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Everything posted by Shlamorel

  1. I agree with you completely that this game feels extremely "secretive" or uninformative about things in general. I try not to let my experience with past games affect my perception of this one though. I am used to more information from devs in other games I played but they have selected this method for whatever reason. It is odd and I don't prefer it, but as long as I'm enjoying the game I suppose I'll keep logging in =]
  2. I don't personally see a big problem with people having lots of WH gear once they hit 50. I think the idea of being on a level playing field gear wise is more fun than haphazard gear advantages - that way the difference between two teams comes down to skill and strategy. I know many disagree with this mindset, and I'm ok with that.
  3. Shlamorel

    Sorcs in PvP....

    Ha, i know the devs rarely comment on threads, but I've seen a few rare exceptions so I figure asking politely may get it done. I don't use the pvp 4 pc bonus currently because of the necessity of having healing trance on a shorter cooldown through the 2 pc pve bonus. However, once I farm enough commendations I do plan to have a 2nd pvp set just for the pvp 4 piece. The pvp 4 piece is useful when I need to mitigate incoming damage, but 2pc pvp/2pc pve I seems more effective when Im not getting attacked and need to heal allies for long periods of time without running out of force. Anywho, it's a shame you gave up on the class if you enjoyed it. I'm 95 rank valor, and I agree that we definitely have a lot of squishiness issues right now. Much (not all) of this can be overcome with defensive statting. But yes I do think some survivability tweaks could be useful. One thing that really hurt us is the patch where they fixed the noble sacrifice bug as well as changing the effect of conveyance. I totally am ok with the bug fix - I don't want to be good because of a bugged mechanic. I think, however, they should have fixed the sacrifice bug and see how much that affected us before simultaneously changing conveyance. I think we were OP pre 1.2, I just don't see the logic of fixing a bug and changing conveyance.... Why not just fix the bug and see if that would achieve their desired effect? If after they fixed the bug they still felt conveyance needed to be changed, I'd be ok with that.
  4. As a healing sage I stack defense on a secondary set of gear for when I do rateds or for when I'm in a match and getting focused by marauders/juggs. Players with lots of accuracy would actually own me, so I hope more people keep avoiding this stat I have up to 22% defense rating on my sage. I just swap in 2 defense relics and a defense belt (with defense augments) if I notice mid warzone I'm getting focused a lot.
  5. I'm pretty sure the group finder tool avoids teaming you with players on your ignore list. Does the same work with warzones? If not, would you be in favor or against this mechanic? Could be a useful way of making sure you don't get paired with quitters or other players you'd rather not play with.
  6. Shlamorel

    Defense Medals

    I agree. I think it's better to reward the few true defenders even if it helps some players justify giving up early. I think taking the medals out just to punish quitters, while that would be a good thing, is not worth punishing the true node defenders. In other words, I'd rather reward a few selfless players and quitters than reward neither selfless defenders nor quitters. It stinks but maybe they can find way to do reward defenders but not quitters.
  7. Regarding sucky recruit gear: It's going to get worse. The devs announced that the next tier of weapons in pvp will be released weeks if not months before the next tier of armor... So dmg output from the high geared players will be even worse on people in recruit gear.
  8. I'm in favor of anything that gives fresh 50s a better shot at doing well in PvP. As someone who has had full WH for a very very long time now, I have no problems making it easier for others to get the same gear. I want us to have fun winning because of skill and strategy, not because I happened to buy the game before someone else. Heck, I'd be fine with eliminating stat superiority altogether, but that's a topic for a different thread. I wonder if the current system is stopping SWTOR from retaining some of its newer subscribers. I could understand if a fresh level 50 tried PvP and thought the game was not fun, and therefore unsubscribed.
  9. Shlamorel

    Republic PvP

    The Republic wins on Fatman a lot. Sometimes we rock. Sometimes we suck. Sometimes matches are close. It all evens out in the end, but we definitely have a good Republic representation here (at least based on my wz record). I queue solo a lot and have met some really skilled PVP players on the Pub side.
  10. if you look at the game's record so far, it seems their departments are a bit more compartmentalized due to it being such a large organization. It seems that someone from one department isn't really in everyday contact with the other departments. This isn't inherently bad in itself. If you're a huge company I imagine this is the nature of the beast. It can certainly be bad if companies don't handle it right though. Whether or not EA is handling it well is up for debate and not my place to say one way or another
  11. Shlamorel

    Sorcs in PvP....

