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Everything posted by Destronicus

  1. Yeah, for me it is so over the top it is hard to get upset. It's more funny than anything, IMO.
  2. Sorry, you have been spaghettified.
  3. Ugh, I'd hate to be the programmer(s) that made that mistake. Going to be a long hard weekend for them.
  4. It's where the lawn mower lives. We don't like the lawn mower. It makes us mow the lawn....
  5. Can you point me towards that news? I have not read that yet and switched to full lethality so it is something I should read up on.
  6. I was hoping this patch included a fix for that jet engine noise on the fleet
  7. One thing I made sure to do is always, always, log out in a rest zone. It was very rare when I didn't have rested xp banked. On to the questions: do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ? Yes, focused on my main all the way through to 50. do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ? I don't like rolling alts. Other than my 50 I only have 1 alt, a level 11 that I never play. do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ? I skipped no planets and did all the side quests and 90% of the heroics. do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ? I watched all cut-scenes but did not esc out to see all the conversation possibilities. I picked the one answer I thought fit my character and stuck with it do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ? Nope, watched all cut scenes for every quest. do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ? I don't PVP. Can't stand it do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50? No PVP, very few space missions. Did every flashpoint on at least story mode and all the quests I could find and all the heroics that I was able to/ do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ? Calling grouping in an MMO "cheating" is a pretty strange attitude to have, if you ask me. that said, I soloed all my class quests.
  8. Yeah, I was a MM/Leth hybrid but the changes make 31 Lethality very attractive so I switched to that. We'll see how it goes.
  9. I agree, but I think Rift does talent trees better with the soul system.
  10. Single player content and game play. It is a positive thing for some and a negative thing for others, but SWTOR does single player content better than the other MMOs out there, IMO.
  11. If they ever have LUA(or whatever language) add ons where people will be talking about scripting and such, then I think it will need a separate UI forum. I doubt BW will ever allow direct download of XML files on their boards (too much liability issues IMO with the risk of malware getting passed) so it will really just be a bunch of screen shot posts which can be handled by a sticky
  12. Yes, but two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one.
  13. I went with Pod Racing. It be nice to have a non-combat based event that the community could get involved in. I am of course assuming it would be players racing players as opposed to it being single player instanced racing vs NPCs experience.
  14. Does it matter? Even it went up to 2 million, if people are still not willing to group, still spread across too many servers, the game will still feel "empty" and "single player".
  15. That should be fixed in 1.2 with the Target of Target unit frame.
  16. As a person that considers alts nothing more than extra storage space I don't really care about legacy. I am happy for the alt lovers out there though, it sounds like a great feature for them. Although I fear it will push the game towards an even more "single player MMO" direction making it harder to find groups than it is now, if that's even possible.
  17. I was kind of disappointed that only the first companion (in my class' case) was more involved. At higher levels that companion's quests were ones in which we both went out on a real quest together, i.e. had to go to a planet, go into a green zone, and play out the story. All the others are along the lines of Start quest Companion: hey, I have this major thing that sounds very fun and exciting I have to go take care of on my home world! Player: Ok, I'll wait here. Fade to black (and not the good kind) for 15 seconds Companion: I am back from my exciting mission! Player: Yay you! End quest
  18. I wouldn't call giving it a pass but rather the benefit of the doubt. I think 6 months is fair. By that time you can see what general direction the devs are taking a game and whether or not you want to stick around for that particular ride.
  19. They will not. Trust me, when 1.2 is ready to roll, BW will hype the crap out of it and it will be very clear when it is going live.
  20. I like leveling but only 2 or 3 times. I don't have alt-itis in any way, shape, or form and have no desire to level 8 or more characters even with story line differences. I like getting attached to my main and doing all the raids and other high level game content and getting my main to its max limits. On the other hand, I wouldn't insult someone else's play style or call it flawed because it differs from mine. As to the rage rush type comments, when one is literally playing only one character for 3 months, it does not take any rushing to get to 50.
  21. 1. Server Transfer/merges 2. Full blown cross server LFG tool, with auto queuing, automatically build a party based on gear and stat requirements, teleporting to instance, etc. 3. Dual/multi specs
  22. The real question is can the game make it to 10 years before Lucas Arts decides it likes some other companies idea for a Star Wars MMO better then this one and pulls the license.
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