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Everything posted by Psybin

  1. How exactly can you exchange surge for power? That isn't in fact exchanging surge for accuracy? Or crit for power? Generally speaking secondary stats are actually secondary and tertiary. Mods have: Endurance Primary stat - strength for us Secondary stat - power or crit for us Enhancements have: Endurance Secondary - power or crit for us Tertiary - Surge or accuracy for us Even on gear that isn't modable, it's virtually impossible to exchange a secondary for a tertiary or visa versa. There are exceptions to this rule but they are damn hard to find...
  2. Um what? I think you may miss understand what DR is... DR is the effect that the more crit stat that you get, the less percentage crit chance you have on your profile. It does not mean, if you crit you have a reduced chance to crit for the next hit or whatever. No talents, or autocrit abilities have anything to do with DR.
  3. Geared out focus bombers hit damn hard... I've been hit by one for in excess of 5k with 12% expertise. If you make a habit of checking peoples damage, you can see that 6-8k is not that unusual for some of them. And that's an AoE...
  4. It's not garbage, but it's not woahomgwtf awesome any more. And yes it was nerfed a little while back to bring it in line with the other stats. So yeah basically 70-75% is what you should be going for, instead of the 80-90% that it used to be.
  5. For PvE: Watchman does higher sustained single target DPS. For PvP: Watchman is far better for locking down healers. Which is our main purpose in pvp. Bring a jugg/guard for aoe bombing whilst you smash their healer up.
  6. Fair enough, I shall bow to you guys on that one. The reason I think/thought that is that I could not get to crit equations form sith warrior to fit my actual values from my gear. Colour me embaressed at my error...
  7. I am of the opinion that due to the 3s cooldown 2 points is a waste. In 3s, if someone is hitting you, you are probably going to get hit twice. Which gives you a 75% chance to get a free focus on average, if you have one point in there. So basically, if you go 2 points in then you are spending a talent point for a 25% increased chance to get a focus per 3s. Which makes the first point, more or less three times more valuable than the second one. So for me, that first point is worth it, but the second one is not. But then it's entirely up to you. Some people dont even go with the first point, going with the idea that they gain enough focus anyway.
  8. Crit from strength suffers from DR in exact the same way as from crit rating. It will contribute to the DR you get from crit rating. If you have 1000 strength, adding 100 crit rating will give you more percentage than if you have 1800. It is not like the additional crit you get from talents which is basically additive.
  9. Ability you get at level 50. Gives 30 centering instantly, and is on a 2min 30s CD iirc.
  10. Giving a fixed value for crit rating is a bit silly without considering strength.. There will be a roughly 5-6% difference in crit between someone with 1800 strength compared to someone with 1000. Aiming at a percentage is generally the way to go, and that would be roughly 25% imo.
  11. 1. Yep, that's usually around the time your target goes omgwftbbq and pops something. Or when a healer/tank drops a heal/bubble/guard on them. It's a good habit to learn the icons of the various defensive abilities different classes have. I.E. It's pointless wailing on someone with guarded by the force or the mara equivilent up. 1.5. Since you do not have merc yet then some of your focus can be dumped into slashes. But not too much. Ensure you have enough to pop cautarise and overload when they come back off CD. This sort of thing generally comes down to "feeling". And it will all change when you get merciless, so don't get too used to it 2. Rebuke should have been used when you start taking any direct damage at all. Sabre ward if you start taking a pasting, you want to use it before the dps train comes in, not after. If you are almost dead then you left it too late. Pacify is your get out of jail free card for 6s, but only versus knight/trooper types. Guarded by the force once you get it is your true low life "oh sh*t" button. If you rotate the above four abilities correctly you should be very tough to take down, especially with any kind of heals. Camo is more situational and can be used in all sorts of ways. Bravely running away to a medpack pick up, or to allow a healer to save you. Or it can be used offensively to close gaps. Or keep you alive long enough to prevent a cap long enough for your team to come back. Or refering back to question 1, if you get pacified or you see a big CD up on your target then going invisible to wait it out can be a winner. 3. You'll get Endurance "naturally", do not stack it or choose it over a dps stat. Generally speaking the prevailing opinion is get around 25% crit and 70% crit damage. Between 95 and 98% hit chance (for normal attacks) then everything else into power. 4. In a warzone you should definately get: 75k damage, 10 kills, killing blow. You should also get a solo kill. But is harder to guarantee. In a decent warzone you can get: 25 kills, 300k damage, 1k defender points, 3k defender points, 75k healing. Those last ones are much more dependant on your team. 25kills/300k damage/75k healing is hard when it feels like you are constantly fighting solo against at least 3+ imps due to your team sucking. And are gear dependant. Defender points are about fighting near/on objectives. Whilst this is usually the best thing to do, sometimes to win games you cannot always do it. 5. Basically yes sent is quite a thankless job. You have to really shine to get votes. Basically totally dominate the dps/kills chart. It's also rather random. Sometimes you can totally own the warzone and get none, or not do so well and get a load. People are strange sometimes! There's also the fact that if you are in the same warzone as a premade, they will usually vote for each other. I find that once you get your name more known as a decent pvper then more votes come.
  12. No. In my opinion you do not take any ability off your bar. Every single ability a sentinel has can be useful in the right situation. Speaking personally I like imflammation, as it usually does the job just fine. However there are times when leg slash is needed. Mainly if you do not get a reset, or someone else drops a 50% slow on you. Doesn't happen very often, but you need to be ready for it if it does. You should definately take the reduced CD on leap. As for close quarters you should take at least one point into it. Speaking personally I prefer two points as I often use it as a zero range interrupt or focus builder. It's an extremely versatile skill. As for getting used to it, I would recommend just practising with it for a week or two. Once you are used to it, it's arguably easier to use than combat, as the "rotation" or priority sequence if more or less the same in any situation. Whereas combat is more like if X is true do Y, otherwise do Z.
