took it light heartidly. Even if our opinions differ its nice to dissipate the tension. <3 EDIT: BTW, to be perfectly honest, if 3 bolstered lowbies get on a lvl 50, if that lvl 50 does not die then the 3 bolstered lowbies are absolutely awful. Maybe rightfully so if they're new. Still, 3 bolstered lower characters should easily do one of two things, 1.) kill the lvl 50 after the lvl 50 kills one, 2.) chase the lvl 50 off because the lvl 50 should not be stupid enough to engage multiple targets solo.
  20. Here is the biggest bonus to the bolstering system: I get to play with my friends that are not yet my level (them 14-18) and myself being 27. It's one of the few things I don't have to stop questing and go help them, slowing my progress in the process. You get rid of bolstering or make it more convoluted and then you may have to wait longer for PvP and/or not be able to play with lower level buddies. All because you just can't handle someone being better than you. I'm only lvl 27 btw, and have been faced by lvl 40+ before. I LOL and keep playing, remembering to gank them when a teammate is fighting them later.
  21. But sir, you must agree with the thought of bolstering. You used the most extreme example as a way to bolster your position on this topic, after all.
  22. I have PvP'ed since level 12 constantly while questing. I am now level 27 with rank 22 valor. I have faced every level of character. Yes, some are much harder. But, if you die to a much higher character, don't get bent out of shape. Just stick with others. Warzones are about teamwork, after all. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you get xp, credits, accomedations, etc. I just wish you got dark side/light side points whenever you won, something like 10. You will absolutely get better playing other players that are better than you. It forces you to do one of two things: 1.) Learn your class and focus on your rotations/skills more. 2.) Come on a forum and complain because you don't like playing hardmode.
  23. A trick I've done is placed my Focus and my Shield offhand items on my cast bar. I click on them to equip them while out of combat. If you just know you're going to get pounded but you want to harass, throw up Dark Charge and Shield and just go to town being annoying. Otherwise you could mix a shield with Surging Charge, or full dps with a focus and Surging Charge. Just a tip. Didn't know if it was widely known you can equip items from your casting bar or not. Just allows you be a bit more versatile. Considering we can Force Hide and get out of combat, shouldn't be difficult to get out of combat real fast and switch up.
  24. This is the best PvP video I have seen thus far. Do you ever like to switch from Focus to a Shield? I found going Focus makes me squishy, and if I get single targeted fast it often times spells death. I don't notice too bad of a dps drop going Shield, and notice much higher survivability that way as well. I guess you've mastered when to leave the fight. My problem is that I don't like leaving my teammates to die, especially if I'm playing with guildies. I have gotten as high as 43 kills (Vulkar Highway server). I play very similarly to you in so far as rotations and react very similar to you as well in different scenerios, i.e. when to use force lighting / shock. I just need to get better at keybinding all my casting spells. I currently click those, and have the melee stuff keybound so I can melee on the move. So, you're casting is much faster since you have that keybound whereas it takes a split second longer for me to click. I was going to ask why you didn't fully buff your stances in the Darkness tree. I have a full 3 points, did you not find it worth it? Otherwise our specs are very similar as well. Great videos.
  25. You think you got it rough? My friends made me play League of Legends.
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