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Everything posted by SweetOldBob

  1. SweetOldBob

    please stop...

    gotta say, that's the second most useless thing anyone's ever said in a WZ. Psst! Hey buddy!! I don't think he meant that literrally! When someone calls "inc left" in ACW or VS, do you really have any doubt as to what they mean? [EDIT] "Left" and "Right" are used in descriptions of battles. "Burnside opened the Battle of Fredericksburg with an attack on Lee's right, where Jackson was deployed." Even casual readers are able to understand what is meant.
  2. Nothing personal, but I can't see why this should be a sticky.
  3. SweetOldBob

    please stop...

    This topic was beaten to death long ago. People are not going to change their behavior. And really, if you understand what they mean, what difference does it make? I'm happy if someone calls "incoming" while there is time to get to the turret before it's capped. [EDIT] Re "beaten to death" : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=487103&highlight=grass+snow
  4. Heard this request before, but I can't imagine how it would work. I ask this question at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4972075#post4972075
  5. Now and then you read complaints in the forum about no day/night cycle on the planets. I can't see how this would work. When I was leveling up, many times I would get stomped in a class quest, then do a bunch of side quests and WZs to gear up before trying again. So if it is early evening during my first visit, what time of day would it be when I tried again? What time of day is it at the ACW or NC WZs when I play at 11:00PM? What about when I play at 5:00AM (EDT, and yes it's true that I have no life. A day job, a wife, a mortgage, but no life.) If you change the order in which you run the Belsavis dailies, or do some in the morning and finish up in the evening, will that affect the sun's altitude? I could see different planets or WZs having a fixed time of day, so they might have something other than full light, as currently on Ilum, where the sky is always dark, but I can't think of a sensible way to cycle day and night. SWTOR is my first MMO; do other MMOs have diurnal variation?
  6. In the EA announcement on F2P, I read that some areas/features/something-or-other will only be available to subscribers. Has EA articulated what these will be? I think I read that the freebies will have a weekly cap on WZs -- is this conjecture? (I'm just curious; come what may I plan to keep my subscription. $15/month is not noticeable in our household budget, but if I do need to tighten my belt, I'll drop the netflix subscription that I've not used since SWTOR launched.)
  7. ON the 'Pub side, in ACW: "Me and my guildies are going right (aka 'snow'), the rest of you go mid". OK, not so funny, but I hate trying to defend right against an evenly matched Imp team. Ditto for East in Novare Coast.
  8. Sometimes I don't get many medals, many kills or much DPS because I sucked that game, but sometimes it's because I made the conscious choice to do things to try to get the objective even though I know I'd get more medals by farming kills. (Maybe I still sucked, but I sure tried.) Please don't give me an MVP vote to help me gear up. Heck, don't give me one for effort. Give me a vote if you think I helped the cause in some tangible way, more than the other guys on our team. Don't worry about me gearing up. I am in WZs so many hours my wife and kids are considering an intervention.
  9. Thanks! My situation is no better but nevertheless it's some comfort to know what's going on. I'm not sure how you'd counter this -- leap from stealth? Fake one direction and go another? PS I agree with your light saber comment, but I still want one.
  10. Is English your first language? Been speaking it long??
  11. This is my first MMO, so we are not at all in the same boat, but I had a ball leveling up my Gunnery-spec'd Commando. Even after the 1.2 nerfs to the class, it's still fun in the lvl 50 WZs (where the challenge is learning how to cope with being a glass cannon).
  12. I am really sorry about the break-in, but I bet you love this game.
  13. I know you are not saying that killing healers is a mistake. Could you spell out what you DO mean, because I don't have a clue.
  14. Agree totally, but often your side will fill out as the game progresses. And if you win when this happens, it's especially delightful.
  15. This is uncalled for. Do you disagree with anything the OP said? If you do, you are wrong. If you don't, why the snide comment?