  13. If you are running combat then there is no doubt about it. DW is a must imo. Aside from the increased damage, where else will the points go? Going 2 points into jedi crusader is a waste so you will have to drop at least 2 points into DW mastery anyway. And if you go into it at all, you might as well go the whole way. But even for watch, I find DW mastery is worth the points. It flat out increases your baseline damage.
  14. All the specs listed so far have the basic "good" spec, and then there are 6 or so talent points which are more or less optional. There is no right or wrong place to put them, except what you happen to prefer. Imflammation, focused leap, defensive roll, insight, jedi crusader (1 point), focused persuit, force fade or the one or two points into close quarters. People can and will argue all day long as to what is the best, but honestly it mainly comes down to how you like to roll it.
  15. Cautarize doesn't stack. Although having the cooldown refreshed is good so that you can reapply after the 6s dot expires, especially if you use imflammation. To the person not using dispatch: Fail fail fail... It can and will hit almost as hard as merc. And it has a 10m range, or 15m range with pvp gear and only costs a total of 2 focus. Truly sick skill, and I really hope you have your names mixed up!
  16. The fact that this thread is being taken seriously would explain why most of the maras on my server suck...
  17. Reasons why maras/sents are the best in pvp: 1. We hit like a run away train. I suspect that when combat logs/damage meters arrive there will be a lot more crying about our damage if given enough uptime. If you don't hit hard you are playing it wrong. 2. It is almost impossible to kite us. With the vast amount of tools we have, if you get kited a lot you are doing it wrong. 3. Our defensive cooldowns are awesome. Only tank specs have better and they have to sacrifice too much to get it. We are far from being squishy or fragile. 4. We have two very powerful CC's. Choke/stasis is channeled, but if you go anni/watchman then you are going tons of damage to them thru all of it. Awe/mara equiv is sick! Aside from obviously juggs/guardians no one else can CC 5 people at once. Five!!! I have frequently killed five people at once with a well timed aoe CC on a bunch of people going thru a fire pit. Who else can do that? 5. We have a sprint we can pass on to our party. And we have a +15% damage/healing buff to our party. Both of which are unique to us, and very very powerful. 6. We have insane interrupting abilities, as anni/watch it's literally the best in the game. Ask any sorc/sage what it's like having a anni/watch spec mara/sent on them. 7. We have a -20% healing debuff. Which will root if carnage/combat. Again unique to us and very powerful. This ability will assure maras/sents a place in rateds if nothing else. 8. We have a vanish. This ability is borderline op. Truly awesome defensive and offensive skill. That's most of what I can think of. Maras/sents have a high skill threshold and are quite gear dependant but utterly own it in pvp. I just hope we dont get nerfed... Sounds like the OP should go play BH or something.
  18. Watchman does not favour crit. It has a base of 15-21% crit added to it's burns thru talents, and has an autocrit mechanic from zen. So power+surge is win.
  19. Power would be the better imo, it's hard to get pure power as a choice. And stating things like "Get 400 or so points of crit" is a bit wrong, as the value of crit is highly dependant on your strength level. Someone with 1000 strength will probably need more crit points than someone with say 1800...
  20. No even abilities that "strike with both weapons" only apply 1 stack. Also master strike which hits three times only applies one stack, from what I've seen it applies one on the second strike.
  21. In theory to maximise DPS it's better to stagger your DoT applications. Ideally in such away you can keep all three overload dots rolling with your next application of OS. However in practise, especially in PvP it's best to get all your dots up and rolling asap. Watchman "burst" is basically get all your dots up, pop zen/relics/adrenals as soon as the third OS stack goes on, merc, then stasis. On someone without def CDs up, guards and heals this will melt most of their HP. Frequently putting them in dispatch range.
  22. When you are levelling it's hard to get to decent levels of anything. Add in the stat bolster effect in warzones and generally the best thing is to just wear the highest item level stuff you can. I.E. Keep your gear as close to your own level as possible, and choose a balance of stats. Don't "stack" anything to excess
  23. No one expects sents to be buffed unless they suck at it. 819k is a lot of damage, but 730k healing? Without the healing debuff in warzones that'd be over a million... Nerf sorc healers?
  24. No you can't. The secondary stats are actually split up further still into secondary and tertiary. If you look at mods. Generally speaking they will have your primary stat (Str), endurance and a secondary stat. This secondary will be crit or power for us. Others include def rating and absorb but I could be wrong on that as I don't pay much attention to those. Then enhancements generally will have endurance, a secondary and a tertiary. You wont get two secondaries, which means no enhancements with power+crit. Tertiary stats are: Accuracy, surge, alacrity and I think shield rating. Basically on an enhancement the "big" number will be a tertiary stat and the smaller number will be a secondary. There are exceptions to this, like I think there's an enhancement with power, crit and something like shield rating. But the power/crit values are very very small. I think the equivilent to having one secondary stat on it, but split in half between power and crit. Long story short, for enhancements you can have: Power+accuracy (Which you probly have an entire bag full of) Power+surge (Can be ripped from Scoundrel gear) Crit+surge (Battle - a few of our bits have this in) Crit+accuracy (I have no idea why anyone would want these)
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