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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. So I went to hoth to help khem out and I got the option to destroy the bones or take them. One option helps zash and one helps khem. I destroyed them and khem seemed angry but did I do the right thing for him in the long run? He

    Hasn't spoken since I'm assuming you must complete act 2 to talk to him. Please try to refrain from more spoilers. Thanks

  2. Vaders suit has some benefits but he is very vulnerable to force attacks his suit is a machine if he suffers a lighting attack that he dosnt block that may be game over for him his suit can't take that kind of a hit. And the emperor is very reliable on force attacks like lighting. Vader also won't be able to shoot lighting because his hands are mechanical and his suit prevents. He's also more immobile in it. That's how vader died in Episode 6 because palptine electrocuted him to death when he picked him up.
  3. 1. Crash into the first piece of debris you see

    2. Shoot the shuttle down

    3. Fire all missles at 1 fighter

    4. Keep the ship on auto pilot and don't move at all

    5. Don't use any upgrades


    Hope this helps in your battle. Good luck!

  4. Yoda and the Emperor (either Palpatine or Vitate would work), easily. What a lot of people fail to realize is that Revan really isn't that strong in the Force compared to the likes of Yoda and the two Emperors, and I don't think Vader would be strong enough to carry him through the fight.


    Agreded a lot of people over estimate revans force abilities revan isn't as strong as most with the force but he has a lot of knowledge with it being both jedi and Sith. Revan would be better with a saber basically I see a team of of people skilled with Meele vs a team of force focused users. Though in the end vitiate would be the only one left alive.

  5. If you haven't allready go to nar shaadaa and do the level 31 bonus series there than go back and do taris bonus series than go to quesh after all that you should be 37. That's good for hoth after hoth go do alderaans level 40 series and finish act 2..
  6. Marruader or sniper is what I would choose. I have a 50 marruader and a level 39 gunslinger (mirror class to sniper). They both do crazy amounts of damage in PVP and PVE when I was a noob gunslinger level 16 I just say in front of the middle turret in civil war defending it by myself and I managed to hold the enemies back.


    Marruaders are great too they can do alot of damage I was specked rage. The only draw back for sniper is you must take cover making you imobile. Also marruaders and snipers are meant for pure dps cause that's the only thing they can spec.

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