    I still play my healer sage. I enjoy the class in terms of lore as well as play style. It can be quite difficult in warzones where I am getting focus fired especially in rateds... But if I am playing with a tank we can usually manage to overcome this. I've also found that statting and gearing for survivability over output had been very helpful. That being said, there are a few things I'd love to hear dev responses on. Please note I am asking these questions from a perspective of seeing how devs came to their vision of how a sage healer would operate, and what the difference between a good sage and a bad sage would be. I am not implying we are a weak or broken spec. 1. Do the devs believe a healer should be able to live against 1 dps indefinitely? In other words, should 1 healer vs 1 dps be a stalemate, a toss up, or..?) if both are fully geared and of equal skill? 2. In what types of situations did/does the developer envision a good use for the "Egress" talent? 3. Did the devs consider giving the "health for resource" mechanic (noble sacrifice) to a healer with medium or heavy armor? Or did they have a particular reason for giving this mechanic to the light armor healer? 4. Could the devs explain how they envisioned our mobility survival mechanics synergising with our lack of instant abilities? (we have many abilities suggesting we are intended to kite enemies (force speed, confound, force slow) yet we lack the ability to do much while we are moving since we have few instant abilities). 5. Do the devs feel that releasing the next tier of pvp weapons before releasing the next tier of pvp armor is going to further balance the game? (weapons being released before srmor is confirmed). Are you releasing them early because you feel the damage being done is in need of a buff compared to the mitigation our armor is doing? 6. Is the balance philosophy of the swtor devs that balance should be done in a paper-rock-scissors manner or a blanket manner? Thanks in advance if a dev is willing to answer some of these I'm interested to see the conception of the Seer Sage.
  12. I definitely support this idea for all warzones... but especially for Huttball. Good suggestion, OP. While we're at it, it'd be really cool if they had an event where the Hutts held a Huttball tournament or something.
  13. Well, if the scoundrel could do that combo of moves to every opponent, yes it'd be unfair. However, you listed most of their major cool down being used in your example (dirty kick, flash grenade, disappearing act). I hate getting banked by scoundrels just as much as you... But if he uses all of his cooldowns against you, I think it's fair that he has the upper hand in winning (no pun intended). He can't do that combo of attacks on every opponent. Sometimes an unlucky person just gets to deal with a scoundrel with all his cooldowns. It stinks but it can't happen too often.
  14. Of course the damage is terrible. As a healer, I am not really concerned with doing much dps. Rather than sit and regen force when the health of my comrades is full, I can swing my saber and regen a bit of extra force. The damage done is a bonus =]
  15. I think theme-park games attract a wider range of players... but I think sandbox games attract a more long-standing customer base. Both have attractive pros and cons when you consider them from a business perspective (as a company would do when making this decision). Personally, I'd love to return to the sandbox days of Yore, but I just don't know if companies will ever return to them. I hope they do, but until then, I'm learning to adapt to the current gaming market.
  16. If you come to the server "The Fatman", my name is Shlamorel. Send me a tell! I already have a lot of alts past low level, but I'd be more than happy to do warzones with you and stuff like that on my alts Anyone who is level 10-49 can queue up together, so there is always that. I'm also willing to answer any questions you may have (if you're a new player). I love helping new people learn the mechanics of a game. Seriously, I do. Feel free to send me a tell. I play quite often. Hope you find what you're looking for
  17. I haven't had that experience at all In fact, it truly seems like I almost get 1, 1, 1, 1 before they start over and I get a duplicate warzone. That stinks about your luck though, I really love Huttball so I'd be sad
  18. I don't find it that big of a deal so long as it's vanity options. People can get the vanity item before me if they want to spend real life money on it... I enjoy gaining credits through crafting/trade so I don't really mind if I get a vanity item (like a white crystal) slower since I'm not willing to spend RL money on it.
  19. I agree that it is quite pricey... I think he was just trying to point out that there are options in-game right now. We can either continue to deal with the hustle back to fleet for the GTN, or we can drop the credits on the ship's GTN. Neither may be our 1st choice, but 'tis better than no choice at all (for the record, I'd be down with a port to ship... but 'til then I've purchased the travel perks to help out).
  20. You can edit your UI and move your portrait/buffs to a location on the screen that you look at the most, that way looking for the buff is no extra effort. I tend to position my portrait so that my buffs are displayed right above my 1st quickbar - this makes looking at cooldowns on my abilities a 2-in-1 with checking my procs. It works well given the lack of addon options to monitor procs.
  21. Ilum is still there... I was able to fight 10 separate Imperials on the PvP/western side of Ilum just last night while I was getting the 5 stacks of the valor buff. I usually play around out there between warzones to get maximum valor. Some nights (like last night) you run into people 1v1 or 2v1 a lot, at least on The Fatman. I actually have a ton of fun doing this. It can be really fun if you bring a buddy or two, and run into multiples... then it can deteriorate into bigger skirmishes which is just so much fun
  22. you've resurrected two very old and out-of-date threads so far that I've seen related to finding a server. Are you trying to promote that particular website you keep linking? I believe that is a punishable offense. I'm just giving you an honest heads up; it doesn't bother me either way. I just notice you keep posting that link in threads that haven't been active in months...
  23. My apologies guys - I totally read the entire OP (well, apparently not) and didn't see that he mentioned ranked. Sorry >< Total derp moment.
  24. Corso with less pleeeease! (BTW I'm totally grateful for all the one's you've done so far. This thread rocks. Corso is my first choice for a male romance option by far in this game - but only with the customization you used in this picture.
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