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Everything posted by Destronicus

  1. Now this was a post I never thought I would see on these forums. ToR is so solo friendly it's almost a single player game.
  2. 1. LFG Tool 2. Fix flashpoint and operation bugs 3. GTN re-do 4. Fix class quest bugs 5. Add ons, macros, combat log, etc. 6. Guild functionality
  3. I like voice comms with my guild or group of friends, but X-Box Live put me off ever using it for a pug.
  4. Something has changed, for me anyway. I'm a slicer and all the lvl 340 crafting missions I put up on the GTN , up until a day or two ago, sold out in a day at 25K per pop, and now, not one sold at that price. I dropped them to 20K and the more popular ones (usually bioanlysis or treasure hunting) sell in a slow trickle. This could mean that there are a lot more slicers hitting 400 and flooding the market, people are starting to save in prep for the new item vendors, or people have given up on crafting until 1.2, or something else entirely. The blue and purple augments still sell well though, green augments are vendor trash at this point, though.
  5. I look forward to watching. thanks for recording it for later viewing too!
  6. That's the same ending I got. *secret Imperial Star Cabal handshake to Artein*
  7. I think you got it right. There are plenty of players in total but we are all spread so thin it gives the perception that servers are empty and dying.
  8. Yeah, I figured that but was just curious if there were a lore reason. Are there Jedi fighting specialists or something like that in squads that would have used that kind of weapon.
  9. I don't know a whole lot about the extended universe so this one thing struck me as odd in this game. There are a lot of non force users that have melee weapons in this game. I don't mean like the more primitive races or whatever but the various military organizations, gangs, crime cartels, etc. that we have to fight. You would think they would have no chance against actual Jedi and Sith melee, and would be cut down by military forces with blasters and such since they would have no chance of blocking the bolts like Jedi could, so I just don't get why they would choose an vibro sword over a blaster rifle. Is this just a game balance type thing to mix in melee and ranged mobs or is there a lore reason behind this?
  10. Just a thought that popped into my head. So, this suggestion is for those that don't want to even see the cut scene and not even have to space bar through them. If in a group you still have to wait for the others to finish but it saves from having to spam space bar. I don't have all the permutations of conversation possibilities covered, but just a basic start and this would only apply to normal quests, heroics, flashpoints, and operations (both hard mode and nightmare). Story and companion quests would still force a cut scene and manual choice selection. New options would be something like this: View Cut scenes: Yes or No. Lights up the below. Default Conversation Choices: Random: Yes or No. If Yes this will not light up the below options and is just a random selection of 1 to 3. It will not reject a quest if that is one of the options of course. Choice Weight: Companion or Force. If you choose companion, it will select the choice that will gain affection with the current companion over the force choice. If you choose Force it will favor that over the affection gain and light up the below option. Force: Dark Side, Light Side, Neutral If you choose Neutral and there is no Neutral choice, it does random choice of Dark or Light.
  11. Can you speak about your plans for new post lvl 50 class story quests and companion quests? Do they have to wait until the next full ex-pac or will we see somethings added in the future 1.x series of updates?
  12. The only thing I fully agree with is the lack of community. There are plenty of people in the game, if you believe BioWare PR, but it seems that most of them are perfectly happy playing this game as if it were single player with a multiplayer PvP option. The utter inability of myself and it seems like many others, going by these boards, to simply get 3 other people to join a group is astounding to me. Can't really blame BioWare for that though, I guess. If people don't want to do group content I'm not sure what can be done about it. If they don't want to do Flashpoints or whatever and are happy in their solo class stories all the LFG tools in the world won't help. It'll just make it easier for those that already do want to group, which does not seem to be a majority.
  13. Can you describe your vision for a Looking for Group tool? For example, are you thinking it will be cross server or same server, just a better tool for finding other people or a full blown automated queue that gathers all the roles needed, checks gear requirements, builds the group, and finally teleports everyone into the instance, or something in the middle.
  14. Hard to say. It should be ok but you never know. I run it just fine for my needs ( I don't PvP) on my 2 year old PC at high getting around 30 to 40 FPS but then you read about people with state of the art, bleeding edge rigs that you could run NASA on that get horrid performance.
  15. I always wondered why light saber technology is not used in more mundane use. Welders using them as cutting torches, small ones used in a drill press, table saws, etc.
  16. I have not done all the things that can be done, i.e. all crew skills at 400, completing the codex (which I think is not possible due to bugs, but not 100% sure), nightmare mode on all HMs and Ops, etc. IMO, ToR's greatest strength is also turning out to be its greatest weakness for me. On my "main" I made it to 50 about a week ago and finished the class story line and all the companion story lines. To paraphrase someone's post from another thread, ToR is the first MMO I've ever played where I felt that I "beat" the game. I finished the story and it was tied up with a neat little bow. For my "main" I feel like his story is done (until next expansion I guess) so I have a hard time getting motivated to do all the other standard MMO end game stuff. I haven't decided if i want to go through the 90% repetitive aspects of the game to see the unique 10% story line of alts.
  17. Although I would very much like to see same gender romantic relationships, I would be surprised if it were ever implemented. I'm sure Bioware would like to do it, but I am of the opinion that the EA suits would block it (and are probably actively blocking it at this very moment, which is the reason we are not hearing any thing official at all about this topic).
  18. Well, the counter argument I would make is that WoW was always full of those kinds of people long before LFG. As you say, WoW is a very toxic community. Always has been and probably always will be. At least with LFG if you found yourself stuck in a very bad group, you could just leave it and be assured of finding another group relatively quickly, instead of being forced to stick with the original d-bag group due to fear of not finding another one at all.
  19. So you are one of those people that think your experience is everyone else's experience and that if it didn't happen to you personally it never happened to anyone at all? I'm playing the same game that many others are where I have to spam general for 30 minutes for heroics or an hour (or more) for flashpoints until we just give up and log out in frustration.
  20. I am asking this as a sincere question. What community? ToR does not have one to ruin. Everyone is basically playing ToR as a single player game, locked away in their own story lines and easily solo-able instances. Other players may as well all be NPCs running around in the background.
  21. This is pretty much the final answer to this whole thread and the debate in general. Why can't you switch ACs? Because Bioware doesn't want you to. Pretty much a waste of time arguing about it any further. And there is no equivocation in this answer. it's not a "we're running the numbers" or "gauging player feedback". This is a big and final "NO".
  22. Great work. I would add a basic option where you can just select the role, i.e. tank, dps, heals, in addition to the advanced option of picking specific classes but that's just a minor personal preference thing.
  23. Will there ever be an optional flag On PVE servers, so that one would never auto flag as PVP unless in a Warzone or a PVP designated area of Ilum? Even if in opposite faction areas of PVE planets. For example if Empire player goes to Republic section of Hoth, the 10 second flag timer starts up and one is auto flagged as PvP. Since Hoth is not a PVP planet, like Ilum, one should have the option to never ever flag as PVP on PVE planets, unless that option is turned on specifically by the player. The faction NPCs would still attack you on site, of course, just no PVP flag.
  24. As far as I can find, there is no unit frame that shows target of target. As mentioned Ctrl-T is the default key bind for "assist". The UI definitely needs some basic work done to it still IMO.
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