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Everything posted by SweetOldBob

  1. Yeah. 8 people going their own ways is even worse than a sub-optimal plan. And I'm happier if I'm NOT the ops leader. Not on exactly on topic, but for what it's worth, this could be the difference between a zerg working and failing.
  2. You get the best PvE gear in drops from operations and flashpoints. I think that heroic quests have better drops than regular quests, too.
  3. That explains a lot, in RL as well as SWTOR.
  4. You mean my MVP votes have been out of pity? Now I'm depressed.
  5. this ^^^ You know you are in a decent PUG when you see your teammates fan out to protect the guy capping.
  6. I disagree with you on this one. The goal of defenders is to protect the doors; they can do this by damaging attackers who are planting. It is easier for defenders if most of the fighting is near the door. On a non-stealth attack, you are able to plant a bomb by killing the enemy in the area and then keeping arrivals from bothering the one teammate who is planting. Also, people have already commented on your Huttball complaint: " why would you attack someone who is not holding the ball?", but I did not see this mentioned: control of the middle is essential. True, people should not be staging death matches in the pits or alleys, but you need to be able to advance the ball quickly when it is reset.
  7. Whoever heals me best, particularly if they noticeably increase my lifespan. The responses in this thread notwithstanding, I think that's what a lot of folks do: it seems like players with big healing scores end up with more votes.
  8. Saying "You suck, you guys are all losers, learn to effin play", etc., with no explanation is worthless and annoying. This is a pet peeve of mine, and it's not just the baddies that are guilty. On the other hand, telling teammates what they are doing wrong, even in a not-so-nice way, can help. E.g., "Don't defend so far away from the node, you moron!", or "Are you stupid? Quit charging in solo!" I'm not advocating rudeness, just saying that if you are taking the time to throw out an insult, please explain what you'd like done differently. Or quit playing in PUGs and do something less frustrating to you.
  9. Playing my Sent yesterday, I lucked into a WZ in which the Imp side must have all been fresh 50's: I'd jump on someone, whack 'em a few times and they'd die. Boy howdy, was it ever fun. And now I finally know what it's like to fight against me! I have been the source of hours and hours of entertainment joy.
  10. Enter /played in the chat box. For my Commando: 43 days, 1 hour, 30 minutes For my Sentinel: 22 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes, ...giving a total of 65 days, 9 hours Yes, I am in serious need of a life, and yes, you'd think I'd be a lot better at this stuff by now.
  11. Player > class, but... As much as I love playing WZs with my Gunnery spec'd Commando, he's a glass cannon and not much good at 1v1. PS You might get better responses with a more descriptive title than "hello".
  12. Don't believe I've seen this. Instead, "Mara".
  13. Not counting 'Pub Commandos with their green "please shoot me!" beacons, how do you identify healers? Is seeing someone casting at the fringe of a fight with nothing obvious emmanating from them a reliable sign? I target marked healers, but I'ld like to do my share and mark some myself.
  14. Well, not always. If I see another solo guy starting the same daily I'm on and I get an invite, it's pretty clear that he just wants to avoid racing me for the objectives, and I am grateful. In re the OP --- how weird, how creepy! Maybe space aliens have infiltrated the game.
  15. If you like PvP, do the WZs. If you like PvE, OPs and flashpoints are fun. I recommend doing both. Gear up. You need better gear. And if you do both PvP and PvE, you may decide that you need separate PvP and PvE kits. Don't try to PvP in PvE gear. In your PvP gear, try to get your expertise up to 1100, at least. Doing the dailies will help you gear up and get you the credits to buy augments. The heroic dailies are more fun and have higher rewards. Cgeers!
  16. If it's busy, I get the spawn first. My guys take a little more damage, but nothing they can't handle.
  17. There are a ton of threads on this topic. E.g., http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114793 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=300922 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=359684 and http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114793 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=300922 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=359684 and many more. In a nutshell: It is really hard. You must interrupt the emperor before he casts the death spell; it was awhile ago but I recall seeing it do 45,000 damage at the end of one of my failed attempts. Beef up T-7 (don't forget his weapon!) and let him handle the clones; You may want to gear up yourself a bit. Don't leap on the Emperor to start the fight, 'cause you'll need to leap when the Emperor drags T-7 down the stairs. You'll need a med pack and all your defensive CDs. The plus side of this quest is that I've got T-7 in decent gear, so I can do dailies with him when Doc is busy crafting stuff.
  18. Pure DPS. My Gunnery-spec'd Trooper only has AMP, which is highly visible, my Combat spec'd Sent has zip. Nada. Zilch. So I'm imagining it. It seemed so real! But that explains why nobody is returning the favor.
  19. In lvl 50 WZs, it looks like I can sometimes break a teammate's mezz by clicking on him. (Not sure if it is right or left click.; I try both.) It seem to be about a 50/50 success rate (mezz vs stun? Different types of mezz?), but it seems like when it works they get free instantly after the click. Am I imagining this effect? If it's real, would it mess up my teammate's resolve? (He's spinning around taking the mezz; I come along and click...)
  20. I empirically validated the above early this AM, at least as far as the first point. The second and third never came up. My take-home lesson is that the way for my Gunnery spec'd Commando to kill Operatives is to attack them when they are on top of a teammate. If one focuses on me, it's not something I can fix by myself.
  21. My apologies. The forum has a lot of guys that would say "You can't win 1v1? L2P!". But it sounds like we are on the same page.
  22. CB is the least-used mapped shot that I've got, but I'm keeping it. Maybe I'm delusional, but I would swear there are times when it is hot and the only alternative is Hammer Shot, and it hits mucho mas harder than Hammer Shot.
  23. Not sure what your point is, but as the lone defender, more often than not you give up the first hit. And by the time I type out the "incoming" message, things have usually gotten much worse. If you're a macho dude who always wins 1v1, kudos. But that's not the norm. When I'm the lone defender, I try to avoid a 1v1 slugfest and instead focus on 1. calling for help and 2. preventing the cap. I've been working on refining the messages -- "inc" when I see enemy approaching, "need help" when I'm on the ropes and a cap may soon follow.
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