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Everything posted by NogueiraA

  1. Damn, he's still in 2013 or something? How did you manage to time travel? buy Bitcoins and masks, prepare yourself to 2020 *****how.
  2. What? No, they won't listen to a single word of feedback. 7.0 will release, people will get to level 80 and then realise that will take 8 WEEKLIES done to upgrade a SINGLE piece of gear. We are here telling everyone about it but people in here keeps saying "hurr durr just wait for it to come out, stop crying".
  3. No, they never planned to release 7.0 in 2021, they waited for people to sub then they announced the new date.
  4. 100% agree. 7.0 is a mess and we're telling them but they refuse to listen. 1 - Gearing is terrible, If I want to upgrade my gear I'm stuck to ONE game mode. Currently live servers I can do ALL content in the game that I'll get upgrades. Imagine a new player trying to understand all the new vendors and new currency. 2 - Ability pruning is a very nice thing BUT if done right. Bioware is doing it completely wrong and I already posted on the Feedback forums. It'll break some classes, it'll break PvP and Pve because they have literally ZERO idea of what they're doing. 3 - Combat styles. How is a new player supposed to understand that? A Jedi Guardian questing on KORRIBAN then he becomes a Sniper the next second. 4 - Conquest changes will kill conquest guilds. They're the ones carrying the game atm. 5 - Old bugs are still there. Dx9 32bit is unnaceptable in 2022. I'm finally playing pvp at 60fps after upgrading to a very expensive rig and doing a lot of tweaks, otherwise the fps in warzones goes to 30-40. These are my main concerns.
  5. I see you guys are saying "YES do it!" while others says "NO, I don't like it". How about we have the CHOICE of joining a guild as your entire legacy OR just that character you're on? How about that? Problem solved. I.E if someone invites me to a guild I'd get a pop-up with two options "Join as Legacy" and "Join as YourCharacterName". If I click "join as legacy" all my characters on that faction would join the guild. If any of characters is already part of a guild, they'd automatically quit that guild to join the new one. It can be the same for Stronghold keyring, when sending a key to someone you could have the option to send to the entire Legacy. I have 28 characters that I run Conquest on Satele Shan. The guild I'm in is dead and I'm gonna join another guild... I'll have to log 28 characters and the person inviting me will have to invite me 28 times, this is dumb.
  6. What is DD? Damage dealer? Please don't use that, use DPS.
  7. +1 to that. The biggest and most succesfull MMO does exactly that (FFXIV), there's NO chat in ranked, not even team chat and that works perfectly you know why? Because you can MARK someone so everyone follow instructions on which target to focus. If the chat gets disabled I might consider coming back to ranked.
  8. Glad you released it today, my sub ends in 3 days and won't be renewed. Now I have more time to level up all my classes on FFXIV.
  9. you.... YOU BOUGHT GEAR from the GTN ????????? The game throws loot at you on a very high rate, why are you spending money on GTN? It's very easy and fast to be full 306 BiS.
  10. Imagine an event to kill world bosses, there'd be level 75 trolls destroying the fun for everyone.
  11. You are the SAME type of person that says "hurr durr low level areas are all dead". Level scaling exists to make low level areas relevant again and it works perfectly. If you want to one-shot everything and /flex your tiny e-peen then this game is not for you. No, they won't remove leveling scaling because it revamped the game in a very positive way. You are a VERY VERY TINY minority that no one listens to, you'll have to deal with it.
  12. Don't fool yourself with this "less ability" thing. FFXIV some classes has 40+ skills and it works perfectly on consoles. The thing is: Square Enix did the port right, they really worked on the console port to make it very good.
  13. That's EXACTLY my main concern. Right now we can just augment ONE legacy piece and just upgrade the mods from 270 to 306, that's very straight foward and easy to understand. In 7.0 we can't do that. I won't augment any gear if it's not permanent. Since I won't raid in 7.0 (I can't stand prog groups anymore), I won't get max gear which isn't optimal so I won't augment any piece and not reach the stats that I want. It does remind me of 1.0 where we had to rely on what Bioware considered good for each class. I remember Marauder having 22% critical chance while Sniper had 48% with full Battlemaster. It was a very bad system that made some classes completely overpowered for example Scoundrel's reaching 105% Surge rating while other classes were at 80% because of Bioware's lack of knowledge on how to balance stats.
  14. Two things that will improve your fps in Swtor: 1 - Disable Hyper Threading in your motherboard BIOS, it's called SMT for AMD cpu's. 2 - Install directx 9 because windows 10 is emulating dx9 which gives less performance. If you install directx 9 the game gonna use the actual direct files, not an emulated version.
  15. Gw2 got dx11 a month ago, it literally doubled my FPS in 50vs50 world pvp.
  16. Maybe because many of us here have seen all the terrible decisions from Bioware, it's very hard to be positive when they always do things wrong, but people here do applaud and thank them when they do something right. 5.0 almost killed the game, it took years to recover. The Mandalorian helped it a lot but If that happens to 7.0 there will be no recover this time. That's a terrible argument. The majority of the playerbase don't even care about giving a single feedback to improve the game, yet you are here criticing those trying to improve a game that YOU play, YOU gonna benefit from all the good feedback we're giving here. Can you understand that? At the end of the day the few people here are the ones that will stay subscribed to the game. If the game is much better than 1.0 it is because people here complained until Bioware improved the game, and you come here to bash on us. If no one complains, 1.0 would still be a thing. Maybe because that's the main concern of players, trying to tell Bioware whats wrong and whats right.
  17. FFXIV reddit and forums, you literally can't criticize the game in any way, people will destroy you there. I've never seen such a fanboy playerbase, the game is perfect, zero problems.
  18. We've been warning Bioware for months but they refuse to listen. Also there's a lot of people here saying "you don't need gear, it's fine bro wait and see, they know what they're doing, they know better than you, this is an mmo you're supposed to group up, if you're not doing NiM you're trash"
  19. You CAN drag/drop the chat panel. You CAN resize it. On live servers AND the PTS.
  20. I do like Skadge because he is a loyal whiny grumpy alien that makes me laugh.
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