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Everything posted by Chanez

  1. the games been out for a month, is better than any other game ive played, and some of you are criticising it? Grow up
  2. Chanez

    The Entity

    Nihlus is dead, where the heck did you get him surviving from? The emperor was born b4 nihlus
  3. the fact hes in a spoilers section means he can do whatever he wants, no spoiler tags
  4. he used only assassin abilities and acted like a through and through assassin in every way imaginable
  5. if revan was a companion, everyone from the kotor games would totally use him Me 2
  6. ive leveld to 50 and i still love the story dont know what your talking about
  7. So your complaining the enemies called "Weak" are weak? How weak Also the bonus quests are bonus, they have no bearing on your character and you dont have to do them in any way what so ever
  8. he did bad for the greater good, mastery of light and dark, and revan is a boss and can do whatever he wants
  9. have you met darth baras in ANY other classes story? no, thats your answer
  10. i want my sith warrior to go to kashykk like vader in force unleashed, kill a lonely jedi and take his son for training
  11. i played a jugg 2 and HATED 2 strong enemies, they actually give more exp than 1 elite which, obviously, means their tougher, and suck to fight
  12. why dont you go back to eq or wow smart one everyone who has actually wanted to play this game forever loves the story
  13. The sith warrior does not betray the empire in anyway, and this thought is just wrong
  14. I was so looking forward to my sith warrior being born from royal blood or something on alderrann, than they took my force sensitive butt to korriban to be awesome or my imp being a defector and going to the empire instead of the republic
  15. Isnt Temporary Immortality kinda an oxymoron? lol
  16. Baras is DEAD and i refuse to believe hes alive But seriously, no, Darth Baras was killed, the emperor is not planning against the empire, that one sith under baras master learned it from Baras master, than you killed him, in a very painful way, baras is mortal, and my sith is mortal Good points though
  17. Hahaha i ruined the jedis reputation, you monster making... monsters
  18. You know yoour going to kill him from lvl 8, dont act like its a spoiler, thats like saying theirs betrayel in the sith story
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