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Everything posted by Shlamorel

  1. Aye! I am not the gaming hardware expert, but I believe console games in general have technological advantages that allow better graphics than a PC, no? I guess in my mind I've always separated MMO graphics from console graphics, so from an MMO mindset, I really enjoy the screenshots I've seen so far. Can't wait to see for myself!
  2. The screenshots I've seen look phenomenal. Are you comparing the graphics to a specific game? I only ask because it may be a difference in what we are comparing SWTOR's graphics to.
  3. Shlamorel

    Empire Zergfest

    I love you, DeathKorps. I'm really not joking. I love reading your posts, they make me warm and fuzzy in many places.
  4. I think the hybrid possibilities in SWTOR are promising, especially early on. I hope end-game content being introduced doesn't kill it, but I definitely see it being viable for launch and a while thereafter.
  5. Nice suggestion, thanks. I'll consider that for sure.
  6. Cool thanks for the tip. Will putting only a handful of points into Telikentics then switching to Seer not harm you in the long-run though? As you progress through tiers - you'd be further behind on abilities that may be game-changing, no? (delay getting healing trance, rejuv, etc.)?
  7. Hi all, Can anyone who got an invite in the LAST wave today confirm what date the entered their pre-order code? Note: this isn't the same thing as the day you pre-ordered - it's when you actually entered the code. For what it's worth, I'm not one of those that's upset - I'm just eager (but patiently waiting). I am trying to guesstimate when I might expected an email based on the dates that were invited in the last wave today. Thanks in advance =]
  8. Agree with Phantom - thank you so much for all the helpful replies. I can't remember the last time I posted on forums of a certain other game and didn't have at least one rude troll. I enjoy healing so this will just make me more excited to put my points into Seer. Thanks again!
  9. Hi all, I didn't get to play Beta so I had a question for anyone who did (or who is in-game now and will be approaching advanced classes soon). What is leveling like as a Seer? Obviously, I would expect to do less damage than other specs. I plan on being a Seer regardless of the answer, but I'm hoping to figure out if I need to make sure I try to group up with my guildmates (who are all DPS) to accomplish things quicker, or if I can cover the same amount of ground at a comparable rate flying solo? I'm not asking if I can zoom through content as a healer. I'm just curious, on a scale from 1 to 10, how comparable we are with others in speed of questing/instancing/killing things solo (with 1 being so unbearably slow, and 10 being equal speed as a DPS spec). Thanks for any insight in advance!
  10. I'm excited too! I haven't got an invite and I'm fine with that. I prefer the stagger method... they are rewarding people who signed up long ago, and that's how it should be. I probably won't even get in until the 15th because I pre-ordered so late... but I'm still excited about this game! Be excited people, it's a game! The entire stagger process was outlined in all of the information provided when we pre-ordered, so nothing should be a surprise to anyone. See y'all in a galaxy far far away!
  11. There are lots of people who aren't in the game yet who already have a spot reserved. That is the whole point of the pre-launch guild thing... I am not trying to be rude when I say this - just helpful - but did you not read all of the information about pre-order/pre-launch etc.? They are just barely scratching the surface with invites, and guilds that were pre set-up already have dedicated spaces for them. That's why it's showing up as "full". They also stated that this service will end by (or shortly after) launch... therefore all the people who may have signed up but moved to a different server will be deleted from the server registry, and therefore open up TONS of space of people who didn't go to the server they were assigned. Everything will be fine. Go enjoy the game! (I'm not in yet but can't wait )
  12. 1. They started invites earlier than they said they would (pre-order said up to 5 days early - this is 8 days early). 2. SWTOR has 4million pre-order/subscribers... staggered invites are a very smart idea to ensure a smooth launch. First impressions are huge and I don't think they will want to make mistakes past games have at launch (again, if you compare to Rift, keep in mind this has way more subscribers). 3. People who pre-ordered the earliest get earliest invites. I haven't even got an invite yet but I think that is very fair. People who put money into the game way before a lot of information was known (i.e., people loyal to the Star Wars brand) will get first dibs... as they should.
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