  16. I'm one of the oldest players (57), my reflexes are slower than most, I'm not as adept at the keyboard and mouse as you young folk, BUT, I take pride that in Civil War, most of the time I have the first speeder to land. Not just from my faction, but ahead of all the Imps too (Imps and Pubs cross paths in flight, and I'm ahead of all the Imps). My Sent can often cap the Grass turret even when a boatload of Imps head there. This does not begin to make up my slow reflexes or lack of skill, but as you get older you learn to fight for every advantage you can get.
  17. So I execute a force leap and he mezzes me with a grenade before I land but when I am in range? Good timing on his part, if that's what happened. Guess I telegraphed my leap. [EDIT] I was not clear on mezz vs stun, so I looked it up. According to what I found thru Google, a mezz immobilizes for some time duration or until damage is taken. That would be like a Troopers Concussive Round. A stun, on the other hand, immobilizes regardless of damage taken, which would be like a Trooper's Cyro grenade. With my Sent, I am definitely getting stunned when I land the Force Leap: I am held helpless while taking loads of damage, usually until death.
  18. Looks like you read my thread completely wrong. The 1st sentence in my post ends with To paraphrase, I tell you "I did a Force Leap". You reply: "Gosh, you must be stupid, a Sentinel who doesn't even know he has a Force Leap." Like all Sents, I use the Force Leap all the time, both to start fights and to flee nastly little Imperial Agents. It's normally great -- causes damage, builds focus, life is good. But sometimes I am the one stunned as soon as I land, a stun I cannot break, and not briefly but for for long enough to be killed. In this situation, life is not so good, but more along the line of nasty, brutish, and short. Cheers.
  19. this ^^^ On several occasions I've had 3 huttball games in a row.
  20. Several times in WZs I've been immediately stunned for a prolonged period upon landing a force leap. Typically that is followed by all the Imps in the neighborhood gang ****** me to death. The animation that accompanies this is cute: a smoking crater opens up under my feet. I think it may be fat BHs that can do this to me, but I'm not sure. Next time this happens, I need to remove my head from my posterior and note the enemy class; I'll probably refrain from jumping on them as soon as I figure it out.
  21. Your post has lots of good ideas but I strongly disagree with this. You need all the skills, even the fancy speeder. (It goes faster, it's harder to get shot off of.) For the most part, you won't make a profit by crafting. If you need extra credits, then go on side missions, fight extra WZs, maybe even do the space battles. When I leveled up my Sent, my Trooper was his doting rich uncle. This was especially helpful...
  22. That's pretty much what I do in PvE. I usually save the Cryo for when I need to recharge my cells. But in PvP, the melee dudes wear me down so fast that I end up repeat-stunned and dead without getting a lick in. I don't have hard proof, but it seems like I get better outcomes if I wear them down a little first. As an aside, when you other guys on the team see someone picking on one of your troopers, then objectives allowing, show the trooper a little love!
  23. I leveled up with Focus but switched to Combat at 50. I have enjoyed both, but from what I read you get more DPS with Watchman. I suspect that Watchman is harder to learn, at least initially, but as you advance it may be harder to maximize the performance of Combat. Take the above with a grain of salt, since 1. this is my first MMO, and 2. I have no firsthand experience using the Watchman spec. Going from Focus to Combat, what I miss most is Focus's extra leap. But I love the hard hits that Combat dishes out.
  24. I get Weaponmaster grear for my Combat-spec'd Sent; it seems like that was the best way to maximize strength. (Still need chest, head, cannon, and generator to complete the set.) Oddly enough, some of the Battlemaster Eliminator pieces have better strength stats than the corresponding Weaponmaster gear, but I recover most of all of the loss in strength with augments. [EDIT] I think Eliminator is what I use with my Trooper, not my Sent. Apologies for the misinformation -- I wrote the aboive at work, away from my rig. My Commando needs Aim, my Sent needs Power. Maybe it's VIndicator that I have on my Sent?
  25. That's proof that the buff goes at least 30 yrds, give or take, which is good to know. It also shows that the buff does not require direct LOS. Thanks! But does it go even further?
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