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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I know, we have gotten what so far? 3 main game update, a temperary rare items vendor and 2 events with the core game.


    Well 1 update came a week after the game came out so it was just a late added update. Everything in 1.3 should have been implanted in the game at launch. 1.2 is the only real update with new content . Most of the classes got thrown out the window with this last event.Looking at it we haven't gotten much. And if we haft to pay for future stuff when we should get it for free for being subscribed dosnt seem fair.

  2. If I remember right subscribers will get future updates for free but f2p players will need to subscribe or pay extra to access content after level 50.It would be stupid if I'm paying $15 a month and not getting anything out of it but you crappy events.
  3. Everyone makes the mistake of breaking a cc once an awhile I do it all the time because of auto target. Some people are just rude and need to chill. As for huttball not trying to be rude but there's no excuse for not passing since you get the ability off the start unless or stun locked in a fire trap or acid.
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