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Everything posted by Chanez

  1. ikr? i thought this 2 at 1st, like, how did the republic not see that? I think its because that makes it cheaper to fly from dromund kaas to korriban, cost like 6 creds instead of 80, just an easier way to get around, my opnion anyway
  2. Wait til expansion(or maybe possible patch?) or just live with it, srry
  3. No penalty, and you can live without the titles and the mounts and little extra item, if thats what you want to do
  4. Maybe your the president of a country and just want to feel normal? Might be interesting to think about that
  5. You know how you kill like, 4 people every fight? this game is meant and designed to be heroic, you are the new Revan, an all powerful naturally aweosme dude who is destined for greatness b4 your story even starts, get over it, thats the appeal to the game and your just not getting it
  6. Go to dromund Kaas, talk to keeper for a minute, go to fleet for half a minute, go to dromund kaas, go to some random area specifically for agents, than go BACK TO dromund kaas, what the heck?
  7. any healer other than the one the imps get, ill take QUIINN in a heart beat over the suckky Dr Lokin or whatever
  8. exactly, thats like saying all africans live in africa, and all asians live in Asia, and all white people live in Europe
  9. Dude evil republic people kill imps left and right and behind, good ones might as well give the imps the death star
  10. Dude the sith warrior is the one who starts the war by killing a bunch of 'pub' leaders through the entire act 2
  11. sephiroth, from final fantasy 7, his blade cuts through lightsabers, and his ancient ones power allows him to be in star wars
  12. I want the jedi master that helps you on belsalvis, pretty awesome dude, a little bit rightousey
  13. uhm no you killed the voice, same powers of emperor, different body, than again i guess he did defeat the emperor in a way
  14. Your neglecting t3 helping you, so its 2v1
  15. The wrath cant do anything about politics, the council can, the council may be lower than the wrath, but the wrath cant influence the council, so the council is higher
  16. and you can have friends among the enemy, quite a few times
  17. you get a jedi companion as light, but that person acts dark near your master, if dark that person turns evil
  18. we kinda are the horde, just a few differences, some people are still convinced sith = evil, Which is untrue, while all the evidence proves its untrue
  19. My dawn herald is my favorite, go vector hyllss Than jaesa, honestly i love the melee strict dps characters
  20. Thats the smartest thing ive ever heard anyone say ever!
  21. if i dont like a quest, i just say whatever my companion wants me 2
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