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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I was on my hunter and I decieded to try to solo a heroic called highway of destruction the last boss dropped the robes. So a lot of people say these are the best robes you can get for an inquistors is this true? I was thinking of giving to an alt but I might sell it. Another question how much do they sell for on GTN. The heroic was on taris.
  2. What's the point of him all he does is constantly put a new coat of paint on my ship and make me non pershiable meals and he's too much of a whimp to hold a weapon. This guy is useless can't i grind him down for spare metal. And I wonder where he gets all that paint.
  3. Which one do you guys prefer? I like Gault better just because he dosnt ***** every time I do my job and kill someone instead Gault always gives a smart *** remark like " I love how you negotiate" And I find makos annoying always going on about Braden or her boring past as an unwanted idiot.
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