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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Are too huge. It's very bizarre to me that every female in the game has enormous melons jutting gland-first into the map.


    I wish there was, at least, a fifth body option to give female characters more rationally-sized breasts. I feel kind of childish parading around with a character whose breasts are bigger than her head.


    And an ability to change body/cosmetic features similar to the skill-resets at the fleets is also on my wish-list.


    You wish to be flat chested?

  2. Yes, and the sky is blue, space is big, cats are evil and PvP is imbalanced. Once again, why do you people feel so compelled to endlessly repeat irrelevant things that everyone here is already aware of and which have nothing to do with the subject at hand?


    Perhaps if you didn't say such a stupid thing that revan was female no one would haft to correct you.

  3. No I'm on PvE... Just double checked that. Jedi Cov.


    Than you were flagged there's many ways to get flagged than just toggling.


    - went to close to other teams base

    - used an aoe and enemy was in range and he was flagged

    - healed/buffed a guy that was flagged

    - could have went in outlaws den by mistake that's open PVP area

    -or you manually toggled

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